After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Wakagi Ryo successfully sent Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan away, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Go upstairs and coax the cat.

The tabby in the yard is easy to coax, and will show its belly if you give it something delicious.

The big cat upstairs has been autistic for almost two days, and its first reaction when it sees him is to turn its butt towards him.

Not only Jingguang the cat, but also Matsuda the dog has been sulking for two days.

The reason for the broken window is easy to explain, cats and dogs fighting, or passing naughty kids throwing stones, etc., there are a lot of reasons if you think of it casually.

But the bullet marks on the floor can never be hidden from the two former police officers.

In addition, there were external members monitoring this place for a few days, so Wakamura Ryo didn't dare to let them come back that day, and asked Fat Orange to pass on the message, so the two of them had to stay in the studio for a while.

Wakamura Ryo was not too worried when Amuro Toru climbed the window in the middle of the night, after all, he was a cheater and had the protection of the protagonist's halo.

However, Matsuda and Jingguang were very popular, but their haloes were the kind of people who were suspended for arrears, otherwise they would not have been young in the original work and received box lunches.

After the surveillance personnel outside withdrew with great difficulty, Wakamura Ryo followed Amuro Toru to Tsukikage Island.

Jingguang cat and Matsuda dog returned home and saw that the house was empty, but there were two bullet holes on the floor. After studying the bullet holes, they found that they were still military sniper rifles, and they were furious on the spot.

However, Matsuda did not become a spirit, and the mask that Wakamura Ryo made for Jingguang before was disposable.

Without the means of concealment, Zhufu Jingguang could not go out with his true face when the members of the organization were wandering around.

The two furry friends waited anxiously at home for two days, until the evening of the third day, when they saw the half-dead Ryo Wakamura coming home (sequelae of seasickness).

Matsuda was resting at the door of the bedroom, and when he heard Ryo Wakamura's footsteps, he lifted his eyelids and looked at him.

Woof~ [Jingguang is not angry with you, he is just blaming himself for not being able to protect you. ]

Ryo Wakamura smiled and rubbed Matsuda's forehead.

"I know."

[What should I do to turn back into a human form? ]

"I don't know, and it's not because of the blood. I tried it before and it didn't work. I'm still confused. Come on, Matsuda, I was counting on you to teach me boxing, I've been beaten up so badly these days."

[Oh, I want to smoke. ]

The dog sighed melancholy, and the airflow blew the curly bangs on his forehead trembled, staring at Ryo Wakamura without blinking.

Jingguang is not the only one who blames himself.

If I can turn back into human form...


Haigo Town, safe house

Are all the people here? In addition to Vodka, who has always been inseparable from Gin, Bourbon and Rye, who have always been alone, are also here.

Is it a team building at the distillery today? Although there is a bit too much water mixed in.

Wakagi Ryo closed the door and couldn't help but look towards Amuro Toru and Akai Shuichi several times.

Fight! Fight!

"I heard from Bourbon that your fighting training is progressing well."

Gin extinguished the cigar in his hand and said coldly to Wakagi Ryo.

Wakagi Ryo's mouth twitched. In terms of fighting training, from just being beaten at the beginning, to now being able to take time to fight back a few punches in between being beaten, and then being beaten for a longer time.

In a sense, the progress is indeed not bad.

"But his shooting is terrible."

To be precise, it's not his shooting that's terrible, it's the gun in his hand.

No matter what the gun was like before it got his hands, after it got his hands, it would explode again and again, and none of them could survive until the end of the training.

"The body of Tsukawa Hideji was found yesterday morning. It is said that the cause of death given by the police was cardiac arrest caused by myocardial fiber tearing and cardiac bleeding. In layman's terms, he was scared to death. Kid, is this your new trick?"

Wakagi Ryo blinked, looking confused.

He looked like he didn't understand what you were talking about.

Akai Shuichi leaned against the wall, looking at the boy in front of him with his eyes sank.

Another tricky guy?

"Huh, bad taste."

Gin pulled up the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that could scare Conan to tears.

"It just so happens that Black Rye, you've been very free lately, haven't you? I'll give you the second assessment task for this kid. Kid, I'll personally 'supervise' your third task. Before that, your marksmanship and fighting skills must meet the standards, otherwise...

I won't be as soft-hearted as Bourbon."

Wakagi Ryo:...

What a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Gin doesn't trust Dai Moroboshi, who joined the organization as Akemi Miyano's boyfriend, nor does he trust Ryo Wakagi, who was recommended by Vermouth. But one is a formal code member, and the other has a woman favored by the boss behind her. It's hard to deal with either of them directly.

So why not just put them together in the name of the assessment task, so that whoever has problems can be sent away directly?

Tsk, should I say this is an amazing intuition for mice? Mouse catcher Jin Kurosawa?

"I'll work hard, what's my second mission?"

"Within a month, raise 1 billion yen in funds. I don't care whether you rob or blackmail, there's no limit to the method. If you fail and are caught by the police, Rye will be responsible for sending you away."

Wakagi Ryo:...

"Well, the money before wasn't..."

"That was the money that vodka brought back. "

The big guy in black proudly puffed out his chest when he heard his elder brother mention him.

Wakagi Ryo glared at Gin and Vodka with his crescent eyes. You asked Akemi Miyano to rob 1 billion yen when she wanted to take Shirley out of the organization. You also asked me to get 1 billion yen when I was undergoing the regularization assessment.

Is 1 billion yen a strange unit of measurement for you?

Okay, you have a big fist and you are so stupid.

On the other side, Toru Amuro looked at Wakagi Ryo with a worried look.

Oh, that's right. At this time, Toru Amuro didn't seem to know that Shuichi Akai was an undercover agent of the FBI. He just thought he was a loyal dog of the Black Organization and forced his childhood friend's enemy to death.

However, even if he knew later that Shuichi Akai was an undercover agent like himself, it would not affect Toru Amuro's fight with Shuichi Akai when they met.

"Then I'll go back and check some information. How do I address you as senior? "

Ryo Wakagi smiled and talked to Shuichi Akai, his eyes intentionally or unintentionally glancing at the knitted hat on his head.

Shuiichi still had long hair at this time, and his hair volume was comparable to Gin's, but Gin's hair length was better.

"Call me Moroboshi outside."

"My name is Kurosawa Ryo, please give me more advice in the next period of time."

Gin's death gaze almost burned Ryo Wakagi's back.

Hot knowledge, Gin's real name is Kurosawa Jin.

There are only 5.5 people in the organization who know Ryo Wakagi's identity. Gin, Vodka, Vermouth, Amuro Toru and "that gentleman". Rum, as the head of the intelligence department, may also know, so he is counted as half a person.

The next few times he entered and exited the safe house, he was disguised as a baby face, and those peripheral members who had been stalking near his home did not associate the newcomer to the organization with Ryo Wakagi's identity.

In addition, Ryo Wakagi clearly It is indeed because he does not want to give up his public identity, so in front of Akai Shuichi, Gin called him a little devil, without revealing his real name.

But he never thought that the little devil Wakagi Ryo would use the pseudonym "Kurosawa Ryo" in front of him.

Vermouth, this damn woman.

Gin's face was gloomy, and murderous aura was released one after another. The temperature of the entire safe house dropped by about 3 degrees without turning on the air conditioner.

It can be said to be a human-shaped temperature regulator that is essential for home travel.

Wild rye

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