Got it, so the whole story is like this.

First, Chianti was stabbed by a lot of crazy knives again after a long time, so he was furious and decided to kill the cartoonist offline. He got the address of Wakaki Ryo from the publisher with a sniper rifle. After all, he was a code member of the Black Organization. Although the atmosphere was a little bit set most of the time, he obviously had this ability.

As a result, the sniper rifle attracted the attention of Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was also a sniper, and went out to investigate the situation.

Indoor security -1.

Then, she lost her beauty sleep and was forced to drive for several hours at night to the door of the doctor's house. Sister Bei, who was squatting to check on her godson, was angry and decided to teach Sangria, who was messing with people's mentality, a little lesson.

So she used anesthetics to knock out a group of small animals in the yard, and was hit by Matsuda when she was about to break into the house illegally.

Matsuda barked and chased after the disguised Bei Jie. Indoor security was -1 again

In addition, there was an arsonist who was said to have a magical accelerant.

This accelerant was probably an old acquaintance, right?

Hagiwara Kenji had to save his manuscripts and cats and dogs, and the fire in the house could not be put out for some metaphysical reasons...

So this arsonist who happened to find a big leak left the scene safely after burning the house.

Wakagi Ryo:...

After all this trouble, why does it seem like it's my own fault?

Wakagi Ryo silently took out his mobile phone and called Gin.

"The comics may be discontinued for a month or two."

"... If you want to die, you can use a more direct way, not so roundabout."

Gin's obviously depressed voice came from the other end of the phone, and Wakagi Ryo had a smile on his face and a pitiful mouth.

"But my house just burned down, and all my manuscripts are gone."

Gin: ? ? ?

The little lunatic has intermittent attacks, but his fighting power is not low at all. Who could burn down his house? Did the FBI, CIA and the police go to his house for team building?

"It's all Chianti's fault. If she hadn't been hanging around my house with a sniper rifle in the middle of the night, how could an ordinary arsonist burn down my house?"

Gin, who was in safe house No. 3, frowned and gave Vodka a look.

The diligent driver immediately called Chianti.

Three minutes later, Vodka hung up the phone with a sad face, and nodded to Gin with despair, indicating that what Sangria said was true.

Gin: ...

"Call her back... train her more!"

Gin gritted his teeth and spat out this sentence, feeling his forehead throbbing with pain.

These codename members are really all idle, right?

After successfully accusing Chianti of his crimes, Wakamura Ryo hung up the phone.

Although Vermouth's "merit" was obviously greater in this matter, after all, Vermouth was the lifesaver of the original body, so it's not easy to catch Vermouth and fight her.

I'll continue to torment Conan in a few days.

There's a saying that goes, a son pays for a mother's debt, right?

On the panel, Hagiwara Kenji kept refreshing the screen, and from time to time there were several messages received. The emotional values ​​of Jingguang and Matsuda who were on their way back, Wakamura Ryo suddenly felt that he was not that angry.

However, the arsonist still needs to be dealt with!

Wakagi Ryo returned to his burned home and kicked open the slightly deformed door of his studio. Because he often researched things that were not suitable for others to see in his studio, he chose the basement of the house as his workshop. After a fire, this was the best preserved place in the whole house.


Conan and Hattori stayed up all night, looking up all the cases related to the arsonist, and vowed to find the criminal in the shortest time.

Wakagi's condition yesterday was really scary. Conan and Hattori were a little worried out of their detective intuition. Wakagi Ryo was so angry that he killed him with a knife after finding the criminal.

"Hey, Hattori, after finding the arsonist, remember to stop Wakagi."

Conan lay on the table, rummaging through the case materials he had obtained from his number one disciple, Takagi.

Hattori Heiji: = =

"Kudo, you think too highly of me, even though I've practiced kendo, I was knocked down in a second when Wakamu-kun threw a smoke bomb."

Hattori Heiji drank a large cup of coffee to refresh himself.

"You don't want to be hung up by him and pickled by smoke bombsThree days and three nights or something like that."

Conan fantasized for a second, then shuddered.

"No, no, no, although I'm very sleepy late at night, don't tell me such a scary story to wake me up!"

"Okay, okay, I think compared to this woman, this Genda is more suspicious. Let's go to his address tomorrow to check."

Early the next morning

Conan and Hattori Heiji came to the gate of Kudo's house. With the luck of the protagonist's halo, they successfully intercepted Wakaki Ryo who was carrying a bag and holding a Border Collie and was about to go out.

"Wakaki, you..."

Wakaki Ryo glanced at the two detectives and smiled, "You came at the right time. I'm going to talk about life with the arsonist. "

The Border Collie held the rope in its mouth and stood quietly aside. After several people finished talking, it turned around and trotted to lead the way. It sniffed the smell on the street from time to time and communicated with the cats and dogs that randomly refreshed on the street.

When Sister Bei threw the anesthetic last night, this Border Collie was sneaking into the kitchen from the back door and trying to steal snacks. Therefore, it successfully escaped and was not knocked down by the anesthetic.

Then it was the first to discover the red horse left by the criminal at the scene, and it remembered the smell of the arsonist.

Conan and Hattori silently put the information they had checked all night back into their pockets.

Three people A dog finally stopped in front of a horrible house.

Why is this house horrible?

Imagine that there are all kinds of scratches on the walls and door panels, and a pile of dead mice is piled up at the door. Each mouse has countless wounds on its body. It can be seen that they must have suffered a lot of cruel abuse in their lives.

The glass of the window was broken. Looking through the broken position, the wooden floor inside was covered with the excrement of small animals.

The stray dogs hid in every corner around the house, and each of them looked fierce.

There were many agile cats on the roof, howling hoarsely-- Although there are many cats with sweet voices, there are also many with hoarse voices. At least the ones howling on the roof of the arsonist's house are the hoarse voices of the hoarse voices.

If you hear this kind of cat cry suddenly in the middle of the night, you will definitely think of this kind of horror urban legend related to cats.

Not to mention that this is an ensemble.

Conan, who has absolute pitch, feels numb all over.

I don't know if these cats are doing it on purpose, but the ups and downs of their howling sound especially like the BGM used in funeral homes.

The owner of the house obviously doesn't want to sit there and wait for death, so he wears a raincoat and raincoats. Boots was fully armed, and holding a long mop in his hand, he wanted to drive away the troublesome little animals.

Before he could wave the mop, the dogs hiding in the corner suddenly rushed out fiercely and bit off the wooden pole of the mop.

The ferocious bite scared the arsonist so much that he rolled and crawled back to his house.

Conan/Hattori: ...

What a pitiful arsonist, these stray cats and dogs are so vengeful.

Wakagi Ryo touched the head of the Bian Mu at his feet and explained a few words.

The Bian Mu tilted his head and stuck out his tongue, with a face that said, "I don't understand what you are saying, I'm just a simple dog~"

"Three snacks."

"Woof! "Deal."

The bribed Border Collie roared seamlessly into the house, and soon, the small animals ambushing around the house appeared next to Ryo Wakuragi.

Conan and Hattori couldn't help but take two steps back.

Everywhere they looked, there were small animals with green eyes and fierce teeth bared. Especially now that it was still a little dark, this scene looked a little creepy.

After confirming that all the small animals had gathered, Ryo Wakuragi took out several spheres that were very familiar to Conan and Hattori from his bag.

Conan/Hattori: !!!!

The two famous detectives immediately rolled and crawled away for more than ten meters, and Hattori tried to stop Ryo Wakuragi's brutal behavior.

"That, Brother Wakuragi, this amount will definitely, definitely kill people! "

After being tormented by the little animals for so long, he was finally suffocated to death by the smoke bomb. For a moment, Hattori Heiji wanted to shed tears of sympathy for the arsonist.

Why did you offend Wakaki-ge?

Wakaki Ryo and the little animals on the ground turned their heads to look at him.

Hattori Heiji was stared at by countless pairs of green eyes and immediately became cowardly:

"Well done, Wakaki-ge, he deserves it! Suffocate him to death! I support you! ! "

Conan: ...Can you still be more promising, Hattori Heiji?times? Show your usual sense of justice, this is a lynching!

Hattori Heiji understood Conan's look and glared back with confidence.

[If you can do it, go ahead! ]

Conan: [I'll go ahead! ]

"Brother Ruomu, smoke him to death!!!"

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