Wakagi Ryo tilted his ears, and after hearing the familiar explosion in the alley, he withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

Not bad, not bad. Although there is a delay when backstabbing others, the attack is still as ruthless as always.

Facts have proved that when a cheater doesn't want to fight head-on and only wants to run away, you really have no way to stop him.

Although Vodka started as steady as always, at the beginning, even if Akai Shuichi played with the Chevrolet in front of him, he still didn't get thrown away.

Gin originally wanted to pick up a few cars this time, so he naturally wouldn't be so crazy as to carry Barrett and other things with him. In addition to his beloved Beretta, which he never leaves, there are no more weapons in the car.

And the car driven by Akai Shuichi must not be an ordinary Chevrolet. Bulletproof modification is a basic operation.

Therefore, although Gin aimed at the car in front and fired several shots, it did not achieve very good results.

The car's route was getting more and more off-track, until it drove near a narrow mountain road, and Akai Shuichi began to perform an inhuman performance relying on his halo.

On a narrow, sharp-turning mountain road, Akai Shuichi opened the car's sunroof, then stuck a bomb on the back of the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed to the maximum, and at the same time as the car rushed out of the mountain road, he bounced out of the sunroof, turned in the air and accurately shot through the sunroof and hit the explosive on the driver's seat.

In the Porsche behind, Ruomu Liang, who was driving the live broadcast room the whole time, just wanted to do a single 6 for this series of operations.

According to the original plan, Akai Shuichi could completely use the momentum of the explosion to directly cross the entire rugged mountain road and fall into the woods below.

The mountain road here is a one-way street, and the place where he chose to jump out of the car is exactly halfway up the mountain, which is an awkward place where he can neither go up nor down. Even if Vodka's reaction was fast enough and he was not affected by the explosion because of his series of actions, he had to stop chasing if he wanted to be safe.

When the explosion was over, the Porsche drove through this one-way street, turned around in front and chased again. Such a long time was enough for Akai Shuichi to escape safely.

Although he faced the explosion directly, he was protected by the halo and the protective clothing he had put on in advance, so he was only slightly injured at most.

As for how he was able to change clothes while racing with Vodka.

Don't ask, if you ask, it's cheating.

The original plan was like this.

Ruo Mu Liang narrowed his eyes, concentrated his mental power, and looked at Akai Shuichi in the air.

Unfortunately, I thought that when Gin and Rye met, there would be a fierce fight. In order to prevent being stabbed in the back by the flying bullets, I gave Teacher Judy a -80 in advance.

Otherwise, if this scene was thrown to Akai Shuichi, he might see Rye in mid-air, with nowhere to lean on, and the car door panels were blown into a pancake shape.

Tsk, what a pity!

Wakagi Ryo opened the small map, followed the precise navigation on the map, and threw two fire explosions with Rye's Chevrolet as the coordinates.

There was gasoline in the car, and it was reasonable that the gasoline leaked and caused a secondary explosion.

Akai Shuichi in mid-air: !!!

He swore with his sniper's eyesight that he definitely saw the strange orange fire on the car just now.

Then, after the first wave of explosions, there was another more violent explosion. In the flames that shot up into the sky, a dark figure could be seen faintly, like a kite with a broken string, spinning and falling into the forest below.

Ruo Mu Liang opened the live broadcast room and took a look. Good, he was not dead.

I can continue to pull him out next time.

Vodka stepped on the brake with a confused look on his face, blinking and looking at the forest with flames flashing directly below, with doubts written all over his big head.

Rye, because he knew he couldn't escape, he simply committed suicide?

Can the deterrent power of the big brother actually kill people invisibly?

Big brother is awesome!


He had a gloomy face, and he also looked at the forest below in silence for a long time, and then snorted heavily. He didn't think Akai Shuichi would die so easily.

I let you escape this time, next time, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!

Gin turned around with full of aura, and the hem of his windbreaker raised a silky arc in the air. With the faintly burning forest below, a screenshot would be a great poster.

The next second,

"Aka! Well! Shu! One!"

Gin looked at the big dent on the hood of his beloved Porsche caused by the flying Chevrolet wreckage, and his whole body was burning black.gloomy flames.

If Akai Shuichi reappeared in front of him at this time, Gin could beat him to death with his fists even without a gun!

Vodka: !!! !!! !!!

It's over, it's over, it's over, it's dead, it's dead.

Although he had reacted immediately when Akai Shuichi blew himself up just now and stepped on the brakes hard.

But he really didn't expect the secondary explosion that followed, and he didn't expect that when the entire Chevrolet fell down the cliff, there would be a small piece of car debris that would pierce Gin's beloved car.

Ryo Wakagi looked at the Chevrolet cross logo stuck straight on the hood of the Porsche, and felt a little guilty.

It seems, it may be, maybe it's really his fault.

But... anyway, he doesn't know about Gin-chan~

"Gin, cough cough Gin-senpai, how about we go back and fix the car first?"

Gin's cold eyes turned to Wakamura Ryo, and the strong murderous aura made Wakamura Ryo instinctively get goose bumps.

Could it be that he had to fight to cool down?

Wakamura Ryo's thoughts drifted for a moment, and then for some reason he subconsciously glanced at Gin's flowing silver hair.

"Go! Go! Fix! The! Car!"

Gin gritted his teeth and said it word by word, and closed his eyes after getting in the car.

Out of sight, out of mind!

Below the cliff

Akai Shuichi climbed up with the help of a tree beside him, and couldn't help coughing up blood.

He roughly checked his condition and was optimistic. Although his internal organs had been greatly impacted, he didn't have the worst situation of broken ribs and punctured internal organs. He just needed to rest for a while.

He frowned and slowly came to the wreckage of the car that had also fallen down the cliff.

At this time, the flames around the car had slowly extinguished, revealing the horrible frame of the car.

He checked around the car.

Wait, after Judy crushed the insect-shaped tracker, it seemed that she didn't have time to throw the fragments out of the car, and they started a tense chase with the Porsche that followed closely.

And the orange-yellow light he saw in the air just now seemed to have exploded in the back seat?

Could it be that... Sangria's technology has reached this level?

Such a small volume can actually cause such a violent secondary explosion?

Akai Shuichi frowned, his face full of fear.

Wakagi Ryo, who was on the way back:?

He took a look at the emotional value from Akai Shuichi that was flashing on the panel, and was a little confused.

This guy didn't flash when he was bombed, but now he is flashing after the bombing. What does it mean? The brain circuit was blown loose, so even the emotional value will be delayed due to poor contact?

Opening the live broadcast room of Akai Shuichi, I can only see Comrade Hei Mai looking at the wreckage of the car with a serious face, as if he was thinking about something very serious.

Just, I don’t understand.

Forget it, anyway, the daily tasks are internal consumption, all kinds of red side fighting wits and courage with the air, everyone has a brain monster, if there is emotional value, it’s better not to waste it.

Today is also a day of making a lot of money, happy~


Teacher Judy, who was in a mess, limped back to the foothold and fell on the sofa with a bang.

She has never felt so unlucky.

First, she ran into Gin and Vodka on tour in the department store for no reason, and the car didn’t dare to run away.

Then she experienced a Hollywood-style car chase for no reason, and was forced to jump out of the car and escape in order not to be a burden.

As a result, it was unknown what was wrong with the unknown passerby's motorcycle. After driving into the alley, it exploded directly even though there was no bump anywhere.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, it would not only be her mobile phone and wallet that exploded along with the motorcycle.

The amazing thing is that the passerby who was knocked unconscious by her knife also experienced the motorcycle explosion, but was not hurt at all? ? ?

Motorcycles also have nationality protection? ! ! !

Isn't it ridiculous!

Judy walked for a while with pain all over her body, and then her left foot stepped into a mud pit that she didn't know where it came from. After struggling for a long time, she pulled her left foot out, but her right high heel sprained the heel again.

Judy: ...

In the end, without a mobile phone or wallet, and with one of her shoes broken and the other stuck in the mud, Judy walked back to her home on her own two legs.

Judy: Is there no one to speak up for me?

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