After leaving the underground secret room, Wakamu Liang glanced at Gin who was still alone in safe house No. 1, and turned around and walked out of the door of the safe house.

After turning around twice with the small map, he did not find any suspicious people following him, so he found a small corner to switch the professor's account and came to Jianggutian, Mr. Terai's billiard bar.

He had to come, a chatty little pigeon was trying to blow up his mobile phone memory with information.

Wakamu Liang pushed open the door of the bar, and it was no surprise that he saw two underage high school students at the side of the bar.

Kuroba Kaito was better, but Koizumi Akiko's expression was obviously a little anxious.

"Red Magic Stone..."

Wakamu Liang turned his head, "I didn't take it back, I just asked you to confirm whether it was yours."

Koizumi Akiko: ? ? ?

Are you kidding me?

"There are things you can't take back?"

Kuroba Kaito seemed to have discovered a new world, and was a little surprised for a while.

Wakagi Ryo curled his lips and said, "No matter how powerful I am, I can't withstand a nuclear bomb."

Koizumi Akiko:?!

Kuroba Kaito:?!

"No, wait, your sentence seems to contain a lot of information." Kuroba Kaito felt his head buzzing and silently sorted out his thoughts.

Wakagi Ryo took out his mobile phone and found the pattern of the magic circle that absorbed about one-tenth of the magic power that he had taken in the Twilight Annex and handed it to Koizumi Akiko.

"This magic circle seems to be a bit similar to the one you used to capture the thief before. Do you mind explaining it?"

Koizumi Akiko looked at him with strange eyes and silently drank a sip of pomegranate juice.

"Now I believe you are really innocent."

Wakagi Ryo:?

It seems that this girl shouted for war and killing the second time she saw him. Is there an additional reason?

Koizumi Hongzi closed her eyes, "Neon's magic has been passed down to this day and is divided into four factions, namely black, white, red, and green. However, except for the red magic, the other few have gradually lost their inheritance over a long period of time, and magic has become a concept that only appears in anime or light novels."

Kuroba Kaito also sat next to the two of them at this time, and very naturally took a high-foot glass and poured a cup of Coke.

"Speaking of which, can ordinary people become one of your magicians through acquired learning?"

Having worked with the professor so many times, he has been envious of some of the skills of the exclusive special effects artist for a long time.

"Hehe, ordinary people can naturally master the power of magic."

Koizumi Hongzi sneered, "Find a living magician, then kill him, and dig out the magic core in his body before his consciousness completely dissipates.

Not only can you become a magician immediately, but you can even directly learn most of the knowledge of magic inheritance through the magic core. It is definitely a shortcut to overtaking on the curve. Do you want to try it?"

Kuroba Kaito: ! ! !

"Are you... serious?"

Koizumi Hongzi snorted and turned her head away without answering.

Of course she was serious, otherwise, no matter how arrogant the witch's temper was, there was no reason to kill a stranger she had only met once.

When she saw the extremely ominous magic power on the professor, she really thought that he became a magician through this quick method, and the prophecy of "bringing disaster to the world" seemed to confirm her guess.

After all, the witch lady with a good family background could never have imagined that there would be an unlucky person from the magic side who was targeted by the heaven and even his breathing was in the shape of -80.

However, after the professor cast a magic spell that inexplicably gave her a nightmare for a month, she gradually realized that this kind of magic method did not seem to be any of the ones she knew, that is, the other party was probably just the heir of a secret school that rarely appeared in front of people.

That's right, it was because the witch lady discovered her misunderstanding of the professor that there was no subsequent entanglement.

It's not because of the nightmare that she was scared!

After watching Koizumi Hongzi's series of actions, Ruo Mu Liang wanted to applaud on the spot.

Good guy, textbook tsundere, right?

"Then your aunt..."

Koizumi Hongzi shook her head, "I haven't seen her, and I don't know where she went after she disappeared with the red magic stone. I only know that on February 9, 40 years ago, my mother suddenly inherited the magic core that originally belonged to Aunt Ayako and became the new Red Witch.

So Aunt Ayako should have died on that day."

Ruo Mu Liang knocked on the wooden tabletop of the bar with one hand. According to the original plot, 40 years ago, in HuangDuring the small auction held in the Twilight Annex, two soaked men entered the Twilight Annex under the pretext of hiding from the rain.

Afterwards, the two men distributed items that looked like cigarettes to all the participants in the auction. After smoking the cigarettes brought by the two men, the participants in the auction soon lost their minds and began to kill each other, turning the entire annex into a living hell.

But the question is, can marijuana alone cause such an effect?

"I boldly guess that the purpose of this magic circle is sacrifice?"

It is known that 40 years ago, an inexplicable tragedy occurred in the Twilight Annex, and also 40 years ago, the previous generation of the Red Witch suddenly died. In the Twilight Annex, the Red Magic Stone that disappeared with the death of Koizumi Ayako was found, and the magic circle of the Red lineage was engraved inside the annex.

In this way, the answer is obvious.

Koizumi Akiko: "Well, although I have never used this magic circle, if I am not mistaken, the main function of this magic circle is to collect the soul and flesh of the sacrificer, and it also has a certain effect of making people lose control and go crazy."

Wakagi Ryo nodded, and after getting the information for free from Koizumi Akiko, he immediately planned to get up and say goodbye.

Koizumi Akiko:? !

"Hey, you..."

Wakagi Ryo turned around and smiled elegantly.

"Miss Witch, you commissioned Kaito Kidd to help you find the family heirloom gems. What does it have to do with me, a wild magician?"

Kaito Kidd, who was listening to the story happily:? !

No way, this can also be used on me, Professor, you really feel uncomfortable if you don't trick me once every time you appear, right?

The resentful Douzi met Koizumi Akiko with an even more resentful expression, and touched his nose a little guilty.

"Um, professor..."

Ryo Wakagi grabbed Douzi's forehead and said, "Don't worry. Although I can't resist the nuclear bomb for the time being, I can still find a way to get rid of the person holding the nuclear bomb.

Give me some time, Miss Witch. I will bring this gem back within a year."

Koizumi Hongzi was relieved. Anyway, the Red Magic Stone has been missing for 40 years, so it doesn't matter if she waits for another year. The witch, who felt relieved, left the bar with the empty check given by the professor.

Ryo Wakagi looked at Koizumi Hongzi's back and smiled. It's okay. One year in the world of science is rounded to 100 million years, right?

"Okay, send a notice."

Kaito Kuroba:?

"You don't want me to send a notice to Hongzi's family, the gem whose whereabouts are still unknown, right?"

Ryo Wakagi stretched out his index finger and shook it slowly.

"I want you to challenge the famous detectives in the country and ask them to meet at the Twilight Annex."

Touzi: ...

I am so crazy about challenging the famous detectives in the country. A lingering Hakuba Detective plus the elementary school student who refreshes from time to time next door is enough!

"Although I can also post it in your name, I am too lazy to think of puzzles."

Touzi: ...

Okay, it's the familiar professor-style "choice without choice".

"Although I can already guess that you probably found the whereabouts of the gem in the Twilight Annex, I can at least ask what your purpose is."

"Of course, let the famous detectives in the country help us find out what happened that year. Detectives are professional counterparts."

By the way, pick up some emotional points.

Kuroba Kaito looked at the smile on the professor's face.

"Why do I feel that all these things you said are excuses, you just want to find a few people to play with?"

Wakagi Ryo directly agreed.

And among so many detectives, Hakuba Detective, who has been stationed in the UK for many years, has magic in his worldview.

Imagine this scene.

When a group of detectives struggled back and forth in the dusk annex that Wakaki Ryo had remodeled, and finally escaped.

Hakuba Tan (confident): This must be magic!

Conan (speechless): You seem to have that serious illness.

Isn't this scene worth looking forward to?

PS: Aoyama has set up a magical world view in "Magic Kaito", and the successors of white magic are suspected to be Kuroba Toichi and Kuroba Kaito, but because he didn't fill this hole at all, I made it up (=`ェ´=;)ゞ

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