If there is any element in Maori Kogoro's character that will never collapse, it may be the vehicle killer.

It seems that all the cars he drove out never came back intact.

No wonder Uncle Maori was blacklisted by the car rental company and could only ask other acquaintances to borrow cars.

As if it was destined, Maori Kogoro's car had a flat tire with a bang.

A nightmare for real car rental companies.

And I bet there is no spare tire on his car.

Kuroba Kaito was observing the white car not far away with a telescope in the gas station, and his expression was a little confused.

"Are you really not the kind of person who specializes in curses?"

Maori Kogoro would definitely have a flat tire, and the next second the other side really had a flat tire.

Wakagi Ryo, wearing the professor's skin, raised his eyelids and looked at him, "Why don't you get ready to work?"

He looked like a hateful slave owner.

Touzi adjusted his work hat, checked in the mirror that there was no flaw in his disguise as a passerby, and smiled as he went to greet Maori Kogoro outside the door.

Two minutes later, Maori Kogoro, who just wanted to see if he could find a spare tire at the gas station, was stripped and tied up in the bathroom.

"I don't think it's good for you to do this."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, and the bad-doing Kuroba Kaito trembled, and almost let Maori Kogoro fall headfirst into the toilet.

"Professor, scaring people will kill them, okay."

Touzi helped Maori Kogoro sit on the toilet in the bathroom, and was about to tie him up with two more ropes to fix him, but Wakagi Ryo had to speak again.

"What if he goes to the toilet?

This time, the mini-game in the annex may last about 20 hours. If you hold it in for so long, it will explode."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

Okay, it seems so.

"Then what... what do you want to do?!"

Wakagi Ryo took out a sharp-looking dagger and walked towards Maori Kogoro.


No, even if you want to get rid of him once and for all, you can't just kill him. Hey, I'm a thief, not a terrorist!

Wakagi Ryo cut the rope that bound Maori Kogoro's hands, tied his right hand behind his back, and tied his left hand in front of him, leaving a certain amount of space for movement - well, although this posture seems a bit vulgar, at least if uncle wants to go to the toilet, he should be able to rely on himself.

"By the way, your anesthetic is quite effective."

It can work on Maori Kogoro, who has such a high resistance to anesthesia, I'm afraid it's the latest model improved by the doctor.

Kuroba Kaito chuckled, and quickly changed his face in front of the mirror, and soon perfectly transformed into Maori Kogoro's appearance.

"By the way, Professor, you said you don't want to show up for the time being, then inside the Twilight Annex..."

"My child will entertain the guests well."

Of course, we have to treat everyone equally when it comes to emotional value, and we can't let go of Touzi either. It seems that the simple Kaito has not been harmed by the perverted Sangria.

"Your child... Wait, are you married? You have a child?"

Kuroba Kaito was shocked. After all, the professor looked like he was only 26 or 27 years old. He always thought that the professor was at most a brother.

So, he is already a father?

Ryo Wakaki, who had grown up a generation for nothing, looked at Kaito Kidd, who was thinking about the train.

"Is there a possibility that I picked up this child and adopted him by the way?"

"Oh, oh, that's the case, hahaha."

Kuroba Kaito touched his head and smiled a little awkwardly.

Wakagi Ryo was a little embarrassed to see Touzi using Maori Kogoro's face to make a strife-filled expression. He stretched out his hand and directly carried him to the door of the gas station, and then took a spare tire and stuffed it into his arms.

"Let's go quickly, don't let the little detective expose you before you get in the car."


Because Daizensuke was dead, naturally no one conspired with Chiken Granny to make trouble, so Kuroba Kaito and his friends didn't encounter any uninvited mountain goblin Granny on the road, and drove the car to the door of the Dusk Villa safely.

"But this villa looks really weird. It's called Dusk Villa. It's better to call it Vampire Castle."

Xiaolan: ...

She pretended to be calm and held Conan in her arms to give him courage.

Wakagi Ryo flew directly to the annex and shrugged his shoulders at the live broadcast room. Not to mention the tragedy 40 years ago, this is one of the old nests of the winery. How can it not be gloomy?

"Tsk, the owner of the annex is a bit too much.Right, the door is closed, are you going to make us all wet outside?

My old woman's body can't stand it. "

Chiken Kyouyo looked at the door of the villa with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

"Hey, Uncle Mori, and K... Conan and Xiaolan are here too."

Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha, both in school uniforms, got off the taxi one after another. Hattori approached Conan enthusiastically and said hello to Kuroba Kaito.

Kazuha fell behind, said a few words to the driver, followed behind Heiji, and smiled and held Xiaolan.

In the original plot, although Daizensuke also invited Hattori Heiji, the time was not right, because the three-quarter combination could not be in the same frame (crossed out), and because Hattori Heiji needed to take an exam, Jinghua's mother rejected this invitation.

After another After a while, the detective Haruhi Mogi, who has been in Chicago for many years and has dealt with various mafias, the detective sister Yumi Gunda, who used to be a prosecutor, and the white horse detective with an eagle, who has a British nobleman style, all appeared at the gate of the annex.

At the moment when all the people were present, with a creak, the gate of the annex was automatically opened, revealing a dimly lit corridor.

Xiaolan and Kazuha both swallowed nervously at the same time and couldn't help but get closer.

"Hey, you want to give us a show of strength right at the beginning?"

Haruhi Mogi laughed. As a hard-core detective who has to experience gun battles every day, he naturally wouldn't take this little trick to heart.

"Ladies, just stay in the middle, I'll take the lead. "

After saying that, Haruhi Mogi took the lead and walked into the dusk annex with a haunted house atmosphere.

Hattori Heiji's EQ was not really hopelessly low. After noticing that Kazuha was shivering a little, he reached out and patted Kazuha's shoulder.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here. "

The group followed the light of the corridor to the hall. An old man in a suit was standing at the entrance of the living room. He bowed to them with a somewhat stiff movement and extended his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

I don't know if it was because of the light, but the old man looked too pale.

Xiaolan shook subconsciously and hugged Conan tightly. Conan, the little pervert, immediately showed an expression of "so soft~".

Kuroba Kaito and Hattori Heiji, who knew his true identity, cursed in their hearts at the same time: beast!

The attention of the three cheaters was distracted for a moment, but the eagle in Bai Ma Tan's hand was agitated when passing by the old man, causing Bai Ma Tan to subconsciously observe the silent old man twice more.

Why does his clothes seem to be wrong?

Old man: "Please relax in the living room for a while. The host will meet everyone at dinner time. "

A rough and unpleasant voice sounded, like scratching nails on a blackboard, making everyone frown subconsciously. Qianjian Jiangdai stared at the old man's face, trying hard to recall something.

I always feel that this person seems to have been seen somewhere before.

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