"You are Kaito Kid, right?"

Kuroba Kaito: Ah, this time you revealed your identity a little too quickly.

He looked at the people in front of him who were on high alert, and their attention was all on the annex itself, and they didn't notice their group, then he lowered his head and shook Conan in his hand.

"Okay, you don't have to reason anymore, I know where I was exposed."

Kuroba Kaito lowered his voice and quietly started a private chat with Conan, without attracting the attention of the people in front.

Maori Kogoro is a heavy smoker, and although he took Maori's coat, he didn't smoke a single cigarette along the way and in the living room for an afternoon.

And if Maori Kogoro had been in the ghost wall incident outside the annex just now, he would probably have tried it several times without giving up.

Conan looked at Kuroba Kaito with a sour smell all over his body.

It was this shameless Kaito Kid who pretended to be my future father-in-law and took advantage of my Xiaolan! Don't let me know your true identity, or I'll go to your house every day to take photos of you!

Douzi felt a chill and immediately changed the subject out of instinct.

"By the way, you seem to know the boy in the restaurant, who is he?"

Conan looked up and down at Kaito Kid, who was wearing the skin of Maori Kogoro, with a suspicious look. Perhaps his brain had just been soaked in vinegar, and he suddenly had an illogical and weird association.

Huiyuan once said that Sangria would habitually name the eyeballs he collected according to the type and color of gems. And Kaito Kid is a thief who has been stealing various precious gems for decades.

Could it be...

If Kuroba Kaito knew what Conan was thinking at this time, he would probably want to hold Conan's ankle and shake this jealous king who was the size of an elementary school student upside down, trying to pour out the vinegar before the little detective's brain was pickled with vinegar.

Wake up, I've returned all those gems!


Another scream was heard, and Conan and Kuroba Kaito immediately caught up with the large group that had re-entered the living room, and then stopped at the door of the living room in shock.

Inside the living room, the lights were bright and the voices were noisy.

A quick glance showed that there were about 50 people, half of them men and half of them women, and each of them was wearing a luxurious dress. A large area was cleared in the living room where the billiard table was originally placed, and dozens of easels covered with white cloth were placed, with a small wooden auction table in the middle of the easels.

"Is this... the auction that year?"

Mogi Haruhi swallowed hard, rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and found that the scene in front of him, which could be called an illusion, was still there.

The materialistic Gunda Ikumi carefully held the gun and walked several steps into the living room.

"Is it a projection or something else?"

Otherwise, there is no reason for these people to ignore her.

You know, she still maintains the bloody look, only the blood stains on her face were roughly wiped with the towel in the car, and she can seamlessly play the role of a perverted killer in any film set.

At any party, if a woman covered in blood and holding a hot weapon suddenly broke into the party, the guests would not be indifferent.

Is it a projection?

The two Valkyries who were already hugging each other and shaking at the same frequency quietly raised their heads and looked at the scene in the living room. I don’t know if it’s because the light is green, the whole scene looks spooky.

However, even when she was extremely scared, Mao Lilan still did not forget that she was the citizen who called the police tool. A series of numbers that were so familiar that she would never press the wrong number with her eyes closed were dialed out in an instant.

As expected, there was no signal.

Hattori Heiji, who is also a materialist, looked back and forth at the situation inside the living room.

No large-scale playback equipment was found, nor was there a screen for projection.

Conan frowned, turned his head and looked at Kuroba Kaito with suspicion, and subconsciously touched the watch-shaped tranquilizer gun.

If I remember correctly, when Kaito Kid stole the blue miracle bought by Suzuki Jirokichi and performed air walking in public, he also used this kind of projection method, but no matter how many times Conan plowed the map back and forth, he didn't find Kaito Kid's projection equipment.

Good guy, you still say you don't know martial arts... No, you also said you don't know Sangria, you are in the same group!

Douzi: ? ? ?


Another short scream, and you can even hear a little tremor in the scream.

This time it was Gunda Ikumi.

When the beautiful detective was observing the "projection" in the room from a close distance, aThe waiter-dressed man pushed a cart through her body.

A chill suddenly swept through her body, and her hands stiffened for a moment and she could hardly hold the pistol.

"What's wrong?"

Relying on her age, Chikan Kyoudai followed closely behind Gunda Ikumi. Seeing that she was pierced by the waiter's projection, she shivered involuntarily and subconsciously reached out to hold Gunda's shoulder.

"It's so cold!"

Mouri Ran and Toyama Kazuha, who witnessed the whole scene, were so scared that their faces turned pale.

The green light and the scene from 40 years ago were definitely a ghost! How could a projection be cold? ! ! !

Wakagi Ryo, who was peeping in the dark, looked at the two girls on the panel constantly scrolling to refresh the information, and his eyes lit up slightly.

I seem to have found two ruthless scoring machines.

Hakuba calmed Watson, who had been restless since returning to the annex, and reached out to touch the image closest to him. As expected, he touched nothing.

The cold touch on his palm made him frown unconsciously.

The green light gradually dimmed a little, and a middle-aged man with a bulging belly and a rather wealthy appearance walked up from the auction table and stood in the center of the living room.

Everyone: !!! !!!

Isn't this the inflatable version of Miyamoto Kishi whose head had fallen off before?

Even the staunch materialists Hattori Heiji and Conan swallowed subconsciously, and Kuroba Kaito secretly took a breath of cold air in his heart.

He, he was actually a little bit intimidated by these supernatural things.

Miyamoto Kishi said with a smile: "Please all the distinguished guests take their seats. The auction is about to begin."

"Please all... distinguished guests... take their seats. The auction is about to begin."

"Please... all..."

The auctioneer in the middle of the living room kept repeating the same words as if he had a cassette, and with each repetition, the temperature of the entire living room kept dropping.

The other guests who had already taken their seats also turned their heads stiffly one by one. They looked at Conan and his group at the door.

When Xiaolan saw a noble lady in an evening dress sitting still, her head turned 180 degrees and stared at her with only the whites of her eyes, she almost couldn't catch her breath.

"Ah!!!!! Woo woo woo."

Kaito Kuroba didn't care that there was an Asian jealous king beside him at this time. He immediately stepped forward and covered Xiaolan's mouth, half dragged and half pulled Mao Lilan to sit on the vacant seat.

There were 9 of them in total, and there were just 9 vacant seats here. It was obvious what they needed to do.

He was different from the other people who were skeptical. He knew exactly how powerful the professor was.

The others were obviously not stupid either. They found seats and sat down one after another. The temperature in the living room gradually returned to normal.

Miss Gunda was really unlucky today. First, she was splashed with blood by the thin version of Miyamoto in the restaurant. She was wet and exuded a not-so-pleasant bloody smell. After returning to the living room and seeing the illusion of the auction, she was pierced through by a waiter and was frozen stiff.

So, almost as soon as she sat down, she sneezed instinctively, and her body tilted and bumped into a guest next to her.


Bumped into? !!!

Aren't these things projections? !

Conan and the other nine people stared at a tuxedo man who was almost knocked off his chair by Gunda Yumi, and all kinds of messy thoughts in their hearts were like running trains.

The man in the tuxedo was like a large puppet. He didn't even look at Gunda Yumi who bumped into him. He sat back in his chair stiffly and looked straight at the auction table.

"Well, let's see the first treasure of the day..."

Conan quietly reached out and poked a guest next to him.

It's a physical entity.

Chikan Kyoudai: "This is bad!"

They had heard Wakagi Ryo talk about the tragedy of the Twilight Annex 40 years ago in the restaurant before, and they also knew that in the middle of the auction, two unknown men would come in and turn the entire annex into a living hell.

If these "projections" became touchable entities, and they went crazy and attacked indiscriminately...

She subconsciously wanted to get up, but the guests around her who were supposed to be "projections" stretched out their hands, pressed Chikan Kyoudai's shoulders tightly, and fixed her firmly on the seat.

Those hands were extremely cold, and the positions of their fingers all revealed the white bones.

Xiaolan/Heye: "Ahhhhhhh!!!"

Xiaolan, who is extremely afraid of ghosts, fainted immediately.The situation of Kazuha on the side was not much better. She was huddled in Hattori Heiji's arms and trembling.

Although she was barely awake, her fighting power had turned negative.

Hattori's face was extremely solemn. It was obvious that he had thought of the problem that Chikan had thought of.

Although it was not clear how Sangria did it for the time being, but... if things really got chaotic later, it would be an overwhelming disadvantage for them.

He touched the Ryo Wakagi brand fountain pen he carried with him and counted the heads silently.

Knowing that the strongest fighting force on their side (Ran) had fallen, although Gunda Ikumi and Mogi Harushi had guns, they certainly could not carry more than 50 rounds of ammunition.

So, this time, I have to fight at least 40 of them alone!


I can't beat them!

Kuroba Kaito let Mao Lilan lean on his shoulder, with a slightly bitter expression. He was in a dilemma whether to hug her or not.

After all, Conan's small body certainly can't hold his unconscious sister Xiaolan.

Conan gritted his teeth and looked at Kaito Kid, lowering his voice: "How did this happen!"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Kuroba Kaito glared and asked Conan who was pestering him, if I knew how to do it, I could just be my own special effects artist, why would I have to be cheated by the professor every time because of being told by fans and the media that it's not possible?

"You're still lying, this method is obviously very similar to your performance of walking in the air!"

Douzi: ...

Don't ask, if you ask, it's magic.

PS: I have a headache and a sore throat. I've been coding this for a day. You guys just have to bear with it and lie down...

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