The auction was extremely painful. Only Miyamoto Kishi on the stage was singing a monologue intermittently with his voice that sounded like the WIFI signal was not good. The audience was completely in a pantomime.

The guests, like puppets, numbly raised their cards and completed the bidding process. The weird atmosphere made the few normal people among them feel strongly uncomfortable.

The detective team tried various ways to move secretly, but as long as any of them showed the slightest intention of leaving the chair, two white bone claws would be quietly added to their shoulders.

Except for Xiaolan who was already unconscious, Kazuha who was trembling, and Kuroba Kaito who had expected it and didn't want to waste his efforts, the rest of the team had the same shape of two claws on each person.

Oh, except Conan.

Maybe because of his height, the bone claws on his side were not locked on the little detective's shoulders, but on his forehead. Conan was stiff and sweating all over, and even felt that the bone claws seemed to rub back and forth on his forehead.

Wrong, illusion.

How could the bone claws grab him, hehe.

Bai Ma Tan took out a handkerchief with disdain to wipe the bone claws on his shoulder, and then looked at his coat with a look of collapse.

Blindly guessing that the first thing the young master did after being able to move freely was to throw away his coat.

People's movements were strictly restricted, and birds were naturally no exception.

Watson had not yet walked out of the shadow of the failed bird life, and was caught by a net bag stretched out from somewhere, leaving only half of the "ga" that stopped abruptly and a few flying feathers.


Bai Ma Tan widened his eyes, not expecting that someone would snatch the bird so blatantly.

In a secret room upstairs, Ruo Muliang looked at Watson, who was tied up tightly in a net bag like an old hen, and stretched out his fingers to touch its feathers.

Watson angrily glared at the baby-faced man who was holding him like a chicken. When Ruo Muliang reached out for the second time, his sharp beak pecked at his fingers fiercely... but he couldn't peck it down.

The white hands were emitting electric light. It was unclear whether the other party would be torn apart by this peck, but he might be cooked.

Watson: ...

No, don't bully the eagle like this.

Ruo Muliang was satisfied to hold the obedient eagle in his arms and stroke it slowly, and sighed with a bit of regret in his heart.

I still like your unruly look at the beginning.

This way, I might be able to taste what a roasted eagle tastes like.

Downstairs, the detective team whose first attempt failed opened the team voice chat, and analyzed it rationally for a long time, unanimously determined that if the scene shown to them by the villa owner was indeed a reproduction of the scene forty years ago, then they would only have the opportunity to move freely when the two unidentified men appeared and the whole hall was in chaos.

However, in the same way, they would probably face more than 50 irrational people desperately chasing them.

No, considering Sangria's style, they would definitely be chased.


Facts have proved that the detectives' guesses are correct.

When Miyamoto Kishi knocked down the small hammer on the auction table and announced the temporary end of the first half, the white bone claws withdrew from the detective team.

After a long rest, Kazuha, who had temporarily recovered, took Xiaolan from Kuroba Kaito's shoulders to take care of her temporarily.

The detective team left their scalded chairs and stretched their muscles, but before they could take any further action, they heard a dull knock on the door.

The green light in the living room went out.

Kazuha was startled and subconsciously hugged the unconscious Xiaolan in her arms and moved closer to Hattori Heiji. Conan stood at their feet, raised his head, and looked at the door with a serious expression.

According to the previous story, the two mysterious men who brought the bloody case are about to appear!

She thought the lights in the living room were too gloomy and weird before, but now that the lights have been off for less than 10 seconds, she has begun to miss the green scene just now.

"It happened... I'm going to run!!"

Kuroba Kaito, who has good night vision, was the first to react. He noticed that the guests not far away from them silently surrounded them at the moment the lights went out.

? You guys are taking advantage of not turning on the lights, so you just don't want to perform, right?

Kuroba Kaito looked at the guest closest to him, and his entire face fell to the ground with a thud, and he immediately felt dizzy.His skin was numb.

Although he had never seen the ghost scenes like the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, he had played some horror games. In these horror games, when the ghosts reveal their true colors, they are usually about to attack.


It's impossible that he was thinking, "My face is lost, can you lend me yours?"

Douzi ran away without thinking, and pulled Bai Ma Tan, who was still struggling with his "dirty" coat, lovingly.

When passing by He Ye, he picked up the unconscious Xiaolan, roughly identified the direction, and ran towards the restaurant first.

The young boy who snatched bamboo shoots.

In the restaurant, he told them the story that happened 40 years ago in detail, and then reproduced the scene in the living room, causing everyone, including him, to think that two mysterious men would appear during the intermission of the auction, and everything that happened next would be a 1:1 restoration of 40 years ago.

Who knew that when the lights were turned off, he really didn't care about his face!

Inertial thinking kills people!

Although the other detectives do not have the exaggerated night vision ability of Kaito Kid, as detectives, it is a professional quality to carry some small props such as flashlights and magnifying glasses.

As the first flashlight light hit the shameless guest who had moved to their side without knowing when, everyone's scalp exploded and ran without thinking.

Oh, Hattori Heiji was very foresighted and opened his hands and waited for 2 seconds.

After Toyama Kazuha screamed and fell into his arms with his eyes rolled up, he picked up his frightened girlfriend and sprinted 800 meters. Soon he surpassed Mogi Harufumi who was carrying Chima Kyouyo and running away.

Chima, who was carried on his shoulders, looked at Kazuha with envy.

Brother Mogi, I'm old, and I don't want a princess hug, but... if it doesn't work, you can put me under your arm. Your shoulders are really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the group of ghosts chasing them made no sound, but their movements were not too fast. Whether it was the few who were running away with heavy loads, Conan with short legs, or Ikumi, who followed the tradition of science and wore a pair of high heels, they all escaped safely from this pursuit.

Well, temporarily.

After the group ran out of the living room door one after another, Hattori and Haruhi Mogi closed the heavy door between the living room and the dining room, temporarily blocking the group of unknown mutated things behind the door.


"Bang bang!"

The continuous collisions shook the solid wooden door of the restaurant, and a crack appeared faintly on the heavy door panel after a few hits.

The detectives, who were still catching their breath, had to grit their teeth and get up again. They worked together to carry the large solid wood dining table in the restaurant to block the door, and then moved all the chairs and supported each other to block behind the dining table, forming a fairly stable support.

After doing all this, everyone sat down on the ground and gasped. Even the white horse detective with a slight mysophobia didn't care about tidying up his appearance and leaned on the sideboard to recover his strength.

At this time, the two girls who had fainted before were happier.

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