The boat was full of joy, but the boat was still full of joy.

It was already 6 o'clock the next night when they successfully arrived at Shikishima. Shuichi Akai carried their backpacks in his left hand and the vomiting Ryo Wakaki in his right hand, and got off the boat with difficulty to book a hotel.

At this moment, his thoughts magically overlapped with Toru Amuro's not long ago.

It's really troublesome to take care of children.

"Still alive." Ryo Wakaki struggled to get up from the bed and felt much better after drinking a glass of ice water.

The two of them found a ramen restaurant on the street to solve the dinner problem.

"Navy Cave?"

"Well, I heard that ramen shop owner say that before. There seems to be a ghost haunting the Navy Cave on the island. Not long ago, it attacked a group of college students who came to the island for an inspection.

Usually, the more remote the island is, the more superstitious it is. After posting a message about ghosts wandering around, most islanders will never go near the Navy Cave for no reason because they are afraid of ghosts."

"Did you draw a conclusion based on this?"

"What's more important is the lighthouse~"

Wakagi Ryo pointed to the most conspicuous white building on the entire Shikishima Island.

Akai Shuichi raised his head and found the problem at a glance.

A lighthouse is a building located on the coast, port or river to guide the direction of ships. However, the telescope equipped on this lighthouse is not facing the sea, but facing somewhere inside Shikishima Island.

As one of the official designated hackers of science, it is not difficult for Akai Shuichi to avoid ordinary islanders on the island. Although Ryo Wakagi's skills are still far behind those of the cheaters, after maxing out his "physical enhancement" and being trained (beaten) by Toru Amuro for so long, he can barely keep up with Shuichi Akai.

There are not many light sources in the Navy Cave. The dim light and humid environment, coupled with the sound of the sea breeze deep in the cave like a woman crying, make it very credible that this place is haunted.

Shuichi Akai stretched out his hand to feel the direction of the wind in the cave.

"There is a deeper space inside, and the wind seems to be blowing diagonally upwards, which may connect to the sea surface."

Ryo Wakagi took out a small flashlight and illuminated the corners of the Navy Cave.

"There is a passage behind it."

Two people who had little sense of awe pushed open the altar at the end of the cave for worshiping the dead, revealing the steps behind.

"This place is not formed naturally."

Shuichi Akai took the flashlight from Ryo Wakagi's hand and shone it deep into the cave. The entire artificial passage is very deep, and you can't see the bottom at a glance. You can only faintly hear the sound of waves beating.

Walking down the moss-covered steps to the bottom, a small white cruise ship was stuck in the cave. The three big characters "Ryujin" were printed on the side of the cruise ship, and the hull was clattering against the top of the cave with the waves.

"Where's the gold?"

Akai Shuichi climbed up the Ryujin and checked it inside and out. Not to mention gold, he didn't even see a piece of gold foil.

"It's here."

Wakagi Ryo squatted down and scraped the dense moss on the stone steps with his fingernails. The bricks that made up the stone steps were actually gold bricks.

Akai Shuichi's pupils shrank slightly, but Wakagi Ryo had already skillfully taken out the phone to report to Gin, and Gin on the other end of the phone didn't know if he was free, but he answered the phone immediately.

One billion yen and gold bricks worth one billion yen are not the same concept, and Akai Shuichi doesn't care too much about the former. As for the latter...

The Japanese yen has been depreciating for various reasons in recent years, so many international trades (regardless of whether they are legal or not) do not accept the settlement method of Japanese yen, but gold is a hard currency.

Shuichi Akai silently clenched his fists and slowly climbed down from the shaking Dragon God.

Mistake, the piano wire should not be thrown away so early.

The two cleaned up the traces and returned to the hotel where they temporarily stayed.

The gold bricks worth 1 billion yen are not easy for the two of them to move by manpower, so after notifying Gin, Ryo Wakagi waited in the hotel for reinforcements sent by Gin-chan.

Shuichi Akai is different from Toru Amuro. When he and Toru Amuro were on Tsukikage Island, the two salary thieves could happily spend the organization's money and travel at public expense.

And Shuichi Akai, especially Shuichi Akai in the Rye period...

Ryo Wakagi felt like he had fallen into an ice cave just by imagining the scene of playing with him. It was so cold.

Thinking about it this way, Miyano Akemi is really amazing in a sense.

And you wanted to do it again just now, right? If I hadn't called Koto-chan quickly enough, you would have definitely done it, right?

Out of mutual vigilance and defense, Wakagi Ryo and Akai Shuichi were in the room, staring at each other, and spent the difficult waiting period in repression and silence.

Amuro-san, I miss you a little.


In the evening of the next day, Wakagi Ryo received another call from Gin.

The sound of the sea breeze could be faintly heard on the other end of the phone. It was obvious that the model worker was personally on duty again this time.

The distillery is so short of people that HR can't hire two more.

Every time, it was Gin who worked overtime personally. Wakagi Ryo was even afraid that Gin's blond hair would turn white before Conan came online.


You said that the three more capable whiskeys recruited recently were all undercovers?

Then... that's fine.

Gin rushed to the hotel where the two of them stayed, and without even a sip of water, he took Wakagi Ryo and led the way to the cave covered with gold.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Seeing Gin about to take out explosives from his briefcase and blow up the entrance of the cave so that the organization's ship could approach and transport the gold.

Wakagi Ryo held Gin's hand with a sweaty face, which earned Gin's cold stare.

"This cave has been washed by waves for many years. Judging from the gaps in the top of the cave, it is not solid. It is only because of the Dragon God that it has not been damaged. If high explosives are used, it is likely to cause the entire cave to collapse. If the gold nuggets are washed into the seabed, it will be much more difficult to salvage them."

Now Gin is going to use explosives. Let's not talk about whether the noise will be so loud that it will attract innocent islanders, causing Gin to be forced to use the unparalleled mode to kill all the NPCs that affect his infiltration. In the original work, Conan just kicked the prisoner with a nuclear sneaker, and the cave collapsed without giving him face. Conan was busy escaping and didn't have time to take a piece of gold (although it was mainly because the director didn't allow it).

If the cave collapses, Gin and Akai Shuichi will have important plots to go through, and they will most likely not die here. But Wakamura Ryo is too self-aware of his luck. If he really falls into the sea, he will definitely not be able to be fished out.

He's dead!


Gin was quite obedient and put the C4 back into his briefcase. His movements made Wakamura Ryo shudder.

Wakamura Ryo rummaged through his backpack and took out a small glass bottle and handed it to Akai Shuichi.

In the glass bottle was a small bottle of light brown decomposition liquid - as the name suggests, the liquid created by the skill "Decomposition" dissolved in water, inspired by the active skill healing.

Since the healing technique can be dissolved in water, other skills may also be able to do so. Anyway, it won't kill you to try.

It is worth mentioning that this skill has now been upgraded to LV2 by him, and the dissolution range has reached 6m³.

"Please, Senior Moroboshi, throw it over there."

Wakagi Ryo raised his flashlight and used the light to mark a point for Akai Shuichi.

This distance is definitely not something that an average person can throw. The glass bottle will only draw a parabola in the air and fall on the Dragon God.

But can the cheating thing be explained by Newtonian mechanics?

Although Akai Shuichi frowned, he still took the glass bottle and threw it towards the top of the cave.

The glass bottle shattered the moment it touched the top of the cave, and the light brown liquid inside splashed on the stone wall, dissolving a large area of ​​rock in less than a second. A small amount of liquid dripped onto the hull of the Dragon God, and also dissolved the upper half of the Dragon God into potholes.

Shuichi Akai/Gin: Pupil Earthquake.JPG

After making enough space, the bumpy Dragon God was pushed out of the cave by the waves.

"You didn't tell me about such a dangerous thing in advance?"

Shuichi Akai looked down at his right hand, and then looked at Ryo Wakaki again with a murderous look in his eyes.

"This liquid will only dissolve non-living things, and it has no effect on carbon-based organisms. Otherwise, how dare I put it in my bag without any safety protection."

The glass bottle was simply enchanted so that it would not be dissolve by the liquid inside.

Ryo Wakaki waved his hand and accepted the 1 skill point provided by Rye with a not-so-happy smile.

Too stingy. Rye and Bourbon are far behind in this regard. Touko is very generous in giving skill points.

Gin looked at Shuichi Akai unilaterally with murderous intent towards Ryo Wakaki, and called the peripheral members on standby to hurry up and sail over to move bricks.

Again, the bad relationship between the code members is what he is happy to see.

Not long after, a small black cruise ship brought a whole ship of black people. The black people entered the cave one after another, took out various tools and began to move bricks conscientiously.

Ruo Muliang found a relatively dry place to sit cross-legged, opened the panel to count the income, and then watched the black people sweating back and forth

Bricks were moved like rain, and I even wanted to get some snacks to eat.

Gin: ...

Feeling the familiar coldness, Ruo Muliang looked in the direction of the murderous aura, met the sinister eyes under the brim of Gin's hat, and blinked innocently.

"What's wrong, senior, you don't want to enslave minors to do physical work like moving bricks?"

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