"Kaito Kid!"

The detective team, which had suffered serious physical and mental injuries, surrounded Kuroba Kaito.

Not to mention Hattori Heiji, who was rated B+ on paper, and Conan, who was aiming with a watch-shaped tranquilizer gun, just looking at the two Valkyries who had woken up and participated in the encirclement operation, even Kaito Kid would not be able to deal with this level of force.

Watson, who was alopecia, temporarily gave up his master and hovered over Douzi. If the thief showed signs of escaping, he was ready to let him feel the caress from the eagle.

Kuroba Kaito sighed helplessly and pulled off Maori Kogoro's disguise.

The thief in a pure white dress suddenly appeared in the encirclement. Compared with the embarrassed detectives around him, the unscathed thief seemed to be full of mockery from head to toe.

"Good day, detectives."

Kuroba Kaito took off his hat and gave a magician's farewell to the detectives around him.

"I don't want to speculate on the identity of that damn baby-faced guy now."

Mogi Haruhi took out his pistol angrily and aimed it in the direction of Kaito Kid.

"But in that environment, you were unscathed, which proves that you and that baby-faced guy are definitely in cahoots!

No one can play me like a monkey like this!"

Kuroba Kaito: "So, who told you that I was unscathed?"

As if to prove Kaito Kid's words, almost at the same time as he finished speaking, blood rushed up into the sky, soaking the detectives who formed a circle.

Highlighting a fair treatment, rain and dew, and a huge amount of bleeding.

Kuroba Kaito: ...

Is this the back-up you mentioned, professor?

Although I am very grateful for your help in covering for me, but isn't the human fountain a bit too much!

Detectives: !!! !

The surrounded Kaito Kid turned into a bloody man under everyone's gaze.

Kuroba Kaito complained about the professor crazily in his heart, coughing several times, and used his superb imitation technique to interpret the word weak to the fullest.

"I was originally... just out of curiosity, someone challenged the famous detectives in the country in my name, but, perhaps, from today on, there will be no more Kaito Kid in the world, cough cough cough..."

After all, according to the professor, Pandora's whereabouts are very clear.

Kaito Kid, who has been constantly attacking various precious gems with the goal of pursuing Pandora, seems to have reached the time to retire.

After solving the zoo organization.

Conan: !!!

How could it be?

Detectives deal with murders every day, so they can't tell whether the blood splashed on their bodies is human or not.

Such a serious injury...

Is Kaito Kid going to die?

No one can remain calm and indifferent when blood is pouring down, even Conan and Hattori who have experienced it once.

Oh, Hakuba's soul left his body early because of mysophobia, so it doesn't count.

Therefore, the detectives who were suddenly hit by the blood fountain were all stunned for a moment, and the originally perfect encirclement suddenly had a big loophole.

Kuroba Kaito smashed a smoke bomb on the spot, and when the white smoke disappeared, the bloody man in the center of the encirclement also disappeared.

The detectives who were left behind looked at each other, and they felt that they had been fooled again.

Gunda Ikumi: "Bad luck!"

The detective stomped her feet angrily, turned around and got into her car, and stepped on the accelerator to leave this place full of tragic memories.

Mogi Harushi followed closely behind. Chiken Kyouyo looked at the broken Hakuba detective and kindly pulled him into the car. He also greeted Watson and prepared to send the man and the eagle back to the city.

The remaining two couples simply analyzed the location of the real Maori Kogoro and walked towards the gas station at the foot of the mountain - when there was no chase scene, these detectives seemed to be able to abide by the traffic law.

Wakagi Ryo stood at the top of the mountain, watching the detectives going away, turned back to the intact Dusk Annex, and poured himself a drink.

Dusk Annex is now his property after all, how could he really let it collapse?

The vibration of the annex was real, after all, Kuroba Kaito did activate the wall clock mechanism that controlled the annex.

In conjunction with the vibration when the outer wall of the annex fell off, Wakagi Ryo threw a dozen illusions on the faces of these "audiences" so that they could witness the collapse here with their own eyes.

Later, through the capital operation of Karasuma Group, the ownership of this villa will be transferred back and forth several times, and the road will be clear.The Dusk Annex once belonged to Karasuma Renya, who was the founder of the Karasuma Group. So our Karasuma Group invested in buying the land here again, and then reproduced a new Dusk Annex in proportion to the appearance of the former Dusk Annex to commemorate our founder.

Makes sense, right?

Ryo Wakagi leaned on the luxurious recliner and opened the live broadcast room of Gin and Vermouth.

Unexpectedly, these two people, one with a dedicated driver, was on the way to hunt down an unknown unlucky guy; the other was wearing a disguise and spending money in a high-end club.

Didn't anyone go to see the boss?

Ryo Wakagi took a sip of the drink, tapped the armrest of the recliner with his fingers rhythmically, and began to think.

It seems that the reason why Renya Karasuma was able to send the message directly when he got the red magic stone last time was not because he used some unknown means to monitor the Dusk Annex.

Is it simply because he relied on the Red Magic Stone to extend his life 40 years ago, so there is some kind of strange connection between him and the gem?

Otherwise, there is no reason why he would do such a thing in the Twilight Annex, and even blatantly use the power of the magic side, but Karasuma Renya did not react to it.

Wakagi Ryo deliberately chose the Twilight Annex as the place to do the trouble, not because he wanted to make up for the regret of the plot. Harvesting emotional value is one purpose, and more importantly, it is to test Karasuma Renya.

In general, this test was successful.

However, there is still a little confusion that has not been completely solved. In the case of not being able to see Karasuma Renya, it is better to go and harm Sister Bei again.

Wakagi Ryo drank the drink in the cup in one gulp, confirmed the current location of Vermouth, and turned around to leave the Twilight Annex.

Speaking of which, I don’t know what kind of animal Sister Bei will be if she turns into a small animal.


At the foot of the mountain, Conan and Hattori successfully found Maori Kogoro in a strange posture in the bathroom of the gas station.

After being tied up for more than ten hours, he was still not discovered by the gas station staff or passers-by. One has to sigh at the tenacity of the plot.

Maori Kogoro was let down with a wail, his hands and feet were numb and didn't seem to be his own.

On this side, Xiaolan massaged the stiff hands and feet of her old father who had suffered a great crime with a distressed look on her face. On the other side, Conan and Hattori, two famous detectives who had suffered a beating due to their materialistic worldview, were huddled in a corner, trying to analyze from a scientific perspective what method Sangria used this time.

Hattori Heiji: "It is known that there are no ghosts in this world, so I tend to think that he should have used psychedelic drugs and combined with certain hypnotic suggestion techniques.

The drugs may be mixed in the snacks and drinks in the living room. Only Gunda Ikumi ate a few bites of dinner, but we all ate a lot of snacks in the living room."

Conan touched his chin and nodded in agreement.

"The Miyamoto Kishi at the beginning should be a doll or something. It's just that the visual stimulation brought by the rolling head is too great, so we didn't check it immediately."

Hattori: "Indeed. The auction scene we saw later should also be created by using projection and dolls, a mixture of real and fake methods. The low temperature may be due to air conditioning."

Conan secretly glanced at Maori Kogoro and found that the uncle was still trembling to adapt to his numb limbs, so he continued to reason with confidence.

"Besides, I carefully observed the positions when we woke up.

Xiaolan and I were in the middle of the living room, you and Kazuha were near the sofa, Hakuba was near the coffee table, Mogi Haruhi was next to the pool table, and Gunda Ikumi and Chiken Granny were near the bar.

It was exactly the distribution when we sat down at the auction scene, that is to say, when the so-called auction started, we should have fallen into hallucinations due to various factors!"

Hatsuori Heiji was sure, "Yes, Hakuba's eagle is also one of the evidence. Human cognition can be blurred through hypnotic suggestion, but animals obviously can't, so Watson was captured and was not released until the annex collapsed.

I just don't know what his purpose was..."

Conan touched his bald head and nodded heavily.

Yes, that's it!

This world is indeed materialistic!

Wakagi Ryo, who was watching Conan's live broadcast and had nothing to do with materialism, said: ...

You can even force your reasoning on this, you detectives are really awesome!

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