[Dear Edogawa Conan, you are cordially invited to this untimely Halloween party...]

Vermouth typed the last line of the invitation on the keyboard, stuffed the printed invitation into the envelope that had been prepared earlier, and sealed it with wax.

She looked at the words "Kudo Shinichi" on the front of the envelope and curled her lips slightly.

The expression of the godson when he received this letter should be very cute.

Vermouth pinched the envelope with her gloved hands, stiffened slightly when she stood up, then silently touched her waist and sat back down.

When she woke up this morning, she found that she was keeping a strange sleeping position with her hands and feet entangled together.

Sleeping in this weird position for a night, it is obvious that you will have backache.

Sister Bei lit a lady's cigarette with a slightly vicissitudes of life, and watched the smoke rise quietly, gradually blurring her vision.

When did my sleeping position become so bad?

Wakagi Ryo, who had already returned to his home, looked at the expression of Sister Bei in the live broadcast room who doubted her life, and rolled on the bed with laughter, and successfully rolled down a bed.

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Because the Suzuki family was rich, Wakagi Ryo's burned house had been rebuilt during this period of time, so Wakagi Ryo left some small gifts to the Kudo Shinji family where he was staying temporarily, and moved back to his safe house which was no longer safe.

Well, then he was backstabbed several times on the day he moved back home, and lost a lot of furniture including the bed. It is estimated that he was either at the Kudo residence or in the Twilight Annex, which was not very scientific, and -80 could not find too many opportunities to backstab him, so he was very reluctant.



The next day, Agasa's house

Perhaps the medical level of the private clinic is really unsatisfactory, Huiyuan Ai's cold has not been completely cured, and she is always in an intermittent low-grade fever state.

Conan temporarily left Beihua because of the Twilight Villa incident, so the doctor finally followed the strong inertia of the plot and called "Tomoaki Shinide", allowing Vermouth to successfully install a bug in the doctor's home.

Everything seemed to have returned to the original track.

Ai Huihara sat on the bed with a mask on, hugged her knees with both hands, buried her face between her knees, and seemed to be shaking constantly.

Conan was looking at the invitation letter sent to Kudo Shinichi not far away, thinking for a while, and it was hard to say whether his reflective lenses were brighter or his bald forehead was brighter.

The doctor was standing by the window and talking to Xiaolan.

Maori Kogoro naturally received the invitation to the "untimely Halloween party", and Xiaolan, out of a woman's intuition, believed that the organizer would definitely send the invitation letter to Kudo Shinichi who had disappeared for a long time.

She asked the doctor to help pay attention to the mailbox of the Shinichi family, not wanting her reasoning boyfriend to be sad because of missing such an invitation. At the same time, he repeatedly reminded the doctor not to let Conan know about this.

Xiaolan: "Every time Conan goes to such a place, he will definitely go to the most dangerous position, and..."

Thinking of the photo of Conan and Haibara Ai that she accidentally saw at Teacher Judy's place, Mao Lilan stopped talking hesitantly.

Doctor: "By the way, Xiaolan, you said your father received an invitation, will you go with him?"

Mao Lilan, who was originally afraid of ghosts and had just experienced the destruction of the Twilight Annex: ...

I will never go!!!

After successfully changing the topic, Dr. Agasa chatted with Xiaolan for a few more words, then hung up the phone and turned to look at Conan who was repeatedly flipping through the invitation.

"So... you... cough cough... want to attend this Pu, party, right?"

Dr. Agasa pinched his arm, trying hard to hold back his smile, and his whole face flushed.

Conan: = =

"Forget it, laugh if you want."


The doctor fell on the chair and laughed so hard that his whole body trembled. He never thought that the first person to go bald was not him, but Kudo Shinichi.

Ai Huihara on the bed finally raised her head. Her eyes were watery from holding back her laughter, and her pale face due to the cold also looked a lot rosier.

Conan: Damn Sangria!!!

Conan clenched his fists and sat on the chair beside the bed angrily. After Huihara and the doctor finally laughed enough, he reluctantly said: "Is there really no special medicine or something like that?"

Ai Huihara looked at Conan, then at Dr. Agasa, and finally looked up at the chandelier on the ceiling of the room.

The light today is a bit dazzling.

Conan: ...

Okay, I get it.Ai Huihara glanced at Conan with sympathy, "It's okay, you're still young."

It should grow out after a while.

Conan: ...Okay, let's change the subject.

Vermouth, who was eavesdropping through the bug:?

What happened? The words "you're still young" sounded as if the godson had some terminal illness.

Conan: "Well, anyway, the name of the sender makes me feel very concerned. Huihara, you should have some impression of this name, after all, it's the name of a wine.

Vermouth is a wine produced in Italy. If it is changed to Japanese, it should be called Vermouth."

Ai Huihara:!

The idealistic radar started shaking just by hearing this name.

Conan sighed: "It seems that you really have an impression of this name. I know that this Vermouth is indeed one of them.

Then this invitation is a complete Hongmen Banquet.

Now I don't know whether they are fully prepared or just don't want to waste time. But if you don't go, you will never know."

Dr. Agasa rubbed his stiff cheeks and changed his expression to worry.

"Don't go..."

Gray Hara Ai tightly grasped a corner of the quilt, and the whole person was in a state of exploding.

"You will definitely die, this is a trap!"

Gray Hara Ai, who was too emotional, covered her mouth and started coughing constantly, and her cheeks flushed morbidly.

Conan looked at Gray Hara Ai who was almost on the verge of losing control, silently adjusted the crosshairs of the watch-shaped anesthetic gun, and shot an anesthetic needle into Ai-chan's body.

Gray Hara Ai fell asleep almost instantly.

Wakaki Ryo, who was watching the live broadcast: ...

Look, are you serious? That's a dose that can knock out an elephant!

"Sorry, Huibara."

Conan still had some conscience. After anesthetizing Huibara, he covered the unconscious patient with a blanket.

"But if I don't go, I will never make any progress."

The doctor opened his mouth, wanting to say something but stopped.

"But, Shin... No, Conan, if you leave Ai-chan behind and go alone, won't it be..."

"There's no other way, Doctor."

Conan showed the cover and the inside page of the invitation letter to Dr. Agasa.

The cover of the envelope clearly said "To Shinichi Kudo", but the invitation letter was addressed to: Dear Conan Edogawa.

"I've been exposed... They already know that I'm Kudo Shinichi who shrank after taking APTX. Similarly, I think they should have known that Huiyuan is Shirley who defected from the organization."

Conan slightly curled his lips, his heart pounding nervously, but he also felt a little excited because he was finally close to this mysterious organization.

Although he has been dealing with Sangria a lot.

But Sangria's behavior pattern seems to prove more and more that his initial "undercover theory" reasoning is correct.

Sangria is just playing him!

Otherwise, he and Huiyuan might have died in the pursuit of the Black Organization, even though that person knew their identities long ago.

Conan clenched the invitation letter in his hand and couldn't help coughing twice.

He touched his slightly hot forehead, suspecting that he might have caught a cold first, and then was infected with the virus by Huiyuan, the patient.

The doctor turned around silently, took out a knitted hat from the cabinet and put it on Conan's head.

"Just, keep warm."

Conan: ...

The two men, one big and one small, discussed temporarily moving Haibara Ai to the basement laboratory of the doctor's house, and prepared plenty of water and food. They didn't notice that when they were moving Haibara Ai, a dark shadow sneaked into Dr. Agasa's house and quietly took away the cute lop-eared rabbit in the cage.

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