Gin successfully picked up Vermouth next to the phone booth. It was quite a distance from where Bayonet had parked before, so she was not worried that Gin and his godson would collide head-on.

Vodka drove the car steadily, and Gin sat in the back seat with his eyes closed, only slightly opening his eyes when Vermouth got in the car.

"Tonight's operation failed?"


Shouldn't Gin be very angry if the mission failed?

Especially when I heard that Rye smashed Gin's beloved car some time ago.

"Well, Akai Shuichi showed up too quickly, he killed Calvados and rescued the FBI female agent."

Anyway, Akai Shuichi has been beaten to death for being a scumbag tonight, so it's not a big problem to throw two more black pots on him.

Anyway, there's no need to worry about too much debt.

It just happened to perfectly pick Mao Lilan out of this matter.

"That... didn't anyone show up tonight who shouldn't have shown up?"

Vodka carefully observed his brother's expression, but he couldn't suppress his curiosity and couldn't help asking Vermouth.

After all, he had seen the extremely realistic Akemi robot with his own eyes, and the one with its head opened.

Vermouth hesitated for a moment. Due to the guilt she had just aroused, she subconsciously didn't want to tell Vermouth that Wakagi Ryo had saved Akemi Miyano.

Gin opened his eyes, and his dark green pupils stared at Vermouth.

"Akemi Miyano?"


How could Gin know? Wait, how much did he know about tonight's events?

Godson and goddaughter...

Vermouth forced herself to calm down. No, there was nothing wrong with the expressions of Gin and Vodka. It was obvious that they didn't know what happened tonight through any special channels, but it seemed that they had known about Akemi Miyano's existence for a long time?

That's right, Sangria always makes full preparations for what he does. Maybe he has already found a reasonable explanation for the appearance of Miyano Akemi from Gin.

Tsk, godson, forget about other aspects, but you really should learn more about caution!

Belmode secretly breathed a sigh of relief and deleted the scenes of Mao Lilan and Conan, and selectively told Gin what happened tonight.


When Sister Bayonet mentioned "scumbag" and the subsequent part where Miyano Akemi shot at Akai Shuichi, Vodka couldn't help laughing, and even the steering wheel in his hand shook slightly.

Gin glared at Vodka and snorted.

Vodka's scalp numbed, and he dared not be distracted anymore, and drove honestly towards Tottori Prefecture.


Yika Town, Dr. Agasa's house.

Miyano Akemi's memory was extracted again, and she was restored to a simple rabbit who knew nothing. She was stuffed into a cage on the first floor of the doctor's house by Wakagi Ryo.

Hmm? You said Sangria promised Miyano Akemi to let her meet her sister?

Ai-chan will be sent back by the police later, so she will meet her, right?

I didn't promise you to meet your sister in human form, right?

Wakagi Ryo slowly returned to his home, ate something casually, and opened the live broadcast room over there on the Vermouth side.

In Tottori Prefecture, the boss's lair was built underground in his hometown. This is a clear understanding of the dark under the lamp.

Wakagi Ryo looked at the live broadcast room, and Sister Bei had a cold face and saw Karasuma Renya in the underground base.

To be honest, the current state of this big boss is not very good.

The incomplete philosopher's stone only temporarily made him return to youth, but more than 40 years later, he once again became a dying old man.

Karasuma Renye, who was half lying on a recliner, was hanging an IV bottle and wearing a ventilator. Except for his sharp and cold eyes, it was hard to associate this old man with the boss behind the Black Organization.

Back then, after regaining his youth through the semi-finished Philosopher's Stone, Karasuma Renye's ambition gradually expanded. He did not want to completely pin his future on a witch with independent consciousness.

He hoped that he could control this power himself and finally achieve the goal of immortality.

Perhaps the world will of science has a little suppression on the magic side after all.

With the combination of drugs and brainwashing, Karasuma Renye successfully controlled Koizumi Ayako. However, the Red Witch still has a hand. When Karasuma Renye asked what means ordinary people should use to control this supernatural power, Koizumi Ayako forcibly broke free from the control effect of brainwashing.

She used a secret method to pass the magic core in her body through the blood.Contact, transferred to Hongzi's mother, and then used the little magic power left to self-destruct, dragging Karasuma Renye to die together.

Although the boss survived in the end, he was severely injured by the witch's self-destruction. For so many years, he could only hide in the secret base and survive with various advanced medical methods.

Belmode stood beside the recliner and stretched out her hand.

The exclusive doctor waiting on the side skillfully drew a small tube of blood from Sister Bei's wrist, mixed the blood with various medicines with a dazzling operation, and then injected it into the bottle that Karasuma Renye was hanging.

"I want to see her."

Karasuma Renye opened his eyes. I don't know if it was because of Belmode's blood, his spirit looked better than before.

"It's still the previous room. You know the password."

Belmode turned around and left the master bedroom without looking back. He came to a pure metal door and entered the password.

The metal door opened, and thick white mist with low temperature dispersed out.

Vermouth walked to the deepest part of the room, looking at the young girl with eyes closed peacefully in the crystal coffin, with a sad and grief-stricken expression.

Looking at Sister Bay's first-person perspective, Wakaki Ryo sighed.

This is... Sister Bay's daughter.

Because she took the first batch of drug A made by the Miyano couple based on a small amount of liquid samples preserved from the Philosopher's Stone, her daughter fell into a long sleep.

That's why Vermouth hated the Miyano couple so much, and she also hated Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho.

The girl in the crystal coffin looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, and her appearance was somewhat similar to Mao Li Ran.

Vermouth cared so much about Mao Li Ran's safety, and she also took good care of Kudo Shinichi. In addition to saving her life in New York a year ago, she also saw the shadow of her daughter in Mao Li Ran.

Wakagi Ryo finished a late dinner watching the live broadcast, then he went to the doctor's house again with a small lunch box.

And with the monitoring of the small map, when the doctor and Conan appeared in front of him, he adjusted his facial expression to a good neighbor mode with a mixture of worry and anger.

Conan saw Wakagi Ryo's angry expression, and for some reason he suddenly felt guilty.

Dr. Agasa opened the door and led Wakagi Ryo and Conan to the living room. Not long after, Ai-chan wrapped in a small blanket was also sent back by the police.

Seeing that everyone was there and no one was missing, the doctor poured himself a glass of water with peace of mind, took a small amount of sleeping pills, and went back to his room to fall asleep.

What happened tonight was really too exciting for a man in his fifties.

Wakagi Ryo took out a snack from the lunch box without saying a word, put it in front of Conan and Huiyuan Ai, and poured two glasses of juice for the two children.

"Eat, you probably haven't had dinner yet."

Ai Huihara picked up a small snack and nibbled it in her hand. What happened tonight was also a little too exciting for her.

But, her sister is still alive!

She even looked forward to the next meeting with Sangria in a strange way.

Although she was still afraid of Sangria, as long as she could see her sister...

Ai Huihara's body shook involuntarily, and then she showed a strong expression.

As long as she could see her sister again, she could do anything!

Seeing Ai-chan shivering, she did not forget to brush up her emotional value. She immediately touched Ai Huihara's hair with relief and lowered her voice.

"Go to sleep after eating. Your cold has not fully recovered yet, and you need to rest well."

"But..." I think I can still go to the laboratory to work all night.

Before Huiyuan Ai could finish her words, she swallowed all her words with her animal instinct after seeing Wakagi Ryo's smiling expression. She responded obediently, and then returned to her room wearing the small blanket given by the police.

Wakagi Ryo smiled at Huiyuan Ai's back, turned around and looked at Conan with a stern face.

Conan: ...

Wakagi, can your discrimination be more obvious? I am also a complete victim tonight. Look at my clothes! You don't even know that I met several perverts tonight! !

"Tell me, what happened tonight?"

Conan rolled his eyes, trying to find some excuses to fool around.

However, how could Wakagi Ryo let go of the emotional value that was about to be obtained? He snorted coldly, then pulled off the wig on Conan's head and combed his bald forehead.

Oh, don't say it, it feels quiteNot bad.

"It's related to that organization, right? Look at your wig. You pretended to be Ai-chan to meet with the organization's people. You might even try to get some information from those dangerous people alone.

I just met Sister Yukiko yesterday. She helped you disguise yourself, right?"

Conan: ...

You can't fool him. Brother Wakagi is too smart QAQ.

But, do you really want to involve the innocent brother Wakagi in such a dangerous thing?

Conan, who was stuffing snacks into his mouth, seemed to see such an unsolvable multiple-choice question.

Your brother Wakagi applied to join the main storyline. Do you agree?


PS: The blood relationship between Sister Bay and Karasuma Renye, and Sister Bay's daughter are all private settings. In the last chapter, Karasuma Renye said to Sister Bay that he indulged you too much, not because he had been monitoring Sister Bay's condition, but because he currently needed Sister Bay's blood to survive every once in a while, but Sister Bay hadn't gone back to see him for a long time.

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