"Whether the Sangria you mentioned is an undercover agent or not, whether Vermouth showed mercy because of her friendship with your mother or because she really has some special hobbies.

In short, the reason you can come back alive tonight is not because your plan is so meticulous and rigorous, but purely because of your good luck.

So, in the next period of time, you have to behave yourself and be a good elementary school student, understand?"

Ruo Muliang stretched out his finger and poked Conan's forehead, poking the little corgi to roll on the sofa.


"No buts!"

Ruo Muliang took a thick hanger from the shelf not far from the sofa and squinted at Conan.

"Although I know that for some reason, your body has shrunk to the size of an elementary school student, but your IQ should not have shrunk along with it, right?

When you received the invitation to the Halloween party, you should have known that the attitude of this member of the organization called Vermouth towards you was more of a test than a threat."

When Conan heard the "special little hobby" mentioned by Wakagi Ryo, he subconsciously wrapped his clothes tightly again.

"Otherwise, after you and Huihara's identities are exposed to her, what you are waiting for will not be just a light invitation.

Suppose tonight, when you arrive at the dock, you find that the other party has taken Xiaolan hostage, can you still calmly complete your plan full of loopholes?

You don't think that Vermouth can find out your true identity, but can't find the location of the Maori Detective Agency, and can't find a chance to kidnap Xiaolan, right?"

While Wakagi Ryo gently patted his palm with a clothes hanger, he wondered how much emotional value he could get from the little corgi tonight.

"I am more inclined to believe that the purpose of this member of the organization named Vermouth tonight's action is to test potential cooperation targets."

Conan: ? ? ?

Test? If Akai Shuichi hadn't arrived in time tonight, Teacher Judy would have definitely been killed by Vermouth and Sangria!

Wakagi Ryo tilted his head and looked at Conan on the sofa, "Do you think it is common to change from a high school student to an elementary school student?

To be honest, I find it incredible that you were not packed up and taken away by the two members of the organization and thrown into some secret laboratory to become a new experimental sample.

Even the other party's researchers want to extract your brain tissue samples, and they don't need to shave your hair by the way."

Wakagi Ryo reached out and touched Conan's bald forehead again.

Conan: !!!

Conan swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty, and couldn't help but imagine the scene of himself being tied to the operating table, and several tightly wrapped white coats holding saws wanting to perform a craniotomy on him.

The little Corgi shrank on the sofa and trembled, and then he pulled a soft pillow into his arms.

However, his thoughts had already started running wildly along the guidance of Wakuragi Ryo.

Judging from the situation tonight, Sangria and Vermouth seem to have a good relationship. It is known that Sangria is very likely to be an undercover sent by the professor to the organization, so will Vermouth also...

Wakuragi Ryo looked at Conan who was lost in thought, and then followed the live broadcast room of Sister Bay to carefully observe the nest of Karasuma Renya from inside to outside.

Well, there is actually not much difference between being a rebel and being an undercover.


Wakuragi Ryo knocked on the coffee table with the hanger in his hand, barely pulling Conan's running thoughts back.

"No matter what you conclude, next time you encounter something related to the organization, at least discuss it with Uncle Yusaku, instead of thinking you have figured out everything and then rushing up to do it for free like this time.


Wakagi Ryo raised his lips and shook the thick wooden clothes hanger in his hand.

"For a disobedient child, I can only consider treating him to a meal of bamboo shoots and fried meat."

Conan: ! ! ! !

Brother Wakagi, you! Be! A! Person! Can you?

The threat of spanking was obviously very effective. Conan was in a state of fury. He slid behind the sofa and stared at Wakagi Ryo and the clothes hanger in his hand warily.

"Okay, I've reported to Xiaolan that you're safe. You can sleep at the doctor's house tonight.

You know, staying up late is one of the important reasons for hair loss. You don't want to be bald when you turn back into Kudo Shinichi in the future."

Wakagi Ryo watched Conan slowly move to the doctor's guest room, and with satisfaction counted the emotions he had collected from the little corgi tonight, and turned to leave.


There was a loud noise in the silent night, and Huiyuan Ai, who was awakened, and Ko, who had just climbed into bed,Nandu was attracted by the noise and hurried to the window to observe the situation.

I saw that the wall of the doctor's yard collapsed for some reason, and a huge hole was smashed in the ground in the yard.

One hand grabbed the edge of the hole and pushed hard.

Ruomu Liang turned over and climbed out of the hole, patting the dirt on his body with a speechless face.

-80 really couldn't leave him for a moment, and gave a passionate critical hit as soon as he came back.

He turned around and waved to the two little heads that popped out of the window, indicating that he was safe.

Conan looked at Ruomu Liang, then looked at the freshly baked big hole in the yard, and returned to bed with a full of guilt.

Ruomu brother has such a lucky value, but he still has to worry about him and is forced to get involved in things related to the Black Organization.

I, I'm sorry for you, Ruomu brother!


Ruomu Liang went home and changed into clean clothes, and reinforced the bed several times with magic.

Although it doesn't hurt to fall from such a height, the experience of having the bed collapse while sleeping is not very good.

He lay down on the bed and checked today's news before going to bed.


Wakagi Ryo squinted his eyes at the promotional picture on the sub-page.

Space Theater, stage play "Josephine", the jewel of destiny?

When this familiar combination comes together, is there something key missing?

Wakagi Ryo opened the live broadcast room of Kuroba Kaito. As expected, Touzi, the expert in staying up late, has not fallen asleep yet. He is even studying the specific schedule of his date with Aoko tomorrow with great interest.

Wakagi Ryo: ...

So because he mentioned Pandora before, Kaito Kid is planning to... retire early?

Wakagi Ryo silently took out his mobile phone, took a screenshot of the news, and then logged into the professor's account.

[Where is the notice letter? ]

Little Pigeon: [? ? ! ! ! Professor, you finally remembered your account password again! ]

Little Pigeon: [The purpose of my notice is to find Pandora. Since we already know that Pandora is the jewel inherited from Hongzi's family, there is no need to send a notice again.]

Little Pigeon: [Didn't the professor promise Hongzi to help her find the jewel within a year?]

Little Pigeon: [Then Kaito Kid can retire after completing his mission~]

Wakagi Ryo smiled sinisterly at the screen. Who will help me brush up my mood value after you retire?

Want Butterfly to drop my movie? No way!

[So you can't wait to tell the people at the zoo that you have found Pandora's whereabouts?]

Little Pigeon: [! ! !]

Kuroba Kaito's hand poking the keyboard froze slightly. He didn't need the professor to continue talking, he also understood the other party's subtext.

The people at the zoo have always been unscrupulous in order to find Pandora's whereabouts. In the case that they cannot determine which gem Pandora is hiding in, they will not let go of any gem that may be Pandora.

And judging from the situation of several encounters, the other party obviously does not care whether there will be casualties when snatching gems.

Thinking of this, Kuroba Kaito sighed silently, dug out his equipment that had been idle for a while, and quickly wrote a notice.

Rather than letting those people in the zoo hurt the original owner of the gem, it is better to let Kaito Kid continue to fight against them.

On the contrary, it's only a year anyway.

Douzi puffed his face, turned out the newspaper reluctantly, and carefully read the performance time of the stage play.

Well, why not invite Qingzi to watch the stage play.

A date still has to be made, this is Kuroba Kaito's last stubbornness.

Wakagi Ryo looked at Kuroba Kaito who was forced to work overtime in the live broadcast room and smiled with satisfaction.

You guys who are the protagonists are really worrying.

Get out of here and go to work!

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