Wakagi Ryo was absent-mindedly watching the stage play. To be honest, it was a combination of handsome men and beautiful women, and everyone's acting skills were good. If it were any other time, he would definitely be able to calm down and enjoy the play.

But now, his attention was obviously on the edge of the stage, on Kaito Kid, who was pretending to be Kudo Shinichi, and on Conan, who was about to explode because his big dick was stolen.

I don't know if the little Corgi used the toilet to escape again and called the universal tool man Dr. Agasa to send equipment over. He obviously didn't bring anything when he came, but in a blink of an eye, he was already carrying an ugly little schoolbag.

It was probably filled with the children's parachute produced by the doctor.

Conan turned on the night vision mode on the black technology glasses and locked his target firmly on Kaito Kid.

Tsk, it's worthy of my face. It's really handsome no matter how you look at it.

At this moment, the plot on the stage has reached its climax. The actor who plays Napoleon walked step by step to his throne for the coronation ceremony.

Kuroba Kaito yawned.

He had already watched this drama once when he was dating Aoko yesterday, so no matter how classy the overall atmosphere was, he had no interest in watching it a second time.

Calculating the time, it was almost time. Kuroba Kaito accurately found Conan who had been staring at him in the crowd, and then waved his hand very politely, hinting that he was about to make trouble.

Conan's face changed, relying on his height that was less than others' knees, he immediately jumped off the seat in the dark and chased in the direction where Kid disappeared.

Wakagi Ryo, who was sitting next to him, curled his lips, and quietly used the clone technique when Conan left.

This time the clone was rather sloppy, and it was not deliberately molded into the appearance of Sangria or the professor. It was just a simple and rough application of several layers of black illusion on the face and body of the clone.

So that this clone looked very dark.

It was in line with the customs and habits of Mika.

Conan ran all the way, and it was no surprise that he met love at the corner... No, he bumped into a round belly at the corner, and because of the reaction force, he was knocked to the ground and rolled over.

"Little brother, are you okay?"

Conan switched to the voice of an elementary school student in a second, and was about to find an opportunity to tear the face of the fat policeman in front of him.

At this time, a squinty-eyed police officer with a passerby face appeared behind the two of them.

Conan narrowed his eyes and his eyes stayed on the baton on the waist of the squinty-eyed police officer, which was obviously longer.

"Big brother, yours is longer than this uncle's."

Douzi was obviously stunned for a second because of this bad line, and took off the flash bomb disguised as a baton on his waist half a beat late.

"Why is mine longer... Of course, it's because this isn't a baton~"

Kaito Kuroba pressed the button on the top of the "baton", and a dazzling white light flashed in the narrow corridor. While Conan and another innocent passerby were stunned, Touzi threw down the disposable baton and ran away.

The black clone of Wakamukai, who had been following behind for a long time, took the opportunity to run wildly, and then forced the pill in his hand into Conan's mouth.

Conan: ? ? ?

About the fact that I suddenly had a candy in my throat just after being controlled by the flash bomb.

Probably because the antidote that Wakamuki Ryo took away was a special version of Sangria, Ai-chan, a scientific research madman, even slightly improved its taste without affecting the efficacy of the medicine.

And maybe because there are too many furry furries at home, Wakamuki Ryo has already mastered the extremely agile technique of inserting pills.

By the time Conan came to his senses and subconsciously retched, the antidote had already been pushed into his throat by Wakagi Ryo's black clone, leaving only a faint sweet taste in his mouth.

Conan blinked his eyes, not figuring out what had happened, but seeing that Kidd had already run to the elevator, he didn't care about that and chased after Kidd desperately.

When Conan followed his intuition and chased to the rooftop, he felt a soreness in his body, and his heart even felt a slight tingling due to insufficient oxygen supply.

Has he been a primary school student for too long, so his physical fitness has regressed sharply?

Conan covered his chest, calmed his breathing, and looked at Kaito Kidd who was facing away from him on the rooftop.

"This game should be over."

Douzi turned his head and glanced at the panting little detective, a little puzzled.

How come he has such poor physical strength after not seeing him for a while?

Kuroba Kaito waved his hand, tore off his police uniform, and changed into a white dress that belonged to the Phantom Thief in a second.

"Indeed, if I play hide-and-seek with you in this place, it seemsIt's a bit too dark, isn't it, little detective~"

Conan rested for a while and felt that his condition seemed to be better. He bent down and twisted the switch of the enhanced shoes on his feet, then pressed the button on the belt and stepped on the popped-up football.

"You can only talk big now, it's about time to end it. "

Douzi took out his poker gun.

Then, the two of them were on the rooftop, kicking the football and shooting the poker gun at each other to show respect.

They tacitly held an internal trial meeting for Dr.'s products.

After dodging a joker card, Conan leaned on the railing of the rooftop and frowned again.

He was in a very bad state now, his whole body was hot, and his heart and bones were inexplicably painful.

This state... Wait, this symptom, why is it so similar to taking APTX.

That candy just now, could it be!

"Boom boom boom"

The sound of the heartbeat became louder and louder, and the negative state of the body became more and more serious. Before Kuroba Kaito could fire the next poker gun, Conan closed his eyes and fell out of the rooftop.

"Hey hey! "

Are you detectives so weak? How come you're exhausted just at the beginning?!

But now is obviously not a good time to complain. Kuroba Kaito directly unfolded the glider on his back and dived down to the place where Conan fell, ready to save him.


The sound of the cloth breaking was particularly obvious in the quiet night sky. Kuroba Kaito turned his head and looked at the sound, and immediately saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

The little detective has transformed into a living person!

Not only has he transformed into a living person, but he also ran naked in the sky!

Is this how you detectives play in private?!!!

On the other side, Conan, who barely retained a little consciousness... Oh, now he has recovered as Kudo Shinichi, struggling He stretched out his hand and pressed a button on the backpack.

A small khaki parachute suddenly unfolded, temporarily stopping his falling trend.

Dr. Agasa's core technology is indeed of high quality.

While Kudo Shinichi's clothes were torn to pieces, this parachute backpack, which was also the size of an elementary school student, was not damaged at all. Even after unfolding, it still stubbornly supported the weight of a high school student.

Kudo Shinichi was blown by the cold wind from high altitude for a while, and the fever-like high fever on his body subsided a lot, and his brain resumed normal operation.

Although his original plan was to pretend to fall, and take the opportunity to sneak an anesthetic needle while Kidd came down to rescue people, Attack the opponent, and then land safely with the parachute prepared by the doctor.

But I didn't expect that the plan would go astray before it even started.

The parachute prepared by the doctor was made based on the physical data of Conan as an elementary school student, and it couldn't support the high school student Kudo Shinichi to land safely on the ground.

Kidd also quickly realized this. He stretched out his hand and pressed the position of the belt, and a hook popped out, accurately hooking the backpack strap carried by Kudo Shinichi, and then adjusted the direction of the glider, so that the two people floated towards the suburbs.

In this case, it is impossible to land in the city center.

You must know that with the popularity of Kaito Kidd, now In the city center, especially near the theater, there might be many paparazzi lurking, trying to take first-hand photos of Kaito Kid.

But this time, I stole the identity of Kudo Shinichi.

If others saw Kudo, who was in tattered clothes and just short of high-altitude bird-walking at this time, and thought that this high school detective was obviously chasing Kaito Kid.

Hiss, even with a hang glider, you can imagine what kind of thrilling headlines these reporters will write to appear on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow.

"On Kaito Kid's Unknown Quirk"

"Shock! Kaito Kid actually did this to the famous detective late at night"

Just thinking about it, Douzi felt a black screen in front of his eyes.

It's terrible! !

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