Wakagi Ryo spent some effort to rescue Kudo Shinichi from the ruins, and habitually caused the wall to collapse again because of the problem of luck value, almost physically smashing Kudo Shinichi back to the trumpet.

Kudo Shinichi: I'm so hard!

Xiaolan was at a loss to help Wakagi Ryo to help Kudo Shinichi back to the room, and then left reluctantly under the excuse of Wakagi Ryo that "it's too late today, and Uncle Maori will definitely not be at ease with you staying overnight at Kudo's house."

Kudo Shinichi lay on the sofa at home, feeling pain all over his body.

"Huh, anyway, thank you today, Wakagi brother."

Although the fatal costume eventually caused him to be stuck in the wall by Xiaolan, in the final analysis, he was a little thoughtful when wearing the necklace, wanting to get closer to Xiaolan.

Otherwise, he stood behind Xiaolan to put the necklace on her, and there might be nothing wrong.

Wakagi Ryo nodded with a serious expression, trying to suppress the corners of his mouth that were raised.

"You'd better lie down for a while, after all, you've fallen pretty hard."

With Xiaolan's fighting power, if she hadn't stopped at the last moment, Kudo might have flown out and crashed into more than one wall.

Wakagi Ryo worried about Kudo's future position as a family brother for another second.

Well, the remaining 59 seconds are for laughing.

Kudo Shinichi touched his nose a little embarrassedly, "Then I'll leave it to you, Wakagi-ge."

Wakagi-ge, who had no idea that he was reliable, secretly sent the "Kudo Shinichi's hooligan record" he had just recorded to Kudo Yukiko and Vermouth at the same time he stepped out of Kudo's house.

Kudo Yukiko: !!!

My son has become successful? ! He actually behaved like a hooligan to his daughter-in-law? !

Vermouth: ? ? ! !

Godson, you... oh, it was the goddaughter who smashed it, then it's okay.

The two mothers who received the email immediately switched back and forth between auntie smiles and bursting laughter.

Wakagi Ryo took back his phone and showed a smile that concealed his achievements and fame.

After arriving at the doctor's house, he and the doctor spent a lot of time temporarily dragging out Ai-chan, who was intended to grow directly in the laboratory.

"Anyway, this is what happened. Now Conan has turned back into Kudo's appearance, but I don't know how long the effect of the drug will last."

Wakagi Ryo recounted what happened, but he skillfully changed the word order when recounting.

Huihara Ai's face sank slightly, and she borrowed Wakagi Ryo's phone to call Kudo Shinichi.

"What does the pill taste like?"

Kudo Shinichi: "Hey, Huihara, oh, Brother Wakagi has told you everything, right?

The pill tastes a little sweet, and the side effects seem to be much less than the one you gave me at the beginning.

So could you please come over and draw some blood for me for a test or something, and see if this time... Hello? Huihara? Hello, hello, hello?"

Kudo Shinichi looked at the phone that was suddenly hung up, a little confused.

Could it be that Huihara couldn't accept it because someone had developed a more perfect antidote before her, and with her pride as a genius girl, she couldn't accept it?

Kudo Shinichi hesitated for a moment, thinking about whether to go to the next door to ask for clarification.

But as soon as he stood up, his waist was sore - when Xiaolan pushed him out just now, a piece of gravel happened to hit his waist.

He could only lie down again in misery.

Forget it, Brother Wakagi is so reliable, he will definitely be able to handle it... right?

On the other side, at the doctor's house.

Huihara Ai hung up the phone angrily, turned back to her laboratory, pulled out a light gray medicine bottle on the table, unscrewed the lid and checked it.

Sure enough, there was one pill missing.

You are so bold, Edogawa, you have learned to steal things, right?

You are so bold, you dare to put anything in your mouth, why didn't you steal a poison to poison yourself directly?

You know, most of the medicine bottles on Ai's laboratory table are not labeled, and some of the medicine bottles contain toxic substances.

Wakagi Ryo sat in the living room of the doctor's house and drank a sip of tea leisurely.

It is known that not long ago, Conan knocked Huihara Ai down with an anesthetic needle and temporarily placed her in the underground laboratory.

And in order to prevent Huihara Ai from finding him, Conan once searched the laboratory and Huihara's room to confirm that Ai did not have the spare tracking glasses made by the doctor.

Two days later, Ai found that there was a temporary antidote missing in her laboratory.

No matter what, her little brain would never come to the conclusion that the mastermind behind this was Ryo Wakagi who secretly took away an antidote when returning Akemi Rabbit.

The most realistic inference is that Conan stole the antidote before confronting Vermouth Pier.A temporary antidote was taken away, perhaps intending to use it as a trump card.

As for why Edogawa was able to accurately find the antidote in a pile of unlabeled bottles, Huiyuan Ai directly attributed it to the cunning little corgi using verbal traps to test the answer from the doctor's mouth.

All I can say is that everything is a beautiful misunderstanding.

"Hehe, you like to steal the antidote, right? Sweet, right?"

Huiyuan Ai had a gloomy face, took out the temporary antidote originally prepared for Conan, and added a little denatonium benzoate (the world's most bitter bittering agent) to it.

After adding the ingredients, Huiyuan Ai turned around and locked the antidote for the special version of Sangria into a constant temperature password box.

And that night, Kudo Shinichi, who had sprained his waist, once again turned back to the state of a little corgi.

After all, the antidote of version 2.0 is mainly to weaken the negative state during transformation, and there is no breakthrough in the duration.

This made the famous detective, who had originally held a one-in-a-million hope that he could spend Xiaolan's birthday and then turn back into Conan, feel like an eggplant hit by frost. Even the Kaito Kid, who was about to officially attack the Destiny Gem, seemed to have no interest in it.


After laying the groundwork for harming the little corgi again, Wakamu Ryo went back to his home and kidnapped a fluffy cat from the yard.

Then he opened Douzi's live broadcast room to see what the other person who was walking the bird in the sky tonight would react.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the live broadcast room over there, Wakamu Ryo saw a naked Kudo Shinichi.

To be precise, it was a photo of Kudo Shinichi who turned into a living person tonight and ran naked in the sky.

Wakamu Ryo: ? ? ? ? ?

Ah, Douzi, when did you learn to be bad?

You actually took a picture of Kudo Shinichi's epic underworld scene?

It's so depressing!

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito saved the file and smiled while touching his chin.

"With this handle in hand, I can directly slap him with my dark history when I meet the little detective who is chasing me relentlessly in the future."

Wakagi Ryo, who was watching the live broadcast, imagined this scene.

When Conan revealed the disguised identity of Kaito Kid through brilliant and meticulous reasoning, and used a group of black technology equipment provided by the doctor to force Kaito Kid into a corner and prepare to arrest him.

Kaito Kid threw out a naked photo of Kudo Shinichi (wrong)

If there is another Xiaolan or Maori Kogoro as a spectator.

That scene... I'm already looking forward to it~

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