Wakaki Ryo showed an expression of understanding, turned around and left the cockpit. Not long after, he came back with Xiaolan, who looked confused.

Kuroba Kaito looked at the little detective beside him, and then looked at Wakaki Ryo, who had all his limbs intact. He didn't quite understand why both of them assumed that Xiaolan was the better choice to take over the plane.

However, considering the strength of the other party's karate champion, at least the strength attribute is definitely enough.

Douzi: "What is your vision?"

Xiaolan: "Both eyes are 1.5."

Douzi: "I don't have any diseases."

Xiaolan: "No."

Kuroba Kaito rolled his eyes and asked the third question seriously.

"What are your measurements?"

Perhaps Douzi's tone was too serious, Xiaolan didn't react for a while and even thought about it seriously.

When the specific data was about to come out, Mao Lilan realized what kind of question the other party was asking.

But obviously Touzi was well prepared. He immediately stood up and pushed Xiaolan to the driver's seat, saying, "Brave girl, it's up to you to save the lives of all the passengers on the plane~"

Xiaolan: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ! ! !

After being interrupted like this, Xiaolan was in no mood to care about the previous problem. Her hands trembled slightly and she held the joystick. She was as stiff as a javelin.

Kuroba Kaito stared at Conan's death gaze and softened his voice. While soothing Xiaolan's emotions, he guided her to operate the plane.

He had to be gentle. If this girl was too nervous and broke the joystick, then we could only consider the plan that the professor said, to carry the plane with one hand to land.

Wait, one hand...

So did he also predict that my hand would be injured tonight?

A little to the side, Wakagi Ryo had already prepared to take out the map, and helped Conan plan the route, and set the temporary landing target at the location of Muroran Pier.

Conan's tense nerves relaxed a little, and it turned out that Wakagi was really a very reliable person.

Then, Wakagi Ryo looked at Kuroba Kaito meaningfully, turned around and left the cockpit.


Muroran Pier was dark, with only the newly built Swan Bridge nearby with a few lights, but unfortunately this light was not enough for the plane to complete a safe emergency landing.

Kuroba Kaito sighed and understood that at this time, professionals were needed to do professional things.

Wakagi Ryo watched Kuroba Kaito dismantle the door of the plane, and then transformed into the body of Kaito Kid in a second, and said goodbye to Suzuki Sonoko in a very cool manner.

Then, Kuroba Kaito let go of his hand holding the cabin, and the pure white figure suddenly disappeared in the still rolling thunderclouds.

To be honest, Douzi, is your hat really not glued to your forehead with 502 glue? This is 2,000 meters high, and it hasn't been blown away. This hat is really something.

In the night sky, a hand suddenly grabbed Kaito Kidd's body flying backwards.

"If you jump off the plane at this angle, you will be sucked into the propeller~"

The man with long golden brown hair smiled and greeted Douzi, "Good night, Kaito Jun, don't you really consider my suggestion a few hours ago?"

After all, Kaito Kidd really did such a thing, and the surging emotional value should have blown up his panel.

Douzi tried to struggle, after all, the posture of being held by the back of the clothes and suspended in the sky was really not very good-looking, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice when he heard it.

"Professor, do you know how heavy an airplane is? This is not something that humans can do at all!"

Ruo Mu Liang raised his chin in the direction of the plane, and then snapped his fingers coolly.

Kuroba Kaito turned his head and looked in the direction of the plane. His whole body suddenly stiffened, and his worldview was quickly shattered and reassembled.

The plane seemed to be controlled by some inexplicable force and hovered in the sky. No, it was not the plane that was stagnant, but... time.

The raindrops around them were all floating against gravity, and Kuroba Kaito could even clearly see the shape of each raindrop.

The night wind, lightning, rainstorm, and even the humming sound of the propeller of the plane not far away all disappeared. For a moment, the whole world seemed to only hear the question of a magician around him with a bit of teasing.

"It's not something that humans... can do? Are you doubting my race, Kaito?"

Wakagi Ryo snapped his fingers again, and time resumed. The stagnant plane gradually lowered the height of the fuselage as planned and circled at Muroran Pier.

And likeAs if to set off the mysterious atmosphere, the thunderclouds around the two of them rolled violently. Wakagi Ryo raised his eyebrows and quickly fled the crime scene with Kuroba Kaito.

The next second after they flew away, several lightning bolts struck fiercely at the place where they had originally stayed, and the light effect flickered, which looked very lively.

It looked like a fellow Taoist was going through a tribulation.

Wakagi Ryo knew that if it was a few seconds at night when he ran away, he might be struck into charcoal by lightning.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is still Douzi's worldview that can accept magic. If it was Conan who firmly believed in science, using the skill of "time stop" in front of him...

The will of the world will probably really hit his face with a meteorite in the next second.

Tsk, so stingy.

After being dragged by the professor to fly in the sky for a long time, Touzi's language ability finally recovered, and he stammered, "Professor, I want to learn this!!!"

Wakagi Ryo patted Touzi's shoulder, treated the injury on his left hand, and then pointed in the direction of the plane.

"Do you have something to deal with first?"

Without waiting for Kuroba Kaito to say no, Wakagi Ryo picked up Touzi's cloak, aimed at the direction, and threw the thief in the direction of Muroran Pier.

If you can't throw a child, throwing a thief is also good.

"Don't worry, Kaito-kun, your special effects artist is on standby at any time."

Wakagi Ryo watched Touzi roll in the air, then pulled open his glider and slowly flew away, and then he exhaled a little weakly.

One skill, the blue bar is three-quarters empty.

In order to pretend to be so cool, the price seems to be a bit high.

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito numbly operated the hang glider, and his inner thoughts had long been in a mess.

Can a magician do this?

He can control time at will and manipulate the life and death of others... For a moment, he seemed to understand the crazy things those people in the zoo did for Pandora.

This magical power is really fascinating!

Douzi shook his head and forced his attention to the plane that could not land safely.

Before leaving the cockpit, he noticed that the remaining fuel on the plane could only support the plane to fly for about 10 minutes. According to the original plan, he intended to attract Inspector Nakamori who was chasing him, attract a series of police cars to the dock, and use the lights of the police cars to illuminate the dock.

After all, when his future father-in-law was chasing him, the scene was always grand.

But now, with the support of the professor's magic, it can be more direct.

Douzi adjusted the direction of the hang glider and accelerated towards the dock.

On the plane, Xiaolan sat in the driver's seat with a look of despair and numbness. Even though Conan had found an opportunity to dodge and called her in Kudo Shinichi's voice and kept encouraging her, Xiaolan's mentality could not be fully adjusted.

A 17-year-old high school student had to bear the lives of hundreds of people on the entire plane. Such pressure is enough to force anyone to collapse.

"Xiaolan, look! There is light on the dock!"

Sonoko suddenly shouted excitedly.

Whether it was Conan who was on the phone or Mao Lilan sitting in the driver's seat, they subconsciously looked at the originally dim dock below.

The dark dock had been illuminated by pure white light at some point. The dock was surrounded by a circle of bright light bands, and on the wide open space in the center, there was a line of text composed of countless tiny light spots.

Looking down from hundreds of meters in the air, the giant notice formed by these white lights can be fully captured in the eyes.

[The true destiny is in your own hands. I have accepted the brilliant gem that shines in despair. From Kaito Kid]

Conan: ...

It is confirmed that the style of the pretentious person who wants to show off as much as possible at this time is Kaito Kid himself!


And Kaito Kid, who was ridiculed by Conan as a pretentious person, has changed into a low-key black suit at this time and landed on the Swan Bridge on the other side of the pier.

Friendly reminder, this Swan Bridge was funded and built by the Shiratori Group.

It can be seen that it is indeed the only rule to keep your life and property from being too close to the God of Death. You see the various buildings of the Suzuki Group, which are demolished for free in the theater version.

But the bridge built by the Shiratori Group passed by the God of Death and remained unscathed.

Everyone knows this.

"So, why didn't you tell me at the beginning that I would be injured in this operation?"

Kuroba Kaito moved his left hand, which was no longer painful, and curiously asked the unknownThe professor who came behind him asked.

Wakagi Ryo shrugged, "I didn't know you would get hurt. I'm not a professional prophet."

"But your suggestion is to hold the plane with one hand!"

Wakagi Ryo stretched out his hand, grabbed Douzi's forehead, and sighed in disappointment.

"Because holding the plane with both hands is like lifting a barbell, it's not cool at all."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

PS: I have to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year, so if I want to update, I'll just let it go~

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