"Well, well..."

The second dark-skinned handsome boy from the program team, Ikema, asked a weak question.

"That is, do we still have to carry this body?"

Wakagi Ryo: ...

You two are so honest. You have been carrying the body until now and have not let go?

"Let's carry it to the house on the island first and find a room to temporarily place it."

Wakagi Ryo waved to the person in charge, Taketomi Masao, and asked, "If we don't go back for a long time, how long will it take for the rescue ship of the program team to arrive?"

Taketomi Masao: ...

Taketomi Masao put on an embarrassed expression, "Well, actually... Actually, this rehearsal was originally planned to be held yesterday, but because we couldn't contact a suitable ship, it was delayed until today. I did it behind the producer's back this time..."

Wakagi Ryo waved his hand and asked Taketomi Masao to kneel down.

In short, if there are conditions, we must go on, and if there are no conditions, we must create conditions to let everyone experience the Blizzard Villa today.

"There's no signal on the phone, otherwise we could just call Uncle Maori and ask him to find someone to pick us up."

He Ye took out his phone from his pocket, looked at the signal icon with an X, showed a distressed expression, and then subconsciously touched his arm.

As the night gradually fell, the temperature of the entire island continued to drop, and the two girls in swimsuits clearly felt the loss of body temperature.

Ruo Mu Liang reached into his backpack and took out a large-sized jacket.

"You two girls squeeze in."

Xiao Lan, who also felt cold, but endured not saying anything, took the jacket, unfolded it, and huddled in it with He Ye, and finally felt a little warmth.

Sure enough, when something unexpected really happened, the reasoning madman was not as reliable as Brother Ruo Mu!

Speaking of signals...

Ruo Mu Liang, who had been prepared, took out a satellite phone from the interlayer of his backpack. There was no signal?

Wakagi Ryo frowned, and reasonably suspected that this wave should not be a problem with the satellite phone, so he waved in the direction of Maori Ran.

"Xiaolan, come."

Mauri Ran obediently walked to Wakagi Ryo's side. As soon as she stood firm, a satellite phone was stuffed into her hand. Her eyes lit up immediately, and she dialed Maori Kogoro's number without thinking.

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Tsk, this differential treatment can be more obvious.

"Dad! How much alcohol have you drunk again?!"

Xiaolan held the phone and began to educate her old father remotely. He Ye came to Xiaolan's side with a very close friend, and put half of the jacket on Xiaolan's shoulders.

The two poor black guys carried the body and found a room in the haunted house on the island that had been abandoned for who knows how long, and temporarily stored the body in it.

"Brother Ruomu, Dad said that he has contacted the mayor, but the sea surface in this area is complicated and full of reefs. Even if you sail during the day, you need to be very careful. It is really difficult to carry out rescue at night.

The only person who has experience and can cross this reef at night is Mr. Shimochi Takashi, the captain who sent us here and disappeared with the cruise ship.

So, the fastest rescue ship will not come until tomorrow."

Xiao Lan returned the satellite phone to Ruomu Liang, and said a not-so-good news with a little apology.

Ruomu Liang nodded calmly, not surprised at all.

Then a group of people who were stranded on the deserted island gathered in the hall, consciously moved chairs, and sat around the wooden table with a lame leg.

Excluding Ruomu Liang, the rest of the people can still make up two mahjong tables.

Of course, if you want to play mahjong, you probably lack a little key props, so in order to advance the plot, it is very appropriate to fast forward to the storytelling mode directly.

The two dark-skinned guys in the program group are locals. Hattori Heiji mentioned that he dived to the sea area where Taira Ie had swam before, and saw a rusty and broken anchor on the seabed. It was about four or five years ago.

As qualified tools, the two guys immediately told everyone in detail what had happened on the island.

"Five years ago, the mayor's only daughter, Miss Xiaodu, was kidnapped. A year later, a group of robbers broke into the mayor's house and robbed their family heirloom. According to the mayor's housekeeper at the time, the robbers were the same group of people who kidnapped Miss Xiaodu a year ago.

The mayor seemed to have chosen to spend money to settle these two things privately, so the police never caught anyone, but after that, both Miss Xiaodu and the heirloom of the mayor's house seemed to be gone.News."

The program director Taketomi Masao also sighed.

"Our mayor is also a poor man. When the kidnapping happened, his wife had just passed away. And a year later, when the robbers broke into the mayor's house, they killed their maid. The only housekeeper simply quit his job because of fear.

Not long after, the mayor's uninhabited island found a body again..."

When Conan and Hattori heard this, they subconsciously glanced at Wakaki Ryo.

For some reason, the mayor's series of experiences had a strong sense of déjà vu.

Wakaki Ryo ignored the eyes of the two death gods, and took out biscuits, bread, chocolate and drinks from his backpack and piled them in front of the two girls.

"Just make do with it for dinner."

"Thank you, brother Wakaki!"

Hattori Heiji:?

"Brother Wakaki, why don't Conan and I have a share? "

Ryo Wakagi squinted his eyes at the dark-skinned detective and raised an exaggerated questioning voice: "Ah, so you detectives need to eat?

I thought that as long as there is a case, you can fill your stomach with a few mouthfuls of wind. Otherwise, you wouldn't throw your girlfriend aside every time you see a corpse. "

Conan: ...

Hattori Heiji: ...

Of course, Kazuha and Xiaolan are still kind. Although the snacks that Ryo Wakagi brought are not many, it is still okay to share a little bit with each person to fill their stomachs temporarily.

After eating and drinking, it's time to start doing things~

Ryo Wakagi took out the drawing board from his backpack and skillfully began to draw the line drawings for Amuro... er, the heroine in the high-slit priest robe.


Hattori Heiji looked up and glanced around in confusion, then touched his nose a little puzzled,

What did I just do? Why do I seem to hear someone calling my name?

[Hattori! ]

Hattori Heiji: ? ? ?

He looked at Kazuha who was chatting with Xiaolan, Wakagi Ryo who was drawing, and Conan who was thinking at his feet. After looking around, he couldn't find out who was calling his name.

Moreover, it seemed that they didn't hear the voice.

[Hattori!!! ]

This time the voice was a little clearer, and it seemed to come from the hallway.

Hattori Heiji frowned, stood up and walked towards the door, intending to find out what was going on.

At the door, Kudo Shinichi, wearing a school uniform and with most of his face hidden in the dark, was waving at Hattori Heiji.

Hattori was relieved immediately. Oh, it was Kudo. Why didn't you tell me earlier? You are so mysterious...

Hattori Heiji's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Kudo Shinichi?

Edogawa Conan?

Hattori Heiji turned around and looked at Conan, who was staring at the wooden board at the table, which was said to be the one standing next to the unknown body a year ago, and was written with "The princess rests in A, not B".

He raised his head again and looked at the man standing at the door. , waving at him, looking like a pale version of Kudo Shinichi.

What happened? ? ?

Hattori Heiji felt as if he was split apart in an instant.

Wakagi Ryo was writing and drawing on the drawing board, quietly raising his eyelids to look at a certain Osaka mailbox that was doubting his life.

Conan and Xiaolan have been bullied a lot these past two days, even a tough little corgi probably needs to be well fed, so the victim tonight is decided to be you, Black Chicken!

After all, on such an uninhabited island, it is normal for a ghost to happen in the middle of the night.

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