The meeting place was set at Dr. Agasa's house.

When Wakagi Ryo and Amuro Toru arrived, Conan and Hattori were already there, and both of them were on the phone with serious expressions.

Wakagi Ryo waited quietly for a moment, and after they hung up the phone, he spoke: "It was not clear on the phone before, what happened?"

Conan and Hattori looked at each other, and finally Hattori Heiji started to explain.

"It's like this, Wakagi, do you still remember the Torii Yukio who attempted suicide with a bomb that we caught in Koshien?"

Wakagi Ryo nodded.

"What happened to him?"

"When the local police went to Torii Yukio's house to search for any remaining bombs, they found a photo like this in his house."

Hattori Heiji took out his mobile phone and showed Torii Yu's horrible photo.

Wakagi Ryo frowned, acting as if he had seen the photo for the first time.

"Too cruel."

Hatsuori Heiji nodded and continued: "Torimitsu Yu's body has not been found yet, and Toriimitsu Yukio's mental state is also very unstable. There is no way to get more clues for the time being.

However, judging from the photos, this incident is very bad, so Toriimitsu Yukio has been transferred to the Osaka Police Headquarters."

Conan then said: "And there seems to be more than one such case, please..."

He raised his eyes and glanced at Amuro Toru, thinking that his vest seemed to have leaked in front of him a long time ago, so he simply broke the jar and broke it.

"I asked Inspector Megure to help check the internal information of the police, and found that there may be more than one such case."

Amuro Toru frowned immediately.

"Maybe? If it is really a series of vicious incidents, it is understandable to conceal the news from the media for the time being, but why has there been no formal investigation until now?"

Hatsuori Heiji said solemnly: "Because the police can't even be sure how many victims there are now."

Wakagi Ryo:?

"There are only two confirmed victims at present, one is Torii Mitsuhiro, and the other is Takada Konan. Someone reported the case anonymously this morning."

Reporter Wakagi Ryo: ...

Isn't it that the Neon police are so useless? Even Vodka has encountered this more than once. Wait, the places where Vodka often goes seem to be various holy places for dumping corpses. The people from the Metropolitan Police Department didn't find it. It seems understandable?

Conan is still analyzing on his own.

"Moreover, this style of digging out eyes must be Sang..."

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Vodka thought it was me, and now Conan and Hattori also mistakenly thought it was me. Not all cases related to eyeballs can be pushed onto Sangria, okay?

Do I look like the kind of person who will dig out any eyeballs?

You can question my character, but you can't question my aesthetics!

No, I'm just talking. I haven't really dug out anyone's eyes!


Hattori Heiji coughed twice in a very exaggerated way, interrupting Conan's analysis, and pointed in the direction of Amuro Toru along his eyes.

Conan: ...

Yes, Mr. Amuro seems to know that he is Kudo Shinichi, but he doesn't know about the organization.

Bourbon looked at the two famous detectives who were almost guilty with their faces, "What?"

Hattori Heiji: "...San, crazy!

Conan means that the murderer this time must be a crazy person who used such cruel means!"

Wakagi Ryo: ...

The fist is hard.

Amuro Toru slightly turned his eyes to look at Wakagi Ryo who said "I'm angry, but I still have to keep smiling."

I told you to scare children all the time.

Conan probably realized that Hattori Heiji's operation of helping to change the subject was a bit too forced, so he coughed twice and threw out another clue to try to divert Amuro Toru's attention.

"Well, to be precise, the police have no way to confirm how many victims there are in Japan."

Wakagi Ryo raised his eyebrows, and a new clue appeared!

Sure enough, when the protagonists intervened in the case, various hidden clues would pop up one by one.

Maybe the murderer will have an epic self-explosion in a while, and directly tell all the details under the influence of the halo of the coming.

"Because this method is very iconic, I ask my father..."

Amuro Toru squeezed out a breath from his nose, and Conan immediately became angry.

"I mean my father!"

Hattori: ? ? ?

"Ahem, anyway, it happened in M ​​country beforeA similar case happened a year ago, and the victim was a homeless man in New York City.

However, because the body was already highly decomposed when it was found, no useful clues could be found, and no similar cases occurred afterwards, so it was left unresolved.

We have to wait for more detailed information. "

A year ago?

Amuro Toru sat up subconsciously and asked, "Is there a more specific time?"

Conan carefully recalled the phone call just now and said affirmatively, "The autopsy report speculates that the specific time of death should be April 22, a year ago."

Wakagi Ryo:!

This time...

Amuro Toru:!

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Wakagi Ryo, but did not speak.

At this moment, Ai-chan, who had just completed a phased experiment and came out of the underground laboratory, had a pupil tremor:!!!

Where did the smell of alcohol come from?!


"On April 22, a year ago, Liang-kun was in New York at that time. "

After returning to his own home from the doctor's house, Ruomu Liang picked up a fluffy cat from the yard, returned to the living room, and went straight to the sofa.

"To be precise, on the 22nd, it was the time when I left New York and returned to Tokyo. "

Toru Amuro fell silent.

The reason why he was so impressed by this time was that April 21st a year ago was exactly the time when Pat Reno died.

Too many coincidences.

A year ago, the first victim of the serial case was in New York. At the same time, Ryo Wakagi went to Country M under the guise of Sangria to assist Vermouth in hunting down Shuichi Akai, also in New York.

Afterwards, Ryo Wakagi left Country M, and no similar cases occurred in Country M.

In addition, some of Sangria's hobbies that were widely circulated in the organization...

It seems a little unreliable to say that it wasn't you who did it.

Toru Amuro silently turned his head and glanced at Ryo Wakagi who was addicted to petting cats, and suppressed the little doubt that rose in his heart.

Ryo-kun is a good boy, and Sangria's hobbies and so on are all character settings!

That's right, they are all character settings!

Ryo Wakagi stroked the fur in his arms twice and said, "I killed Pat Reno, but I didn't kill anyone else except him when I went to New York that time. "

Toru Amuro rubbed his temples and felt a slight headache.

"According to Vodka, there are at least four or five victims in this case, but the previous victims have not been found."

Ryo Wakagi pinched the pads of the little black cat in his hand and shrugged.

"It's actually quite normal. I tend to think that the murderer chose beggars or homeless people when he attacked before, and no one would care even if they were missing.

Usually, who would notice that there are one or two less homeless people on the street?"

Toru Amuro: "Even if all the victims are homeless, they have not been discovered, which proves that the murderer is cautious enough.

So, why did he deliberately send Torii Hiroyuki's photo to Torii Yukio?"

Ryo Wakagi shook his head.

"Who knows, maybe he felt that the preliminary preparations were sufficient, so he was ready to announce his existence to the world with a big firework. "

Amuro Toru: ...

Amuro Toru wiped his face with some difficulty.

Liang Jun, your tone makes it hard for people not to doubt whether you did it this time!

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