However, the plot of this theatrical version seems to be a bit stuck at the beginning.

Once the notice and the list of victims came out, how could Conan and Hattori, two reasoning geeks, have the mood to go to the "Fantasy Park" to play when they encountered such a cruel criminal?

The tickets have been bought, you don't want to go? Not happening!

Such a situation was expected by Ruo Muliang. He found the account of Dr. M that had been covered with dust for a long time and sent a text message to Conan's mobile phone to promote the plot.

[A new game has begun, I'm waiting for you in the Fantasy Park]

Conan/Hattori: !!!

Could it be this incident?

Compared with Hattori, Conan knows a little more, at least he has seen the professor smilingly calling Sangria "my child."


Sure enough, this pervert who dug out the eyes is Sangria!!!

Then, Maori Kogoro also received the letter from the original Ito Suehiko, asking him to take the children to the "Fantasy Park".

However, except for Conan, the other children here were replaced by Xiaolan, Hattori Heiji, Toyama Kazuha and Wakaki Ryo.

Everyone is underage, so it's the children, no problem.

So Maori Kogoro rented a van that can accommodate a large number of people, but the speed is only a little faster than a bicycle, just like the original plot.

As a result, Maori Kogoro was overtaken by various vehicles along the way and cursed all the way.

Wakaki Ryo sat in the back seat and played with his mobile phone calmly. The car was full of the protagonists. Even if he had a -80, Wakaki Ryo was not panicked at all.

I don't believe that thing dares to stab me in the back on this occasion.

After driving at a snail's pace for an hour...


"Ah, isn't this the new... Ah Conan?"

Wakagi Ryo and his group met Dr. Agasa with a group of elementary school students in the parking lot.

Conan: ? ? ?

"Why are you here?"

Dr. Agasa touched his smooth forehead and said with a smile: "Hey, because Ai-chan casually drew a prize, she won 5 tickets to the 'Fantasy Park'. I thought it was summer vacation, so I brought the children here to play."

Conan: ...

Graybara, are you serious? This amusement park seems to be having a sangria!

"Conan, are you going to play with us?"

Ayumi reached out and grabbed Conan's sleeve, looking at him eagerly.

Wakagi Ryo looked at the energetic group of little kids behind the crowd, touched his chin and thought for a moment.

It seems that the nightmare BUFF has expired. Should we find time to renew it for them?

Kojima Motota, who was shouting for eel rice, suddenly felt his scalp tingling for some reason, and looked around in confusion.

Conan twitched his mouth and saved his sleeve from Ayumi's hand.

"No, I came here because Uncle Maori received a commission today."

"What's the matter?"

Kazuha smiled and touched Conan and Ayumi's head, "Conan, just go play with the kids. Uncle Maori is enough for the commission. He is the sleeping Kogoro~"

Maori Kogoro heard the compliment and immediately adjusted the collar of his suit with pride.

Hattori Heiji picked up Conan, "The client specifically told you to bring your family along. Maybe there's something that needs the little brat, right? So we'd better go meet the client first.

Doctor, you can take the kids to play first."


After bidding farewell to Dr. Agasa and the others, Wakagi Ryo and the others followed Maori Kogoro to the entrance of the fantasy park. A foreign guy with short blond hair was standing there waiting for them with a smile.

"This must be Detective Maori."

"I'm the client's secretary. You can call me Raphael."

The blond guy bowed slightly to Wakagi Ryo and the others, turned around and led them to the meeting room on the top floor.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the guy who was leading the way in front of him, who had no idea that he was the real culprit of a series of cases, Conan and Hattori. With a slightly good look in his eyes, he walked quietly at the back of the crowd.

After arriving at the conference room, Raphael politely served tea and snacks to everyone, and even closed the door before leaving.

Ryo Wakagi propped his chin with both hands, looked around, and then focused his attention on Conan.

You have already noticed that these chairs don't match the decoration style of the whole room, but you can still touch the chairs with your heart. I can only say that you are worthy of it.

Well, with this alertness, if you don't expose yourself, who will??

Kudo Shinichi lost his fingerprint.JPG

Almost on time, after Conan handed over his fingerprint, Raphael returned to the room with a cart full of bracelets the next second.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

"The reason why I asked Detective Maori to bring his family here is mainly to give you this ID card. As long as you wear this, you can enjoy all the settings of Fantasy Park for free.

Including some facilities that are temporarily closed to the public~"

Raphael held the ID bracelets in both hands very politely and distributed them one by one. When he handed it to Conan, he looked at Conan with a look that was obviously two points more eager than others.

Needless to say, Kudo Shinichi's vest has leaked again.

Sure enough, Gin and Xiaolan are the only ones in the world who don't know that Conan is Kudo Shinichi.

Soon, Raphael held the bracelet and handed it to Wakaki Ryo.

Wakaki Ryo:?

Didn't I just come here to go through the motions? Why do I have to wear this explosive bracelet too?

One day, I can become a bargaining chip to threaten the protagonists.

This experience is a bit novel.

After all, what he has always done is to threaten the protagonists.

He took the bracelet handed over by Raphael with a smile, and then immediately applied dozens of layers of shields on it, striving to ensure that even under the backstab of -80, the explosives inside the bracelet would be immediately detonated, and he would never be hurt by a hair.

After distributing the bracelets, Raphael explained with a professional smile.

"When Mr. Maori completes the commission, we hope that you can play freely in the amusement park. In addition, with this bracelet, all food and drinks in the amusement park can be used for free.

Hope everyone, have fun~"

Heiye immediately pulled Xiaolan's hand excitedly, "When I was outside just now, I wanted to try that roller coaster. It looks like fun!

Heiji, let's go."

Hattori touched the bracelet on his hand and waved to Heye.

"You and Xiaolan go play first. I'm a little curious about Uncle Maori's commission. I wonder if I can stay and listen."

Raphael nodded with a smile.

"It would be great if the Kansai detective is willing to solve this commission together.

Also, please keep this kid for a while. He happens to be the 100,000th lucky tourist."

Wakagi Ryo: ...

The first prize is not Maori Ran. It's a scam at first glance.

The innocent Xiaolan and Heye immediately believed it, congratulated Conan several times, and looked at Wakaki Ryo arm in arm.

"Wakaki, we..."

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Aoto-sensei?"

Raphael's face showed just the right amount of surprise.

"I'm your loyal fan, I wonder if Mr. Aoto-sensei can..."

Wakaki Ryo:?

Are you going to catch them all in one fell swoop?

Wakaki Ryo: "Sure, no problem."


I'm not used to you being so proactive.

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