Sitting in the back seat of Maori Kogoro's car, Wakagi Ryo sent a brief message to Amuro Toru, explaining the situation here.

Of course, as usual, a little bit of information was concealed, such as the bomb bracelet that hid C4, and the true identity of the mastermind.

Otherwise, the blackened Bourbon would have killed Ito Suehiko and Raphael directly, and this theater version would have been declared over before it even started.

After all, judging from the scene where Raphael was stabbed in the back by Daimon before, he seemed to be a criminal with brains.

As for why the detective must be invited to come over even if the mastermind is changed, this may be the ancestral custom of the science world.

Whenever there is something big, it always feels unprofessional and incomplete without the participation of a detective.

Maybe in the perception of the little blacks in the science world, the more detectives I involve, the bigger my show will be.

[In short, it is best for the police to check all the victims on the list as soon as possible, and try to find the connection between them, or the clues left by the murderer. 】

Toru Amuro: [I will check it myself, you must be careful]

Conan called Haibara Ai on his mobile phone, lowered his voice, explained the situation at three times the speed, and then asked Haibara Ai very solemnly.

Haibara Ai: !!!

If you had told me earlier that Sangria might be here, I would not have come to this damn amusement park even if you knelt down and begged me!

Ai-chan is going crazy.JPG

Conan: "In short, don't let them leave the amusement park.

Also, you can't ride the roller coaster, part of its track is beyond the sea!

Please, Haibara."

Haila Ai raised her head and glanced at Xiaolan and Kazuha not far away - due to some plot inertia, although they entered the fantasy park one after another, they still met unexpectedly in front of a certain play project, so they simply formed a temporary play team.

"Well, I'll pay attention, but..."

Conan: "But what?"

"But... I think this time, it might not be San... who did it."

Gray Hara stopped a name that was about to come out of her mouth in time, but her body still trembled involuntarily.

Conan: ???

Don't tell me that there is another person as perverted as this in this world.

"He pays great attention to the artistry of his work. Do you remember the Emperor's Cup? I was taken away by him for a while. Before I was rescued, I saw the dolls he made.

It's...very creepy, but if you ignore the materials used, it's also very beautiful.

So, I don't think this kind of crude technique is his."

Conan: ...

He looked up carefully at Maori Kogoro, who was already in the final stage of road rage because of his worry about his daughter, and lowered his voice to the microphone,

"But the professor also sent a message to invite us to come."

Gray Hara took a deep breath and barely suppressed the fear in her heart. The warm sunlight in broad daylight seemed to bring her a very limited sense of security.

"Anyway, be careful, detective."

Gray Hara hung up the phone and forcibly suppressed the worry in her heart.

She actually preferred to hope that the final murderer of this incident was Sangria. Otherwise, according to his character, knowing that there was such a clumsy "comrade", who knows what terrible things Sangria would do.

It is not impossible to find a few innocent passers-by to make dolls and throw them on the murderer's face to teach him something on the spot.

Anyway, no matter what kind of crazy things Sangria did, Haibara Ai would not be surprised.


Sure enough, the probability of Sangria in Tokyo is still very high. It is better not to go out in the future.


Wakagi Ryo, who was sitting in the car, had no idea that Haibara Ai was ruining his reputation thousands of miles away, but was very serious about accompanying Conan and the others to follow the plot.

Conan: "3-8=-5, if you remove the symbol, it is 385. TAKA is very likely a place name."

Conan and Hattori searched for a while with the map.

Hattori: "Uncle, Takashima-cho!"

Mouri Kogoro was refreshed and immediately suppressed his restless emotions. He turned around and drove madly towards 85 Takashima-cho 3-chome.

Wakagi Ryo was fiddling with his phone for a long time.

When he was almost near 3-chome, he spoke slowly.

"I found out that Takashima-cho was renovated two years ago. The names of most areas were changed because of the renovation and were designated as the undeveloped areas of the future port."

Mouri Kogoro immediately braked and habitually did not wear a seat beltConan almost fell under the seat, but Wakaki Ryo reached out and caught him.

Conan got up and held Wakaki Ryo's right hand with lingering fear. Although the real bracelet on it had been solved, Wakaki Ryo still used an illusion to cover it up.

Wakaki Ryo:?

"Wakaki brother, hold on! You, you move slowly."

Hattori Heiji, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also turned his head immediately and stared at Wakaki Ryo's wrist. After confirming that the fatal bracelet would not suddenly explode and turn them all into mosaics covering the whole car, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although C4 explosives are known for their stability.

But this stability does not seem to be so stable in front of Wakaki Ryo's luck value.

Wakaki Ryo: ...

Okay, -80 is already known to everyone.

He controlled his speech speed and finished the second half slowly.

"But I found an old map before the replanning. Uncle Maori, turn right at the intersection ahead, and then drive west for about 1 kilometer and you'll arrive."

11:25 am

Wakagi Ryo and others stopped in front of a luxury hotel that had obviously been abandoned for a long time.

The hotel's exterior wall looked particularly gloomy, and the golden sign at the gate had almost fallen off, leaving only a few pitiful letters hanging there, looking shaky.

In front of the hotel's gate stood a young man who was familiar to everyone.

"Hakuba Tan?"

Hatsube Heiji said in surprise.

Kuroba Kaito, who was wearing the Hakuba Tan skin, turned his head.

Compared to Conan and Hattori, who rushed over as soon as they received the professor's message, Kuroba Kaito, who had been fooled countless times, had already learned to be smart.

After the professor left last night, he immediately disguised himself and went out to investigate near the Fantasy Park, and installed a large number of surveillance and eavesdropping devices nearby.

Relying on the halo of God's own son, he successfully figured out a small part of the inside story of this incident. So he simply disguised himself as his old classmate Hakuba Tan, pretending to be coerced by the client like Conan and others, and joined the detective team reasonably.

The most wise thing was that he postponed the trip to the "Fantasy Park" at the cost of being nagging by Xiao Qingmei for a long time.

Knowing that the professor wanted to play games with the detective, and that there was a perverted murderer who liked to dig out eyes and the professor's child with a weird hobby involved, he was crazy to bring Qingzi to this dangerous place at this critical moment.

Anyway, there is no time limit for the ticket, so why not come back to play after a while?

Conan: "Why are you here?"

Douzi raised his left hand, which had a bracelet exactly the same as Conan and others.

Conan/Hattori: !!!

"You were also invited by the client?!"

Kuroba Kaito nodded calmly, completely ignoring the fact that there was no explosives in the bracelet on his hand.

He just took it from an unlucky VIP tourist in the amusement park.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at Kuroba Kaito and sighed with a little regret.

There is one less Nakamori Aoko to use to get the emotional value.

Touzi, can't you learn from Hattori and bring your girlfriend here to be tortured by the aura of the god of death?

Oh, Hattori Heiji is also a god of death, and Kazuha has been tortured since she was a child.

That's fine.

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