At the critical moment, Maori Kogoro was still reliable.

When everyone's bracelets began to count down collectively, Maori Kogoro stuffed Conan in his hand into Hattori Heiji's arms and made a run-away gesture to Hattori and Wakaki Ryo.

Hattori took advantage of his skin color to hide Conan behind him and slowly moved out of the lobby of the abandoned hotel.

And Kuroba Kaito, who pretended to be Hakuba Sen, had an unparalleled sensitivity in escaping. He almost evacuated intentionally or unintentionally at the same time as Maori Kogoro's phone rang.

Maori Kogoro himself quickly pulled out the notebook he carried with him, scribbled a few strokes, and then quickly stuffed the note in his hand into the hands of Inspector Megure.

Then, while everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department had not yet reacted, he turned around and sprinted 800 meters, rushed all the way to the rented car, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, performing a runaway on the scene.

A group of people looked like they were fleeing for fear of crime.

Inspector Megure holding a small note: ...

After the car drove a certain distance away from the abandoned hotel, the countdown on Conan and others' bracelets stopped reluctantly.

It can be predicted that in the next period of time, Raphael is likely to use the same method as before to deliberately attract the police.

After all, this serial murder case, whether it is its cruel means or the large number of victims, is unprecedented in the world of science.

And the murderer is very arrogant and actively provokes the police and the media.

It is obvious that the Metropolitan Police Department must have received a death order to "solve the case in the shortest time."

The police who saw Maori Kogoro and others at the burial site would definitely want to ask them for more clues about the serial case.

But because of the restrictions of the bracelet, Conan and others need to keep an absolutely safe distance from the police if they don't want to become human fireworks.

On the one hand, he had to try his best to complete the client's mission requirements and save Xiaolan and Kazuha who were held hostage, and on the other hand, he had to try his best to avoid the Metropolitan Police Department's inquiries.

Compared with other criminals who wanted to challenge the detectives and prove that their crime plans were absolutely perfect, but always blew themselves up at critical moments, Raphael was really devoted to playing tricks on the detectives.

"Action separately?"

Mouri Kogoro frowned while driving, and from time to time he spared a little energy to observe the rearview mirror.


The story of the detective's requiem is actually not complicated.

The client, Suehiko Ito, is a member of the Crime Research Club of Yokohama Marine University. Because he believes that "common secrets can make the relationship between men and women closer, and the deepest secret is crime", in order to pursue Shimizu Reiko, who is also a member of the Crime Research Club, he teamed up with Shimizu Reiko and Nishio Masaharu to carry out the April 4th armored car robbery.

During the period, Masaharu Nishio accidentally shot and killed a guard because of excessive tension, causing them to be wanted by the police.

Reiko Shimizu deeply implemented the law of the world of science that the more beautiful the person is, the more ruthless he is. She killed Masaharu Nishio with a sniper rifle, then handed the weapon to Suehiko Ito, and tampered with the brakes of the car that the latter was preparing to escape, preparing for an extreme double kill.

Although Suehiko Ito's shooting skills were terrible, his physique was very awesome.

He survived the extremely serious car accident, and successfully escaped from the police's surveillance with his seriously injured body despite being blinded.

It makes people wonder whether to sigh at Suehiko Ito's strong physical fitness or complain about the ability of the Japanese police.

Ryo Wakagi supported himself on the edge of the car window with one hand, holding his chin, looking at the scenery passing by the window, and sighed a bit bored.

The whole plot seems to be that Suehiko Ito wants to take the blame for Reiko Shimizu, and he has tossed around a series of things.

But at the end of the movie, the question "Who is the person you love most" popped up on Suehiko Ito's computer, the correct answer is not Reiko Shimizu, but his own name.

The affectionate dog you thought was a licker is actually an ultimate narcissist.

It is reasonable to suspect that Suehiko Ito desperately looked for a detective, intending to let the detective give a conclusion that "the real murderer who killed Nishio was not Reiko Shimizu, but himself", not because of how deep his love for Reiko Shimizu was.

He may just simply want to prove that his marksmanship is definitely not so useless that he can't hit a dead person who doesn't move at all with seven shots.

Some people are only hard-mouthed.

Wakagi Ryo: "Although you guys ruined the grand fireworks at Koshien, I'm still willing to give you oneAn opportunity to participate in this event.

Is this what the client said?"

Kuroba Kaito:?


Mouri Kogoro began to analyze with a serious face: "Indeed, I remember it was like this."

Conan: "In addition, the time when the police arrived was a bit too coincidental. Not long after we arrived at the abandoned hotel, Inspector Megure arrived at the scene.

It is only possible that the murderer calculated the time and revealed his burial place to the police."

Hattori Heiji also followed suit and began to reason.

"Moreover, among all the victims of the serial case, Torii Hiroshi is indeed the most special one. The victims chosen by the murderer before were all homeless people who had no relatives or friends, and no one would care even if they disappeared.

But Torii Hiroshi is obviously not one of them, not to mention that the murderer later took a photo and sent it to Torii Yukio to provoke him. "

Mouri Kogoro tightly gripped the steering wheel.

"So, this damn client came to us this time and put explosive bracelets on Xiaolan and the others because we accidentally ruined his plan at Koshien?

Could it be that the client is the murderer behind this serial murder case?"

Hattori Heiji's expression suddenly became a little guilty: "I'm sorry, brother Wakaki, it seems that you have been involved in a very troublesome matter."

Wakaki Ryo:...

Ah, Hattori, if you are so honest, I feel a little embarrassed to cheat you next time.

Wakaki Ryo suppressed the rising conscience again and signaled Mouri Kogoro to find a remote place to park.

"It is not certain whether the client this time is the perverted killer. However, Uncle Mouri, we need to prepare for the worst. "

Mouri Kogoro and Conan looked at each other, and they had a vague guess about the worst plan that Wakagi Ryo said.

"The murderer who can do such a thing cannot be inferred by common sense. Remember what I said before, sometimes we need to think about the problem from the perspective of the murderer.

You ruined the fireworks feast I carefully prepared, so I will use your most important person to set off another grand fireworks. "

Conan/Hattori/Mouri Kogoro: !!!!

Kuroba Kaito: ?? !!

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