The process of the raid on the military base went very smoothly.

Although the soldiers in the base were armed with live ammunition and looked extremely powerful, they actually followed the basic rule of the famous Ke world that "face = strength". All of them were just for show.

The duo of Cohen and Chianti, who were both talented, shot one kid with one shot when facing such a target.

They were as fierce as two gods of war.

When Sangria participated in the mission of the action team, he was basically a logistics staff, so during the whole activity, he initially commanded the little spiders scattered in the base, and after scrapping most of the electronic equipment, he began to do nothing and paddling around.

There were continuous sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" around him.

Even the professional driver Vodka was carrying an RPG and bombing happily.

Ruomu Liang sat cross-legged on the hill opposite the military base, holding a lollipop in his mouth, feeling a little bored.

"Xiao Fu, lend me your RPG to play with."


Your shooting accuracy, don't you know anything about it?

Of course, Vodka, who knew the situation, only dared to complain in his heart, and didn't dare to say a word. He could only continue to attack the military base with a cold face, pretending that he didn't hear what Sangria said because of the loud background noise.

Seeing that Vodka ignored him, Ruo Muliang simply jumped up from the ground, patted the dust on his pants, came behind Vodka kindly, and poked Vodka's shoulder.

The big guy shook subconsciously, and the RPG almost slipped and hit Cohen not far away.

"Let me play with it."


Vodka didn't know whether to refuse or agree, and he froze in place with the rocket launcher.

If someone could hear his inner voice at this moment, it would probably be: I want to escape~ but I can't...

Just then, Gin's cold and mocking voice came from the organization's dedicated communication channel.

[Give it to you? With your shooting skills, who do you want to shoot? ]

Ruo Mu Liang:?

My poor shooting skills are the fault of the -80, okay? Now that there is no -80 to hold me back, my shooting skills are definitely no problem... probably.

[Okay, Cohen, Chianti, come and receive the Osprey]

Gin came to the top floor of the observation tower on the edge of the base at some point, looking down at the chaotic and fire-filled base from above.

Just now, he took advantage of the other party's surveillance screens to throw out the two Sangria special bombs he brought. The small toys made of Sangria are really useful.

Moreover, since I'm here, it would be presumptuous not to take some things back.

After arranging the task of the sniper duo, Gin threw off his long windbreaker and boarded the camouflaged Apache.

He turned back and asked the guys in the weapons department to repaint the plane pure black, and modified it with the "invisible" ore that Sangria brought back from Vesbania.

Although the rubbish in the weapons department did not research anything useful with the ore as expected.

However, the simplest thing, melting the ore and making an anti-detection coating for the plane, can still be done.

Gin controlled the helicopter to fly up, and fired at the passers-by and soldiers nearby, and soon cleared a relatively open area.

Vodka, Cohen, and Chianti arrived one after another. Cohen jumped onto the driver's seat of another helicopter first and started the plane skillfully.

Maybe because there were a little too many corpses on the ground, Chianti stumbled when she got on the plane, and something fell out of her gun bag with a click.

Although Chianti reacted very quickly to pick up the things that fell out and immediately stuffed them into his arms, Gin, as an excellent sniper, still saw what it was at the first time.

Gin: !!! !!! !!! !!!

What is that? ! What! East! West? !

What's the matter with that long straight silver hair beauty with flaming red lips? ! ! !

Gin, who had just laughed at Bourbon not long ago, probably never dreamed that the situation would change so quickly.

Sangria, are you looking for death? ! ! ! !

[Speaking of Senior Gin, what should I do? ]

Ruomu Liang, who didn't know what happened yet, happened to run into the muzzle of the gun.

Just after saying this, Ruomu Liang suddenly found that the emotional value of Gin on the emotional value panel was swiping the screen like crazy.

Ruomu Liang: ? ?

Wait, Chianti seemed to have stuffed something in his pocket before he left.

Ruomu Liang immediately opened Gin's live broadcast room and happened to see a sniper who was guilty of a crime., stuffing the accidentally dropped comics into her arms.

Wakamu Ryo: ? ? ? ! !

Are you toxic?

Do you remember that you are a sniper?

What comics do you bring on a mission? !

Can't you go back and read them later?

Chianti: ...

If Chianti could join the chat at this time, she would probably retort aggrievedly.

Look at what kind of terrifying existence is drawn on your cover. Do you think I dare to read this thing in a safe house? I don't want to take shortcuts in life!

So after receiving the latest version of the comics that she asked Shirasu to bring, Chianti's pupils trembled and directly stuffed the book group into the gun bag, fearing that if she was a second slower, Gin would see it and directly open a hole in her forehead.


Gin laughed in anger. He pulled up the helicopter's control stick with a grin, dived towards the hill where Wakamu Ryo was, and then started to shoot without hesitation.

"Just go to hell!"

[Beep beep beep beep beep! ! ! ! ]

At the same time, the danger perception that had been in Ruo Mu Liang's mind for who knows how long screamed again, the sound was so sharp and rapid that it made Ruo Mu Liang's scalp numb.

The last time the danger perception reacted so strongly was when he was hit in the face by the Ferris wheel.

Stop beeping, is it necessary for you to beep?

Ruo Mu Liang turned around and ran without thinking, while covering himself with a hundred or eighty layers of shields, enjoying a wave of all-round unobstructed sweeping that Conan, as the protagonist, did not enjoy.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Qin-chan is really mad!

Sister Bay, Bourbon, come and save me!

Ruo Mu Liang rushed into the woods next to him, holding his head and running away in a slightly embarrassed manner. Bullets hit the trees and the ground around him, and sawdust flew everywhere and sparks flew everywhere. The scene was very lively for a while.

Fortunately, although Gin was furious, he barely retained a little bit of rationality. At least he did not launch the AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missile mounted on the Apache, otherwise...

Otherwise, the hundred or eighty layers of shields would be wiped out.

Just as Gin drove the Apache to chase Sangria, Vodka, who was abandoned by Gin, stood in the cold wind with his hands clasped.

Wait until Gin flew the helicopter away completely, and then he climbed onto the helicopter hijacked by the sniper duo with a bitter face. Fortunately, the cockpit of the Osprey can accommodate three people, otherwise poor Vodka might only be able to cling to the rope ladder lowered by the helicopter and hang all the way back to the organization's base.

Maybe he would become air-dried bacon in the shape of vodka.

I, I am so miserable!

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