After playing around in a corner where no one knew about it, Ruo Mu Liang cleared his throat, took out a ball from the toy rack in the yard, and threw it towards the corner where the dogs were squatting.

The dogs, who were actively playing with the ball, were instantly excited, barking and scrambling for the innocent toy ball.

The noise from the dogs immediately startled the cats who were basking in the sun together, and a few of them with more irritable tempers began to meow in protest at the dogs.

Conan: !!!

"I understand! The hint is the sound of an animal!"

Doctor: ???

Huiyuan Ai seemed to have reacted at this time, stroking her chin and cooperating with the explanation.

"So, if we interpret the numbers by the sounds of animals, does 4163 refer to the sounds of chickens and dogs? Since the girl is a mixed-race, it seems to make sense to explain it in English.

The sound of a chicken in English is cock(4)-a(1)-doodle(6)-doo(3), and the sound of a dog is bow-wow(3-3), and the numbers are completely consistent."

Conan immediately began to answer the questions.

"The single 6, I guess, refers to a mouse. Didn't you say that you took her to your friend's house and saw golden hamsters several times?"

"The sound of a mouse in English is squeak, which is exactly 6 letters."

As a scientist, although Dr. Agasa has always invented strange things, his IQ is obviously still online. After a series of prompts, he immediately understood the correct way to crack the code.

"So, the last 0 refers to her own home! Because she was bitten by a dog when she was a child, she never kept any small animals in her home again!"

Conan excitedly pulled the hem of the doctor's white coat.

"So as long as we connect the places indicated by these animals, we can know the correct meeting place!"

"Under the ginkgo tree at school!"

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Ah~ The end of the universe is a homophonic pun.

Also, these days, if you don't know English, you don't even deserve a girlfriend?

In fact, I don't remember how to crack the code from beginning to end. I only vaguely remember that it was related to the sound of animals. Wakagi Ryo looked at Dr. Agasa with a smile.

"I heard that the doctor also graduated from Teitan Elementary School. Today happens to be November 24th. Why don't we set off directly~"

I remember that the doctor's first love, Kinoshita Ayusa, was a great beauty.

Unfortunately, when they met again, the doctor thought that the driver who came with Kinoshita was her husband, and Kinoshita saw the children around the doctor and thought that he had already had many children and grandchildren.

The two still missed each other forty years later.


Outside Teitan Elementary School, under the ginkgo tree

Dr. Agasa looked at the intellectual beauty leaning against the ginkgo tree with a wide-brimmed hat, subconsciously touched his Mediterranean hairstyle, hesitated and did not dare to step forward at all.

Conan and Huihara looked at each other, pulled the doctor's clothes on the left and right, and pushed him under the ginkgo tree.

Dr. Agasa: "That, that... Ayusa..."

Before he finished speaking, a handsome foreign uncle wearing sunglasses appeared next to Ayusa.

Dr. Agasa: !!!

She's married!

Kinoshita looked down at Conan and Huihara Ai beside the doctor, and his eyes flickered.

It turns out that his grandchildren are already this big.

"Your children are really cute, they..."

"Doctor, you are here!"

Ryo Wakagi, who had suddenly disappeared before, suddenly appeared from some corner, bent down, and picked up Conan and Huiyuan.

"Ah, sorry, please help me take care of the children for a day. I just finished my work here, so I will take the two children back."

Conan/Huiyuan: ? ? ?

However, Brother Wakagi is a trustworthy person, so the two fake children did not struggle and were held in his arms obediently.

Ryo Wakagi smiled and greeted Kinoshita and the driver. Before leaving, he turned his back to the two people and tried his best to wink at the doctor.

Doctor, I can only help here!

Ryo Wakagi carried Conan and Huiyuan and walked around the corner quickly, and then the big and two children climbed behind a tree that was big enough to block the view, and showed a gossipy look to the doctor.

Conan: "Brother Ruomu, why did you take us away? I also want to know if the follow-up development is good."

Don't think that famous detectives don't gossip!

Ruomu Liang reached out and knocked Conan on the forehead.

"You are stupid, the two of you appeared next to the doctor, isn't it just that your grandfather broughtThe scene of grandchildren? Anyone who sees it will feel that the doctor has many children and grandchildren and is happy and happy.

Isn't it a direct failure to meet the first love again?"

Gray Bar: "But, that foreign man..."

"It's the driver!"

Wakagi Ryo took out his mobile phone and handed the information of Kinoshita Ayusa that he searched for to the two people.

"Kinoshita Ayusa, full name Fusae Campbell Kinoshita, is the founder of Fusae brand and has never been married. That man is her driver."

Gray Bar and Conan were relieved immediately.

"So, Miss Kinoshita has also been unmarried, is she waiting for the doctor?"

Ai-chan has always regarded Dr. Agasa as her grandfather. If the doctor can still get married with his first love after forty years, she will definitely be happy for the doctor from the bottom of her heart.

Wakagi Ryo touched Huihara Ai's head and said with a smile: "I'm not sure about this, but if both of them are single, there is still hope, right?

That's why I took you two away, don't be a light bulb!",


"So how on earth do you look like our elders with your underage face!"

Wakagi Ryo: "Eh, don't you? Amuro-san doesn't look much older than me, but you still hug him and call him daddy.

Come on, Conan-kun, call me daddy."


Go away!

Wakagi Ryo didn't hear the name he wanted to hear, but he wasn't disappointed, he just continued with a smile.

"If you can't call me daddy, you can call me brother-sama."


On the other hand, Haibara Ai looked at Wakagi Ryo's short black hair, was in a trance, and suddenly called out "Oni-san" in a very low voice. ”

Ryo Wakagi:!

Ah~ Ai-chan is so cute when she blushes and calls me Oni-san!

Such a cute Ai-chan, I must show you something good.

For example, photos of Gin in women's clothing.

After all, Conan only watches mystery shows, and Ai-chan stays in the laboratory all year round and hardly reads comics.

So, hehehe...

"By the way, Ai-chan, you have to work hard!"


"Look at how well Miss Kinoshita has taken care of herself. She looks like she is from two generations standing next to the doctor. Why don't you try hard and get some hair growth potion or something like that for the doctor?

Appearance and the like can still add points. "

Gray Hara Ai: !!

Gray Hara Ai looked in the direction of Dr. Agasa from a distance and found that Kinoshita seemed to have explained something to the doctor. Suddenly, the two of them started walking shoulder to shoulder on this path covered with ginkgo leaves.

It seems like there's a play!

Gray Hara Ai's eyes lit up and she clenched her fist to cheer herself up.

"Doctor, don't worry, I will definitely research a special hair growth potion! ! !"

Conan: ...

So why did you always refuse me three times when I was bald before, saying that I couldn't be cured and I had to wait to die?

Are you so hypocritical?!!!

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