Because of Vermouth's non-cooperation, the midnight snack plan was directly aborted. Wakagi Ryo wished Beijie a good sleep after a long time without any sincerity, and turned around and ran away.

The fake death plan formulated by Shuichi Akai and Conan is actually not too complicated.

As a member of the plan, Mizunashi Rena tampered with the gun.

The first shot she fired at Shuichi Akai was a real bullet, but it did not hit the vital position, but only hit the lung.

The bullet of the second shot was replaced with a blank bullet early, and with the blood bag hidden in Shuichi Akai's knitted hat, it created the illusion of death by a gunshot in the head.

When Gil used the common means of the organization to destroy the body according to the instructions, Shuichi Akai secretly replaced the body and successfully escaped from the scene.

Although this time Kusuda Rikudichi did not achieve the achievement of "being scared to suicide by Shuichi Akai" as in the original plot, and finally became Shuichi Akai's substitute, the body will be exploded again after death.

But in this small area of ​​Mika, it is not too difficult to find a male dead person with a similar figure to Akai Shuichi and a gunshot in the head to serve as an important prop for fake death.

However, this time, before leaving, Mizuno Rena was frightened by Wakagi Ryo with a photo of his brother. It is hard to say whether she dares to replace the second bullet with a blank bullet as planned.

After two live bullets were fired, Akai Shuichi was covered by the protagonist's halo, so he should not die, but at least he should be seriously injured to show respect.

This is the best opportunity to pick up fluffy~

Wakagi Ryo covered his body with hundreds of layers of shields and dozens of layers of illusions, and then poked open the live broadcast room on Kiel's side.

After driving the car a distance away, Mizuno Rena slowed down the speed appropriately and began to look for possible listening or monitoring equipment in the car at the fastest speed.

But nothing was found.

For a task like killing Akai Shuichi, how could the organization not do any surveillance? Especially since the executor of this mission was a member of the organization who was not trusted at present.

The more Keel failed to find the monitoring equipment in the car, the more he dared not to do anything.

It was not until the lights of the Chevrolet broke through the night sky in the mountains and slowly approached her that she slowly recovered from her doubts.

Shuichi Akai got out of the car with one hand in his pocket and looked at Rena Mizunoshi, whose face looked a little wrong.

There was nothing related to the organization around.

There was no iconic Porsche, no annoying baby face, only Keel who looked like he would betray at any time.

The plan... went wrong?

Shuichi Akai frowned.

At this time, Rena Mizunoshi probably made some kind of decision. She took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes were full of determination.


The sound of gunfire continued to echo in the deserted mountain road. Amid the crisp sound of bullets landing, Shuichi Akai staggered back two steps, holding the wound on his right chest, and leaned on his Chevrolet.

Rena Mizuno took two steps forward with the gun in her hand, exposing her arm to the sporadic lighting of Raihayama. Her slender index finger slowly touched the side of the gun barrel, trembling rhythmically.

Shuichi Akai quickly recognized the message that Rena Mizuno wanted to convey.

[The situation has changed, live ammunition, be careful]

Shuichi Akai's pupils shrank slightly, and he began to analyze the pros and cons quickly in his mind.

With his skills, it would not be too difficult to kill Kiel even if he was injured.

However, although there are many undercovers in the organization, among the existing undercovers, only Bourbon and Kiel have code names.

Bourbon is a member of the public security, and coupled with the incident in Scotland, it is almost impossible to convince him to cooperate with the FBI.

In other words, Kiel is now the only nail they can plant in the organization.

Mizuno Rena slowly walked forward and pointed the gun in her hand at Akai Shuichi's eyebrows.

Akai Shuichi frowned, "I didn't expect that things would come to this point."

Mizuno Rena's index finger on the trigger trembled slightly. Does this mean that everything will be the same as before?

"I didn't expect that everything would be so... smooth."

Thinking of the photo that Sangria nailed to the wall with a knife, Mizuno Rena finally hardened her heart and pulled the trigger suddenly.

At this time, Wakagi Ryo, who had already arrived at the scene, was quietly hiding on the mountain 500 meters away, like a squirrel hoarding goods,

repeatedly counting the emotional value that was recorded.

No matter how outrageous the bullets of your pistol are, you can't directly deflect and fly 500 meters and hit me.

At the bottom of the mountain, Mizuno Rena, who was watching Akai Shuichi's wall-hanging operation at close range, had a pupil earthquake.

I was just about to point the muzzle of the gun at your forehead. How could you turn your head the moment the bullet was fired and only suffer a minor skin injury? ? ?

Are FBI agents biochemically modified people?

Shuichi Akai leaned back and fell on the driver's seat of his Chevrolet. The blood bag hidden in the knitted hat was broken, and the bright red blood flowed down the brim of the hat, which looked extremely tragic.

However, the actual situation was that after Shuichi Akai fell, he immediately turned over very flexibly and moved the body prepared in the back seat to the front seat, and he slid directly to the bottom of the car.

The whole process was extremely smooth and took no more than 10 seconds. If she hadn't been standing in the VIP viewing seat, she might not have been able to see clearly what happened.

Rena Mizunashi: ...

Sure enough, killing Shuichi Akai is really an impossible task.

Kiel felt numb all over. With a wooden face, she turned around and went to her car to get explosives, giving the innocent Chevrolet a physical resurrection.

As for Shuichi Akai?

He didn't die even after being hit in the face by a bullet, so he probably didn't care about this small explosion.

After completing today's blasting mission, Mizuno Rena called Sangria expressionlessly.

"Senior Kiel did a great job~ I saw it all.

Congratulations to you for completing the mission. Go back and rest early. Sleeping too late is not good for your skin."

Rena Mizuno: !!!

Sure enough, Sangria has a way to monitor her!

"I know."

Rena Mizuno took a last look at the still burning Chevrolet, silently started her car, and left here.


On the top of the mountain, Wakamu Ryo had turned around and opened Shuichi Akai's live broadcast room, and rubbed his hands excitedly.

Fluffy, here I come~


There was a loud bang, and then a bolt of lightning struck the mountaintop where he was with precision.

Ryo Wakagi: ...

Ryo Wakagi took out his cell phone, looked at the weather forecast and saw that it was sunny, then looked down at the place at his feet that had just been struck by lightning, and finally, cast his eyes on Shuichi Akai, who was injured and staggering a little at the foot of the mountain.

He's not dead!

However, -80 didn't care about Ryo Wakagi's psychological activities. The first strike missed, and the second strike hit the mountaintop hard, directly smashing the rocks under Ryo Wakagi's feet, and it was a free fall along the slope.

It vividly let Ryo Wakagi experience what love is like a landslide.

Ryo Wakagi: Bah!

Wait, believe it or not, I will catch Shuichi Akai and blow him away immediately! I have asked Toru Amuro to contact the doctor!

At the foot of the mountain, Shuichi Akai, who had simply treated the gunshot wound on his chest, looked up at the top of the mountain that was inexplicably struck by lightning.

"Is it going to rain? Looks like I need to find a place to hide from the rain as soon as possible."

Otherwise, if the wound gets inflamed, it will be very troublesome.

"I have a very suitable place to hide from the rain, Rye-senpai~"

Shuichi Akai: !!!

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