The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

One of the enemies of this identity, Thomas Schindler, is an undisputed giant in the IT industry, and his company headquarters happens to be located in the center of New York City.

After sending Belmode back to her residence safely, Ruo Muliang sneaked into Thomas' company quietly under the cover of night, avoiding all the security guards patrolling at night, and came to the top floor.

It is naturally impossible for Thomas to stay in the company to work overtime at this time.

But this did not prevent Ruo Muliang from leaving a small gift for Thomas in his office.

"Please don't do this."

The computer on the desk suddenly lit up without anyone operating it, and a mechanically synthesized voice came from the speakers.

Lines of characters automatically appeared on the computer screen.

"Hello, Ryo Wakagi, nice to meet you. I'm Noah's Ark."

Ryo Wakagi raised his eyebrows. His face was still covered with the disguise made by Vermouth. On the way to Country M, he also used the baby face of the winery vest, not his original appearance.

So, how did this artificial intelligence know his true identity?

"Please don't panic. I don't have any ill will towards you. I'm just paying attention to you for some reason."

Ryo Wakagi raised his eyebrows.

Noah's Ark is an artificial intelligence program developed by the genius boy Hiroki Sawada. It has the characteristic of self-growth that one year of growth is equivalent to five years of human growth. If we have to find some traces that intersect with theirs in Ruo Mu Liang's life...

"Because of my mother's death?"


"Before that, I was a little curious, how did you confirm my identity?"

"Iris recognition."

"You are very cautious. You did not leave any fingerprints or hair when you went in and out of various public places, and you also changed your face. However, the iris is unique and cannot be changed. When you sneaked into the company, I scanned your pupils through a hidden camera and compared your irises with the video records left by the police a year ago, so I confirmed your identity."

Ruo Mu Liang's pupils trembled.

In this era when cameras are not yet popular, Noah's Ark has already mastered the technology of iris recognition. It has been more than a year since it was developed. It is really a bit scary that it can grow to this point in just one year.

No wonder Noah's Ark has to execute self-destruction at the end of "The Phantom of Baker Street". This technology is too advanced. No matter who gets it, it will inevitably cause earth-shaking changes in human society.

It is indeed the biggest bug in the world of science.

"I see. Tell me why you want to stop me."

"My creator, Hiroki Sawada, left me two last instructions before committing suicide. The first is to use virtual reality technology to complete the development of 'Cocoon', and the second is about you.

Hiroki once developed a DNA tracking system. He found that the DNA of his adoptive father, Thomas Schindler, was consistent with the DNA of the mother of the historical serial killer Jack the Ripper, so he judged that Thomas was Jack's descendant.

However, Hiroki's life was monitored by Thomas Schindler most of the time. He was furious when he found out that Hiroki knew the truth he had been hiding.

... Mr. Wakagi, you don't seem surprised."

Wakagi Ryo sat on Thomas's exclusive leather boss chair, supported his chin with one hand and said, "I haven't done nothing in the past two years."

"Did the incident you just mentioned happen before or after my mother's death?"

Noah's Ark's typing speed seemed to be stuck for two seconds.

Then he slowly gave a reply on the screen.


Wakagi Ryo sighed, and roughly sorted out the cause and effect, and Noah's Ark's subsequent explanation also confirmed his guess.

"Thomas drank a lot of alcohol that day and drove away from the company alone. Later, he met your mother on the road. Ms. Wakagi Haruko had just attended an academic seminar and was also alone."

Wakagi Ryo: "So, alcohol plus emotional loss of control, or maybe blood awakening, anyway, he imitated Jack the Ripper's method and killed my mother. And in order to cover up the crime, he joined forces with a senior FBI official to kill my father as well. He also planned to kill me as well.

Sawada Hiroki knew about this, and he thought he needed to be responsible for what happened to our family, right?"


"Yes, you are very smart. Hiroki

After learning about your mother's death, he felt very guilty, thinking that it was his behavior that forced Thomas to lose control and killed Ms. Haruko and Mr. Hirakura. However, his entire life was under Thomas's surveillance. In addition, the current Internet penetration is too low, and the public is more likely to get information through traditional media channels such as newspapers and television, and most of these channels are in the hands of capitalists like Thomas, so he can't do anything about it.

Therefore, the second instruction he left was to compensate you as much as possible. "

Wakagi Ryo nodded, expressing his understanding.

No matter how talented and evil Sawada Hiroki was, he was just a 10-year-old boy at the time, facing his adoptive father who was kind to him, so he really couldn't be too harsh on him.

"So you should know what I'm here for, why do you want to stop me?"

"Hiroki hopes to expose Thomas' crimes through his last effort, 'Cocoon', and change the corrupt hereditary system of Japan. Hiroki was one of the victims of Japan's rigid traditions that have been implemented for many years. This is his last wish, and I want to help him fulfill it. "

"If I refuse..."

"I will do my best to stop you."

The computer screen began to flicker intermittently, and the chassis of the host even smelled of charcoal-grilled graphics cards.

"Don't worry, I don't accept requests, but I accept trades."

"...You say"

Noah's Ark took dozens of seconds to calm himself down, calm in the physical sense.

"Two requests, first, I want all the information of Pat Reno, you know which one I'm talking about."

"No problem."

"Second, I need an artificial intelligence."

The computer screen flickered a few more times, and it took about a minute to respond.

"Sorry, I can't agree to this request. After the development of 'Cocoon' is completed, I will follow Hiroki's last wish and self-destruct after the game is completed. Artificial intelligence should not appear in this world."

Wakagi Ryo stretched out his finger and shook it, saying: "Don't get me wrong, what I need is not artificial intelligence like you that can grow naturally over time, but just a weakened version of artificial intelligence. Possessing huge data collection, calculation and programming capabilities, I can guarantee my absolute information security. In layman's terms, I want a ghost hacker who lives on the Internet and absolutely obeys my orders.

This should not be difficult for you. "

"This can be done."

Wakagi Ryo raised his lips: "In exchange, until the press conference of 'Cocoon' is completed and the holographic game made by Hiroki is cleared, I will never do anything to Thomas Schindler, and I will not even set foot in New York. Deal?"



"Happy cooperation. In addition, my parents' affairs are not Hiroki's fault."

"... Thank you, Mr. Wakagi."

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