After listening to Kawachi Fukasato's testimony, Maori Kogoro grabbed the collar of Makoto Yada, who was pretending to be ignorant, and yelled at him, "Hey, Kudo boy, what's going on? Explain it!"

Makoto Yada, who was sprayed with spit:...

He silently covered his head, trying to pretend that "my head hurts, and my memory seems to be coming back", and kept saying in a hoarse voice: "I don't know, I, I can't remember anything now."

Wakagi Ryo imagined the real Kudo crying like this, and his heart to make an emoticon was once again eager to move.

Maori Kogoro may also be disgusted by Makoto Yada's weak appearance, and silently let go of his hand holding his collar.

"I think I know why the people in this village hate Kudo boy so much."

The reporter Kawachi Fukasato next to him agreed.

"Indeed, after all, he is the criminal who brought disgrace to the beloved village chief."

After hearing this conclusion, Officer Shiroyama seemed to have something to say, but under the meaningful stare of Kawachi Fukasato, he silently held back the words that were about to come out.

"Wait a minute, if that's the case, does it mean that the real murderer is still at large?"

The little angel Heye suddenly discovered the blind spot.

"Yes, it is rumored that the real murderer who killed the village chief is the Lord Death God who lives in the forest..."

The fierce short-haired girl suddenly opened up and told a ghost story widely circulated in the local area in the horrified expressions of Heye and Xiaolan.

The corner of Wakagi Ryo's mouth twitched slightly.

The god of death living in the forest... I understand, wild Conan!

It's time to take out the long-treasured Master Ball (bushi).

Hattori Heiji also had an expression that he wanted to complain but didn't know where to start, "So, why do you think this god of death wanted to kill the village chief?"

At this time, Kawachi Fukasato immediately showed the professionalism of a reporter.

She pushed her glasses and began the second wave of explanation.

"If the murderer is really this god of death, I guess his motive for killing may be because of the development proposal. When he was alive, the village chief Rigen had planned to build a huge tourist facility in the forest, and based on this, gradually develop the village into a tourist attraction.

But after his death, this plan was shelved."

Wakagi Ryo glanced in the direction of the reporter, compared his position and angle, suddenly raised his foot, walked towards the stairs, and silently began to count in his mind.

Sure enough, before his legs stepped on the fifth step, the wooden stairs under his feet cracked with a click. Amid the worried exclamations of Hattori and others, Wakagi Ryo missed a step and fell in the direction of Kawachi Fukasato.

The sudden disaster caused Kawachi Fukasato to stumble and fall to the ground, and the necklace hidden inside her clothes also fell out under such a collision.

Sure enough, it was a bargaining chip.

Ruo Mu Liang patted the dust on his body, and helped up the fallen Kawachi Fukasato with a guilty look, as if he had deliberately adjusted the angle to aim at someone other than him.

"Sorry, Ms. Kawachi, I just wanted to go to the room upstairs to see if there were any useful clues. I didn't expect the stairs to suddenly crack. Are you okay?"

There was no way. Under the eyes of so many people, he couldn't just pick the collar of the reporter lady, right?

That was too...

Kawachi Fukasato stood up and immediately stuffed the bargaining chip necklace back into her clothes, with a slightly stiff expression.

"It should be due to disrepair. I'm fine."

She glanced at the broken part of the staircase, trying to find some traces of human intervention from the location of the fracture, but no matter how she looked at it, she could only conclude that it was indeed due to disrepair and suddenly broke.

Hattori Heiji: "By the way, Officer Shiroyama, upstairs is..."

"Upstairs is the master bedroom of the village chief and his wife, and the room of Makoto Yada. He is the child adopted by the village chief, so he has been living here."

Hattori Heiji took another look at a certain "Kudo" who was locked in the corner and had almost zero presence.

"Let's go upstairs and take a look. Um, brother Wakagi, how about you stay downstairs?"

Wakagi Ryo touched his nose and consciously retreated to a position away from the stairs, watching others follow Officer Shiroyama to the second floor.

Ten minutes later

[Beep beep]

Wakagi Ryo raised his eyebrows. Facing the long-lost warning of danger perception, he skillfully moved several steps to the side.

Then, "There was a gunshot, followed by a shrill scream from a room on the second floor.

Wakagi Ryo:...

He seemed to know what happened.

Wakagi Ryo took a deep breath and ran to the location where the scream came from upstairs, and successfully joined the large group that also rushed over after hearing the sound.

"The sound seems to be coming from Makoto Yada's room. Wait, isn't Kudo hiding in that room alone? "

Mouri Kogoro frowned, and immediately stepped forward to try to push the door of Yada Makoto's room - if nothing unexpected happened, the door would definitely not be pushed open.

So he raised his foot and kicked the door open without thinking.

When Wakagi Ryo followed the crowd into the room, he saw "Kudo Shinichi" covering his wound, lying on the ground gasping in pain.

It's just that the location of the injury is a bit special.

Hattori Heiji looked at Yada Makoto's bloody butt with a depressed face, and then looked at the open window in the room.

"Um, Kudo, what happened?"

Yada Makoto said weakly: "Shit, Shira God, it was Shira God who did it!"

"I saw it, black clothes, long white hair, and red eyes that didn't look like a human... He, he suddenly rushed in from the window, and then used a gun..."

Hattori Heiji: "He shot through your butt with a gun? "

Makoto Yada fell silent, not knowing how to answer this question.

Ryo Wakagi: Phew.

Ahem, he tried to hold back his laughter, and then reached out to cover the corners of his mouth.

Compared to the others in the room, he should be the one who knows best what happened.

If I remember correctly, Makoto Yada hid the gun in his room in Higen's house long ago, and then, when everyone noticed that there were too many elements of Kudo Shinichi in the room, he used the excuse of wanting to be alone and stayed in the room alone, and transferred the prepared gun to his body.

Of course, because of the style of Hattori's clothes, guns cannot be hidden in pockets, so Makoto Yada can only put the gun on his waist and fix it with a belt.

In addition, the barrel is downward.

So, when this gun went off because of a certain -80 and stabbed Ryo Wakagi in the back, The first to suffer was Makoto Yada's forehead... buttocks.

But generally speaking, Makoto Yada dared to disguise himself as the god of death and frame others, so he had some psychological endurance.

After the gun on his back suddenly went off, he could bear the pain, hurriedly wiped the blood and fingerprints on the gun and hid it again, and then pushed all the blame on a certain unfounded god of death.

EMMMM, in short, this might be the first time in his history that he sympathized with others when he was backstabbed by -80.

Wakagi Ryo looked at Makoto Yada, who was facing Kudo Shinichi, lying on the ground with his bloody buttocks wailing, and clenched his fists tightly, enduring again and again...

But he couldn't help but retreat behind the crowd and secretly took out his mobile phone to take a photo.

Sorry, Shinichi.

But I must have this emoticon pack!

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