Outside the Odawara toll booth

"Five, four, three, two, one, bang!"

As the countdown ended, a red Alfa Romeo crashed directly into the roadblock beside the toll booth, and the car body turned sideways. After rolling several times, it stopped dangerously at the edge of the fence.

Then, the driver's door fell down with a clang, and a man in a white suit rolled out of the car. Looking at his bleeding head, it was estimated that he would not survive.

Then, with a bang, a fiery red light shot straight into the sky, exploded in mid-air, and a big number 6 appeared above the toll booth.

Even in the daytime, this digital firework was conspicuous enough for everyone to see clearly.

"Okay, okay, the sixth one, is that enough?"

Wakamu Liang put down the high-powered telescope and turned to look at the Irish whiskey with a stern face beside him.

Ireland: ...

I always feel that the baby-faced guy opposite me has an expression that says "Hurry up and say it's not enough, I want to keep playing."

Sangria is really a lunatic.



Ruo Mu Liang lowered his head with a little disappointment.

Setting off fireworks is really fun.

In his previous life, the city where he lived prohibited the setting off of fireworks. Every New Year, he could only watch other cities' friends setting off fireworks through short videos.

A few days ago, a traitor appeared again in the organization. This traitor got a memory card with the organization's undercover list through some unknown channel.

Although the mouse's theft was quickly discovered, before the organization could kill the traitor, he was killed by others, and the keychain with the memory card in his hand was also taken away by the murderer.

The reason why Ireland wanted to infiltrate the police was to use the police's resources to find out who the murderer was, and then take the memory card back from him.

Irish Whiskey looked up and looked at the digital fireworks that were gradually dissipating in the sky.

Then, he lowered his head and took a look at the information at hand.

Before killing the traitor of the organization, the murderer also killed a small vendor in Saitama Prefecture in the same way. There was a mahjong tile next to the bodies of both of them.

Wakamu Liang patted Ireland on the shoulder and said with a smile: "After the fireworks are finished, I will go back first."

"We are all colleagues. If you have any questions during the mission, please come to me for help~"


Rice Flower Comprehensive Shopping Mall

Wakamu Liang held the shopping bag in his hand and looked up at the elevator entrance.

"There are so many familiar faces."

Takagi and Sato on the 5th floor, Yamamura So and Chiba on the 6th floor, Yamato Gansuke on the 7th floor, Shiratori and Inspector Megure on the 8th floor. A little further away on the 4th floor, you can also see a little corgi squatting in the corner overlooking the whole scene.

If you open the small map and look carefully, there is also a Vermouth disguised as an ordinary office worker wandering in the lobby on the 1st floor.

This one-time suspect is really full of cards.

Upstairs, Inspector Megure turned his body and stared at the location of the mall gate, his eyes fixed on a short-haired man who had just entered the mall.

"Attention, all units, Minoru Fukase has appeared. Stand by at the designated location and don't be discovered."

The well-known police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department mixed into the crowd and slowly followed behind Minoru Fukase, slowly forming an encirclement.

Minoru Fukase had no sense of being a wanted criminal, and did not seem to be too nervous. He and his girlfriend leisurely wandered slowly inside the mall.


The newly promoted police inspector Yamamura So immediately took out his police officer ID and rushed towards Fukase Minoru. During the process, he performed a series of left foot tripping right foot in public and fell hard.

After the ID in his hand turned 720 degrees in the air, it slid smoothly to Fukase Minoru's feet. In order to facilitate the other party to read, it happened to be in an unfolded state.

Fukase Minoru:!

Other police officers: !!!

Wakagi Ryo: ...

"Tsk tsk, with such a police inspector, Gunma is finished."

Wakagi Ryo subconsciously made a conspiracy theory. Even though Yamamura So was a professional group, his promotion speed seemed to be a little faster than Shiratori, who was also in the professional group.

Could it be...

Over there, Fukase Minoru saw that he was trapped in a circle. He looked around with forced calmness and happened to find a white-collar worker who was looking down at his phone in the elevator and came not far behind him.

Minoru Fukase grabbed the white-collar worker, took out a folding knife from his pocket and put it across his neck, threatening the police who were gradually surrounding him..

"Don't come over, or I'll kill her!"

Wakamura Ryo, who found a suitable viewing position downstairs, shook his head. Those who can be wanted criminals these days really have very bad taste.

There are so many passers-by in the whole mall, and you can easily catch a disguised Vermouth.

With such luck, you can buy a lottery ticket or something, and you will get rich.

And, sister Bei, you should scream.

You are a hostage now, show your acting skills as a professional actress!

Wakamura Ryo stared at the small theater above without blinking, and took a bag of original potato chips from the shopping bag, chewing them with relish.

Because the other party had hostages in hand, the police were a little cautious for a while, and could only watch Fukase Minoru take the hostages and his girlfriend and leave the police encirclement little by little.

After finishing a bag of potato chips, Ruo Mu Liang wiped his hands, unscrewed the drink bottle and drank several mouthfuls, then turned his eyes to Conan who was hiding in the corner of the fourth floor.

Conan, go and save the wanted criminal, otherwise Sister Bei will turn around and shoot him to reincarnation.

The little Corgi stared at the back of the kidnapper, silently bent down to adjust his foot-strengthening shoes, then slapped his belt and kicked the flying football hard.

After kicking the nuclear bomb football out, Conan suddenly noticed a familiar figure who appeared on the same floor as Fukase Minoru.

Conan: !!!

Why is Ruo Mu brother here?

Wait, football!

As Conan's pupils trembled, the decorations on the top of the mall suddenly broke, and the decorations that suddenly dropped down came into close contact with the nuclear bomb football. Then, the trajectory of the football changed instantly, and it hit Ruo Mu Liang's head with a whistling sonic boom.

Conan: "Brother Wakagi, run!"

Wakagi Ryo threw the drink bottle in his hand into the trash can, then turned flexibly and hid behind the pillar of the mall, watching calmly as the nuclear bomb football smashed the pillar into a shallow pit.

The huge noise attracted everyone's attention for a while.

Seeing that Minoru Fukase was slightly distracted, Yamato Gansuke threw his crutch towards the other's forehead, causing Minoru Fukase to black out and fall to the ground with a bang, and the dagger in his hand also flew out of his hand.

The reliable Chiba police officer immediately rushed forward, twisted Minoru Fukase's hands behind his back, and put silver handcuffs on him.

At the same time, Minoru Fukase's girlfriend picked up the dagger on the ground and pointed at Yamato Gansuke tremblingly.

"Go away, you, go away from Minoru!"

Uehara Yui, the only female police officer present, began to soothe Yoshii Risa's emotions in a gentle voice.

However, Yoshii Risa, who was only thinking about her boyfriend, a wanted criminal, being arrested by the police, did not want to listen to what the female police officer opposite her said. Seeing that Chiba had already handcuffed her, she screamed and stabbed Uehara Yui who was close at hand with a dagger.

Yamato Gansuke:!


At the same time, the heel of Yoshii Risa's high heels broke with a bang. Yoshii Risa, who was unstable, fell forward and fell on Fukase Minoru, who had just been helped up by Chiba, knocking him unconscious for the second time.

The flying dagger was calmly grasped by Ruomu Liang. Before the dagger took off, he even had the foresight to put on the gloves he carried with him to avoid leaving unnecessary fingerprints on the dagger.

Ruomu Liang: ...

This is probably in a sense, as long as I am here, no one will suffer.

After all, suffering has always been directed at him.


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