"So, the reason why the organization got involved in this case is because the undercover died at the hands of the murderer who has been making a lot of noise recently, and the murderer also took away the keychain containing the memory card as a trophy.

In other words, things have come to the field you are best at, right?"

Ruo Muliang gulped down the cold drink and finally woke up from his drowsiness.

Conan nodded, holding the cold glass, and fell into deep thought.

"The first five victims were all killed with a single knife. Only the last victim died in a car accident. Before he died, he said the information "Qixi, Jing". It is not clear whether it is a clue related to the murderer."

Ruo Muliang nodded, yes, yes, of course it is a clue related to the murderer, so he followed this line of thought.

"Kyo, I guess it means Kyoto. I just called Hattori, but he was probably in class and didn't answer."

As soon as Conan finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

Wakagi Ryo:...

These days, if you don't have the ability to say what you mean, you can't be the protagonist, right?

Conan picked up the phone and learned from Hattori that a fire broke out at the Vega Hotel in Kyoto on the Tanabata Festival the year before last, and two guests died.

"Hattori, please go to that hotel and find out about the fire."

As soon as Conan finished speaking to Hattori Heiji, Wakagi Ryo had already searched for news about the fire on the Internet and pushed the laptop in front of Conan.

"The fire started because the tenant on the fifth floor did not put out the cigarette butt, and the hotel's escape ladder could not be used. In addition to the tenant on the fifth floor, another tenant on the sixth floor, Nanako Motogami, was choked to death by the smoke."

Wakagi Ryo searched for a moment, "The address of this Nanako Motogami is in Kamishiro District, Mitaka City."

"Conan, when a fire breaks out, if the escape ladder cannot be used and the floor you live on is too high to jump out of the window, how would most people choose to escape?"

Conan was stunned for a moment, and answered with a little hesitation.


Wakagi Ryo nodded, and turned the news material to the recent serial murder case.

"Look at the mahjong tiles left by the murderer at the scene. On the back of each mahjong tile, a vertical line was drawn with a black pen and a letter was left. If you ignore the letter, does it look like a closed elevator door?"

Conan: !!!

"I suddenly have an interesting guess."

"Could those who died in the serial murder case have been residents of this hotel?"

"Imagine that when a fire breaks out, the only escape route for the guests trapped in the hotel is the elevator. But the elevator has a maximum capacity. The other guests on the 6th floor were able to escape, but Nanako Motogami was choked to death by the smoke."

Conan: !!!

The little Corgi called Hattori Heiji immediately.

"Kudo, I found an important clue. The six victims of this case all stayed at the Vega Hotel on the night of the fire!"

"Hattori, check the hotel elevator!"

Hattori Heiji: "There is only one elevator, and the elevator can only carry 7 people."

Conan: ...

"There is also a woman named Shindo Sumire on the list. According to the hotel records, she was also rescued at the same time as the victims. Maybe she knows more clues."

"I see. Thank you, Hattori."

"Hey, Kudo... There is a delicious okonomiyaki restaurant in Osaka. I'll take you there to try it next time I have a chance.

Be sure to come. I'll be waiting for you."

Conan: "Don't worry."

The clues given by Hattori are very useful.

Conan hung up the phone and lowered his head to carefully look at the detailed information sent by Hattori Heiji. However, before he could start analyzing the clues, Wakaki Ryo silently pointed to the latest news that popped up on the web page.

"The new popular painter Shindo Sumire died, and there are still mahjong tiles next to her body"

Conan: ...

The clues are very useful, but it seems a little late.

Ryo Wakagi didn't care how complicated Conan's mood was now. He just shrugged and closed his laptop.

"So, on the Tanabata Festival two years ago, because the hotel where they were staying temporarily caught fire, Nanako Motogami and the six victims in this case took the elevator to escape.

During this period, Nanako Motogami was forced to leave the escape elevator because there happened to be an eighth tenant who wanted to take the elevator, so he chose to push the helpless Miss Motogami out.

The other people in the elevator, perhaps because they were eager to escape, or perhaps because they didn't want to cause trouble, acquiesced to this situation. In the end, Nanako Motogami died in the fire."Wakagi Ryo nodded, "And this eighth person should be the first person to die, Shuhei Jinno, only his mahjong tile is a single barrel. The seven barrels painted in red at different points around the other people should represent their positions inside the elevator at that time."

The truth is actually similar to Conan's reasoning. The only difference is that the little angel Nanako Motogami was not forced to leave the elevator, but voluntarily gave up the precious escape opportunity to save the lives of others.

The murderer of this serial case is Nanako Motogami's brother Kazuki Motogami.

In addition, after killing, he deliberately took away small pendants such as key chains and amulets from the deceased in order to put all the blame for the murder on his sister's boyfriend, Hirosuke Mizutani.

For the twisted sister control, those who indirectly killed his sister deserved to die, and Hirosuke Mizutani, who tricked his sister to elope to Kyoto but did not protect her well, deserved to die!

However, the truth that the person the sister saved with her life two years ago was killed by her brother two years later is also a kind of irony.

After figuring out most of the puzzles, Conan hurriedly said goodbye to Wakaki Ryo and rushed to Mitaka City and Mizutani Kousuke's address.

Wakaki Ryo watched Conan leave with a smile, turned around and opened the live broadcast room on the Vermouth side.

The godson's vest was about to be stripped by Ireland. It was obviously impossible for this godmother who protected her child to say that she had no action at all.

As the person who helped Ireland disguise herself as Matsumoto Kiyonaga, she naturally knew where Matsumoto Kiyonaga, a living sample, was imprisoned by Ireland.

What she had to do was to quietly expose the location of the real Matsumoto Kiyonaga to the police.

As long as Ireland's identity was exposed, even if he successfully got the important memory card, it would still be a mission failure. And what kind of fate did those who failed in the mission have? Just look at the three-meter-high Pisco on the grave.

Gin will definitely kill him before he tells Ireland the fatal information that "Kudo Shinichi is not dead, he just turned into an elementary school student because of drug A"!

Don't worry, godson, I will never let anything happen to you and Angel!

After all, no one knows how to turn against one's own side better than me!

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