
Because Xiaolan arrived at the scene just in time, she just witnessed Ireland punching the elementary school student, so Ireland failed to successfully use Matsumoto Kiyonaga's face to reduce Xiaolan's vigilance.

The two skipped the original sneak attack and fast-forwarded to the face-to-face confrontation.

"You are not Officer Matsumoto."

Xiaolan took a deep breath and stood in front of Conan with a firm expression on her face. Facing Ireland, who was almost twice her height and size, and the black pistol in Ireland's hand, she did not show any fear.

Ireland snorted coldly and put his index finger on the trigger of the pistol.

Conan got up from the ground with difficulty, "Lan, go... Don't..."

Xiaolan ignored Conan's voice, but concentrated all her attention on the gun in Ireland's hand.

Although I can't dodge rifle bullets like Senior Kyogoku Makoto, if it's just a pistol...

Shinichi once said that the speed of a rifle bullet is about 1,000 meters per second, while the speed of a pistol bullet is only about one-third of this, that is, 350 meters per second.

You don't need to be faster than the bullet, you just need to be faster than the person who fired the gun.

Thinking of her beloved boy, Mao Lilan's mouth corners subconsciously rose.


"You can still laugh at this time, do you think you can dodge the bullet?"


"Then try it."

Ireland showed a cruel smile on his face and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At the same time, Xiaolan, who had been staring at Ireland's hand, turned her head away almost at the moment when the other's index finger trembled.

The bullet only hit Xiaolan's flying hair.

Just ignore the play button┓( ´∀` )┏

While Ireland was stunned, Mao Lilan stepped forward and knocked the pistol out of his hand, and then punched him hard on the chin.

Conan: !!!

Ireland's burly body fell to the ground. Conan looked at Xiaolan's slender figure standing in front of him and swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

Xiaolan, is this so powerful?

Hiding in a small corner, Wakagi Ryo turned off the flashlight of his mobile phone, took several photos in the direction of Mao Lilan, and his hands flew up to edit the photos. Then he sent all the freshly baked emoticons such as "I am super fierce" and "Valkyrie's contempt" to Vermouth.

Sister Bei: !!!

Goddaughter is so handsome!

Belmond opened the picture of the mobile phone to enlarge, and the daughter of all angles was appreciated. Only then did Conan, who only appeared in the corner of the photo, had a lot of attention. Is it busy to save the fat neighbor doctor in the forest? The suit that hindered him, putting a posture to Xiao Lan, at least at this moment, Ireland regarded the little girl from the opposite side as a balanced opponent. Wakagi Ryo watched Ireland and the Valkyrie fighting, slowly took back his phone, came to Mizutani Kousuke, who was knocked unconscious by the railing at the beginning, and took out a gray bag from him.

Then he found the keychain used by a hapless undercover to hide the memory card in the bag, took out the memory card inside, and took advantage of Ireland's lack of attention to this side, and quickly changed the memory card out of the bag.

If you find a time to give the memory card to Amuro-san, you can not only gain a lot of emotional points, but you may also take the opportunity to sneak a big cat.

The duel on the other side seems to have slowly decided the winner.

Although the Valkyrie's paper strength is not weaker than Ireland, on the one hand, Xiaolan and Ireland have a physical difference here, and on the other hand, compared with Ireland, who has rich practical experience and is ruthless, Xiaolan will obviously avoid some key positions on purpose.

In this situation of one gaining and the other losing, it is normal for Ireland to gradually gain the upper hand.

Oh my, it turns out that the dark side is three times stronger. If it was Ran Maoli who turned dark because of "Kudo Shinichi suspected of cheating" not long ago, Ireland would have been beaten into a puddle.

However, Xiaolan is not completely powerless to fight back. Although there is a certain gap in strength, Xiaolan's flexibility isFar above Ireland.

So the two of them can be considered to have a back-and-forth.

Then, it was time for the plot to kill.

When Xiaolan seized the opportunity and kicked Ireland in the cheek, breaking the disguise on his face, causing half of his face to hang on Ireland's face, turning into a zombie version of Ireland.

Xiaolan's extreme fear of ghosts made her freeze in place for a moment, and she completely forgot about the operation of finishing off the enemy.

Ireland laughed grimly, rushed towards the frightened little girl without mercy, and punched Xiaolan in the abdomen... The punch was in vain.

He used too much force and missed the target, and as a result, Ireland, who was unstable in balance, almost fell forward and performed a standard prostration.

Ireland: ? ? ?

The little girl can also teleport? ? ?

Ireland raised his head and looked at the place where Mao Lilan was originally standing, and saw a Sangria holding the little girl who had fainted at some point, looking at him with a smile.

"It's such a pity that such a pretty girl was broken by you~"

"Although it can be repaired, it's not as beautiful as the original one if it's patched together with materials, right?"


Only when Sangria appears to save people will he feel sympathy for the person being rescued.

Do you want to hear what you are saying? !

Wakamu Ryo threw the swapped memory card into Ireland's hand, "Since the mission has been completed, why are you still wasting time here?"

Ireland snorted coldly, raised his chin and gestured in the direction of Conan.

"Don't you feel sorry that Kudo Shinichi died too early and you can't play games with him? Wait until I bring this kid to the BOSS. If he can walk down from the test bench of the Black Death Wine intact, you can have fun with him."

If it were someone else, Ireland would naturally not easily say the information that Conan = Kudo Shinichi. After all, Gin has been operating in Neon for a long time. Compared with him, an outsider, the code members here will definitely be more inclined to Gin.

But Sangria is different, he is a standard lunatic.

In the cognition of lunatics, there is no faction.

Sure enough, as expected by Ireland, the baby-faced man opposite had his eyes brightened, and his expression looked even more excited.

"So, you mean, this kid is Kudo Shinichi?"

"Wait, in that case, are you going to use this kid to deal with Gin Senior?"

"That's really... great."

"They both have emerald eyes, I want Rye's, and I want Gin Senior's... too~"


For some reason, he actually began to sympathize with Gin.

"Compared to Gin Senior, the girl's appeal is not that great."


Wako Ryo dragged out his tone, Ireland frowned, and subconsciously had a bad premonition in his heart.

"But what?"

The sound of helicopter propellers came from outside the window, and a pure black Apache took off outside the Tokyo Tower and hovered at the same height as Ireland.

The strong light from the helicopter made Ireland's eyes narrow subconsciously, and then a bullet accurately hit Ireland's chest, piercing the memory card in his chest pocket and his chest.

Ireland fell down in astonishment, holding his chest, and lowered his head stiffly to look at his heart. Then, he heard Sangria's voice faintly sounded from above his head.

"But you have to survive to get to the boss, Ireland."

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