When Wakagi Ryo was wearing gloves and a mask, wrapped up tightly, and was "escorted" by Kuroba Kaito who was disguised as a waiter, Conan was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that Kaito Kid disguised himself as Wakagi to board the spaceship this time?

No, even if Kaito Kid disguised himself as Wakagi, he shouldn't be so weak as to be caught by an unarmed waiter.

So what happened?

"Wakagi, you..."

"Don't come over!"

Wakagi Ryo stretched out his hand and made a stop gesture.

Although Conan didn't understand why, he stopped obediently and didn't get closer.

There were not many people in the restaurant of the spaceship at this time.

Maori Kogoro was stabbed in the back by Genta just now at the sky observation deck. After returning to the main hall, he drank two cans of cold beer and was now sleeping soundly on the table.

Inspector Nakamori and his men surrounded the sky observation deck layer by layer, alerting the hateful thief who might pop out from a corner at any time.

As for the kittens disguised as reporters and TV staff, they are now very dedicated to carrying cameras and microphones, filming and conducting random interviews inside the spacecraft.

The three idiots of Teitan, who finally got out of the cage, have already started the spacecraft adventure, and they didn't even see their shadows.

Wakagi Ryo looked around and confirmed that except for Conan, no one else's attention was on him, then he slowly took off his gloves, revealing his hands covered with illusions.

Conan: !!!

Wakagi Ryo's hands were red and swollen, and dense small rashes covered the entire palm, which was the degree that a person with claustrophobia would definitely get sick after seeing it.

"This is..."

"If you're lucky, maybe you just encountered some allergen somewhere. If you're unlucky, it might be what you think."

Wakagi Ryo smiled bitterly, "However, my luck has never been very good, so to be safe, I'd better go to the clinic to isolate myself."

Wakagi Ryo briefly explained a few words to Conan, turned around and followed Kuroba Kaito out of the main hall and went to the medical room on the spaceship.

Just at this time, Suzuki Jiroji's cell phone suddenly rang.

The old man looked at the strange number on the caller ID, frowned and pressed the answer button.

[I've spread the killer bacteria in the smoking room of the spaceship. Go and look under the sofa on the left. ]

Suzuki Jiroji:? !

"Hello? Damn it, don't hang up if you can!"

Suzuki Jiroji threw the phone on the table in anger.

Conan cast his eyes sharply in the direction of Suzuki Jirokichi, and his intuition told him that this call was most likely from the Red Siamese Cat.


In the treatment room

"Are you sure?"

Ryo Wakagi was lying on the bed, pulling up the isolation curtain, and whispering to Conan through the curtain.

Conan nodded, and then suddenly realized that Ryo Wakagi couldn't see him at all. He touched his nose slightly embarrassedly and relayed what he had just overheard to Ryo Wakagi.

"Inspector Nakamori has confirmed with Inspector Megure over the phone that the empty ampoule found in the smoking room of the spacecraft is exactly the same as the ampoule found in the underground parking lot of the bacteriological laboratory in Seymour City. The police have not announced this detail to the public, so the possibility of a prank can be ruled out.

Inspector Nakamori has now blocked the smoking room and the restaurant."

Conan looked in the direction of the bed with some concern, but could only see the tightly covered curtain.

Ruo Muliang's voice came through the curtain, sounding a little unreal.

"That's interesting, I haven't been to the smoking room."

Conan clenched his teeth. He naturally knew that Ruo Muliang didn't have the habit of smoking.

But now he had no way to calm down and think, his mind was full of the experts' words in the morning news.

The mortality rate is as high as 80%.

Judging from Ruo Mu's luck value, this 80% seems to be no different from 100%.

Ruo Muliang glanced at the emotional value that was flashing on the panel, and deeply felt how confused the little Corgi's mood was now. After pulling out a wave of skill points, Ruo Muliang comforted him very considerately.

"Don't worry too much. I don't feel too uncomfortable except that the rash is a little itchy."

"Look at it in a positive way. The people of Red Siamese Cat may just use bacteria as a gimmick. After all, their behavior is too high-profile and deliberate.

If you want bacterial samples, you can just take the sealed test tubes in the laboratory away. Why do you have to transfer the originally properly stored bacterial samples to their own ampoules?

This replacement capacityThe operation of the device is very difficult and very dangerous. "

Don't think that as long as your hand speed is fast enough, you can move the bacteria to a new place before they react.

Without relevant knowledge and professional tools, doing this is simply courting death.

Conan took a deep breath, then shook his head violently to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Can't give up so early, Ruomu is right, the red Siamese cat's approach to bacteria is full of doubts, and things may not be the worst yet.

"Knock knock knock"

The door suddenly sounded, and Kuroba Kaito, still wearing a waiter's uniform, appeared at the door of the clinic with an expressionless face.

"There is a bad news and a worse news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Conan: ...

"Kaito Kidd? "

Kaito Kuroba nodded and admitted his identity very straightforwardly.

He was originally working overtime under the pressure of the professor, and he had no intention of obtaining the gems carefully prepared by Jiro Suzuki.

And now there are suspected members of terrorist organizations mixed in the spacecraft, and highly lethal bacteria may spread at any time.

Kaito Kuroba sighed silently, I am just an ordinary thief, why do I have to risk my life?

Conan: "Don't keep me in suspense, tell me together."

"Bad news, in addition to Mr. Aonori, there is also the reporter Fujioka Takamichi who is suspected of having symptoms of infection on the spacecraft.

Your dear girlfriend was once grabbed by his hands, and there is a possibility of infection."


"And the worse news is that I saw a fully armed team sneaking into the interior of the spacecraft, which should be the people of the Red Siamese Cat. I hacked into their radio and heard the leader say that bombs were to be installed on the spacecraft.

But I am not sure of the specific location and number. ”


“You… you didn’t do anything?”

Kuroba Kaito: …

“Come on, there’s a team of 7 people on the other side, all armed with guns, do you expect me to rush up and fight them head-on?”

“Little detective, I’m a thief, not a swordsman.”

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