It is absolutely right to release Conan when in danger.

Even if Conan does not know where the Red Siamese Cats have placed bombs, when he wants to check something, there will always be a hardworking tool who will flash over to provide information.

Wakagi Ryo opened Conan's live broadcast room and found that the little Corgi had successfully reunited with the three little ones out of the cage, and learned from them the approximate location of the installation of explosives.

After confirming the number and specific location of the bombs, Conan took out the Swiss Army knife he carried with him from his pocket without thinking, and skillfully used the superb skills learned in Hawaii to start defusing the bombs with his bare hands.

Inside the restaurant, Mizukawa, the head of Nichimi TV, was found to have symptoms of infection and was forcibly escorted to the smoking room for isolation by a member of the Siamese Cats.

"Very strange."

Kuroba Kaito approached Wakaki Ryo and whispered: "Since they prepared bacteria, why did they deliberately install bombs?

Most viruses and bacteria cannot survive in high temperatures. If the bomb is really detonated, the bacteria on the spacecraft should be destroyed.

In this case, what was the purpose of their previous efforts to invade the laboratory and take away the bacteria?"

Wakaki Ryo curled the corner of his mouth, "Who knows?"

Kuroba Kaito immediately looked at Wakaki Ryo with a suspicious look.

It seems that anyone can say this, but it is really not credible when it comes from your mouth, professor.

"By the way, why didn't I see those children?"

One of the insiders, the host, Kasumi Nishitani, pretended to suddenly remember this matter. When she carried the bearded leader past them, she mentioned the missing Conan and the three little ones to her partner, the second insider, photographer Junpei Ishimoto, in a voice that was not whispered at all.


The bearded man's attention was drawn to him immediately.

Nishitani Kasumi nodded, still with a "pure concern" expression on her face, and pointed in the direction of Huihara Ai.

"I remember there were three boys and a girl who were about the same age as that child."

Kuroba Kaito was stunned by the godly operation of selling out his teammates on the spot. He watched the bearded leader order his men to search for Conan and others, and subconsciously complained.

"Are these two traitors?"

Even the always good-tempered doctor couldn't help but beep, "You are really nosy."

Huihara Ai turned sideways and hid behind the doctor, and used the detective badge to contact Conan who was not at the scene.

However, although the doctor was burly, he was just a normal human after all, so although he helped Ai-chan block the view in front, he couldn't block the side position at the same time.

The short-haired woman disguised as a waiter snatched the detective badge in Huihara Ai's hand, and raised her hand to give the disobedient little girl a big fight.

At this moment, there was a "crack" sound, and the heel of the high-heeled shoe of the Siamese cat member suddenly broke. The unstable woman used too much force when she swung the slap. After completing a difficult three-and-a-half-week rotation on the spot, the slap finally landed hard on her own face.

Then, the woman stumbled and fell to the ground. I don't know if her head hit something. After a muffled sound, the woman fainted without saying a word.

Others in the restaurant: ...

He knocked himself out with a slap. This is really a wolf.

The corner of the bearded leader's mouth twitched, but he didn't continue to embarrass a little girl. He just glared at his subordinates who were embarrassed, then confiscated the detective badge in Huiyuan's hand, pointed a gun at Dr. Agasa and warned him fiercely.

Ten minutes later, the two men who had left earlier brought Conan and others back like chickens. The bomb that Conan had already defused was also brought back.

The bearded man took a deep breath and felt that the hijacking mission given by his employer was not going well at all, as if something dirty had stuck to it.

Can elementary school students defuse bombs these days?

"I did all this, and it has nothing to do with them!"

This operation seemed very responsible to others, but to the bearded man, it was simply dancing in his minefield.

"You're quite courageous, kid!"

The bearded man glanced at the death god elementary school student who had his hands in his pockets and had a full aura, then he grabbed Conan's collar and lifted him up. Without saying a word, he directly opened the window next to the restaurant and threw the struggling but fruitless Corgi out of the window.Kuroba Kaito: !!!


Wakagi Ryo smiled, reached out and patted Touzi's shoulder, and made a gesture of invitation towards the window.

Kuroba Kaito: ...

Really, I have to jump!

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Kuroba Kaito stopped Xiaolan who was rushing towards the window, flipped over and jumped onto the high windowsill, and jumped out of the spaceship without hesitation.

Two figures, one big and one small, disappeared in the layers of clouds, but after a moment, the pure white glider appeared from where the two disappeared, drawing a smooth curve in the sky.

"Kaito Kidd!!"

The bearded leader sighed, but he was very self-aware and did not try to shoot the high-altitude moving target with a gun.

"Damn Kaito Kidd, he finally got in. It's good that way, all the troublesome people are now cleared, you two, go and reinstall the bomb."


One of the men responded immediately, and the other seemed to be half a beat slower, opened his mouth, spit out a lot of white foam, and then his eyes rolled up and he fainted on the ground.

Big Beard: ? ? ?

Then, the unconscious men, the cheeks and neck, and other parts that were not covered by the combat uniform, quickly turned red, and then a large number of small rashes appeared. No matter how you look at it, it looks like he is infected and terminally ill.

The big bearded leader took a breath, stepped back several steps, and then put on the combat helmet again as soon as possible.

It can't be blamed on his reaction, but the Siamese cat member who fainted is special.

As mentioned earlier, the members of the Siamese Cat Organization who appeared this time are actually a team of mercenaries found by Fujioka Takamichi. Although they bombed the Bacteria Research Institute in Seymour City with great fanfare, they actually did not take the bacteria out of the laboratory.

They just threw an empty ampoule in the parking lot of the laboratory to play tricks.

As for the infection of other people on the spacecraft, it was skin allergies caused by raw lacquer.

And a small number of people, such as lacquerware masters, are immune to the allergic symptoms caused by raw lacquer. In order to prevent being exposed, the Red Siamese Cat’s people let this member who is immune to the negative effects of raw lacquer do it when dealing with those "infected" passengers.

But now it happened to be him who fell.

So here comes the question.

Since this person will not cause skin allergies due to raw lacquer, then his current symptoms can only be that he is really infected with the virus!

The bearded man's mind quickly went through the entire process of the attack on the bacteria laboratory not long ago.

That's right, everything went too smoothly.

The security of the laboratory can be said to be almost non-existent. It took them only more than ten minutes from the invasion to the completion of the explosion. During this period, because the action was too easy, the bearded man inevitably relaxed a little.

It is not impossible that someone secretly hid two bottles of bacteria and took them away when he was not paying attention. This kind of bacteria has always been very popular on the black market!

The bearded man looked at every team member in the restaurant with a suspicious look, and his finger was directly on the trigger of the pistol, and he said in a gloomy tone.

"There is a traitor among us."

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