After explaining the misunderstanding, the doctor and Huihara returned to the car, and the group slowly drove towards the direction of Beika Town.

Yamato Gansuke and Uehara Yui, who were misunderstood, did not have any negative emotions. Instead, they praised Huihara Ai's vigilance to the doctor for a long time.

Huihara Ai seemed expressionless, but in fact she sat in the back seat of the car with an embarrassed look, wishing she could shrink behind the doctor.

After the car stopped at the door of the doctor's house, Huihara Ai politely thanked Yamato Gansuke and the two, and then rushed into her laboratory in a hurry and slammed the door of the laboratory.

Almost slammed Conan, who wanted to ask her something, into a flat mode.

Conan: ? ? ?

"Did you eat gunpowder?"

Next door, Wakaki Ryo poured drinks for Uehara Yui and Yamato Gansuke, and sat on the sofa and pulled the pillow.

"Why didn't Gao Ming come with us?"

Yamato Gansuke: "He is not at the Nagano Prefecture Police Headquarters now, but has been assigned to the Shinno Police Station. He will probably be a little late."

Zhu Fushiki Kagemitsu, who had just prepared all the feasts:?

"I guess Gao Ming won't tell you that he was assigned to the district because of a mistake not long ago."

Yamato Gansuke took a sip of ice beer, wiped his mouth, and looked a little unhappy.

Uehara Yui followed up to add to the situation.

"Just before, Gan-chan..."


Yamato Gansuke cleared his throat a little deliberately.

Uehara Yui glanced at him and silently changed Gan-chan's nickname back to the more formal Yamato Police Officer.

"While tracking the criminal, Officer Yamato followed him deep into the mountains, but unfortunately encountered an avalanche, which injured his left eye and left leg, and he lost contact for several days.

Because he couldn't contact Officer Yamato, Officer Morobushi ignored his superior's orders and searched across other counties alone. Then he took advantage of a loophole and forcibly arrested the suspect that Officer Yamato was tracking, and asked him about the avalanche.

This is how Gan-chan was saved.

Afterwards, Officer Morobushi was punished for cross-county searches and illegal arrests, and was demoted to the jurisdiction of the Shinno Police Station."

Yamato Gansuke leaned on the sofa and crushed the empty can in his hand.

"That's what they say on the surface."

"In fact, although these things violate the rules, they haven't reached the point where they must be punished. Under normal circumstances, the two police stations would have argued with each other, and Gao Ming would have written a self-criticism or something, and the matter would have passed.

But a month later, he was suddenly demoted because of this matter...

Just after we found clues about that 'casino'."

Yamato Gansuke raised his hand, and the empty beer can in his hand drew a perfect curve in the air, and fell accurately into the trash can.

"Isn't it a coincidence?"

"It seems that our Nagano police headquarters is not very clean."

Uehara Yui opened another can of beer and put it next to Yamato Gansuke, smiling and trying to smooth things over.

"Okay, it's just a temporary demotion. With Officer Morobushi's ability, he will be able to return to the headquarters soon."

Although he said so, Uehara Yui did not refute Yamato Gansuke's remarks that the police headquarters were not clean.

Wakagi Ryo nodded in agreement.

If it doesn't work, just take Conan to Nagano for a few days. Conan is a professional at using cases to gain experience.

A few minutes later, Zhu Fu Gao Ming, with several furry things hanging on his body, pushed open the door of Wakaki Ryo's house with a little difficulty.

Yamato Gansuke: ...

When he entered the door, the furry things in the yard avoided him. Even cats and dogs start to look at faces these days?


The meal was a great pleasure for both the host and the guests.

The feast carefully prepared by Jingguang Cat Cat tasted really good. Wakaki Ryo opened the live broadcast room of Akai Shuichi and used the kitchen explosion video performed at Kudo House as a side dish. It was so delicious.

Occasionally, I could take a peek at the small theater on the dining table. It was so comfortable.

But after eating and drinking, I still had to do business.

"Strange case?"

Ryo Wakagi held a cup of hot tea after dinner, "Then what, how strange is it?"

"Then I can't say more." Uehara Yui poured herself a cup of tea with a smile, then cleared her throat and imitated Yamato Gansuke's deep expression perfectly.

"Preconceived ideas will affect reasoning, and witnessing the scene with your own eyes is the best choice."

"That's what Gan-chan said, so we came here specially this time to pick you up and go to Nagano to check the situation. By the way, if the kid from last time is willing,, you can go together."

Ryo Wakagi mourned for Conan's tattered vest for a second, and then chose to sell his teammate without hesitation.

"No problem, he will definitely be willing."

Just when everyone was discussing the departure time, the doorbell outside the yard suddenly rang.

Ryo Wakagi:?

Since the doorman Black Cat took the position, the doorbell of his house has almost become a decoration.

But since Black Cat didn't open the door directly, it means that the person standing outside the yard is not a familiar person.

Ryo Wakagi got up and opened the door with a little doubt, and then looked at the short-haired girl standing in front of him, who looked exactly like Akai Shuichi, a little dazed.

Masumi Sera was holding a comic book in her arms. After seeing Ryo Wakagi, she showed a standard fan girl seeing her idol.

"Teacher Aotoshi! I am your loyal fan, I like your comics very much..."

Ryo Wakagi glanced at the comic book held in the arms of Masumi Sera, revealing an understanding expression.

Maybe he came here specially because he saw his long-missing elder brother suddenly turned into a bad bunny girl and appeared on the cover of the comic.

In fact, if you want to know where your elder brother is, just turn left and walk 200 meters to knock on the door.

Ryo Wakagi glanced at Masumi Sera, who was pretending to be a little fan, and observed the second floor of Kudo's house with his peripheral vision. With his enhanced vision, he could clearly see that the window of the second bedroom on the second floor was opened a little.

It was obvious that a bottle of rye whiskey that had been harmed more than once was secretly observing.

"Teacher Aoto, are you willing to accept an apprentice? I really hope to stay by your side and learn about comics."

Ryo Wakagi raised the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes, and moved a little closer to Masumi Sera.

"Miss, you look a little familiar. ”

Sera Masumi:?

Is this… what kind of bad pick-up line is this? Why does this cartoonist seem a bit frivolous?

“We, probably, haven’t met.”


Wakagi Ryo nodded, then stepped back to the original distance and suddenly asked.

“What’s the name of Akita that Endo has raised for eight years?”


Sera Masumi:…

Well, it seems that the die-hard fan persona can’t be maintained.

Wakagi Ryo: “If you’re here to look for someone, then I’m sorry, I don’t actually know this beautiful lady, I just saw her from a distance.”

Wakagi Ryo stretched out his hand, pointed to the cover of the comic book in Sera Masumi’s arms, and spoke in the face of the other’s confused expression.

“You should be relatives, you look very similar to her. "

Although it was just a glimpse, she left a very deep impression on me and I can't forget it. So after that, I created this character based on her."

Sera Masumi: ? ? ?

"No, wait, wait, when you saw him, um, I mean her, was she dressed as a bunny girl??!"

Sera Masumi's voice suddenly changed in surprise.

"That's not the case."

Sera Masumi breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could finish his breath, Wakaki Ryo continued the second half of the sentence.

"But I think compared to JK, this outfit can better highlight the unique temperament."

J, JK? ? ?

Sera Masumi only felt that her eyes went dark, and the image of Akai Shuichi wearing a JK uniform appeared in her mind involuntarily.

So, so the reason why my brother didn't go home for so many years is really because...

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