"House of Hope, it's a nice name."

Ryo Wakagi got out of the car with the cat bag and looked up at the house in front of him.

"Three years ago, it was still called this name. But since those two things happened, this annex has been called the House of Death by the locals."

Yamato Gansuke appeared behind Ryo Wakagi with Conan.

Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at Yamato Gansuke with disapproval and began to explain to Ryo Wakagi and Conan the cases that had happened here.

"The original owner of this annex rented it to those young people who had no money at a very low price, almost for free, until they were able to afford their own lives and move out of this old house.

Therefore, this place was originally called the House of Hope.

Later, the young people living here moved away one after another, leaving only a couple who met and fell in love here and still lived here."

While talking, Ryo Wakagi and others entered the annex.

In the empty annex, a large pile of carts loaded with carts was particularly eye-catching.

"This is..."

As soon as he arrived at the crime scene, some of the components engraved in Conan's DNA began to stir.

The Nagano trio each glanced at Conan, who did not look like a child at all, and let this elementary school student, whose style had nothing to do with the crime scene, run around in the annex.

"That's used to block the door."

Uehara Yui brought Wakaki Ryo to a room on the second floor.

"After all, this annex is an old house, and the doors of all the rooms can only be pushed outward, not pulled inward. At that time, it was this cart full of books that blocked the door tightly. By the time it was discovered, the victim, Akashi Shusaku, had starved to death in the room."

"In addition, Kobashi Aoi, who died in the villa three years ago, was the wife of this victim."


"Wait, was Aoi Kobashi's death three years ago also murder?"

Uehara Yui shook her head, "She had a bad heart to begin with. Three years ago, she was alone in the warehouse looking for something when she suddenly had a heart attack and died.

At that time, her husband, Mr. Akashi Shusaku, seemed to be concentrating on painting in this studio."

After saying that, Uehara Yui opened the door of the studio, and a whole blood-red wall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Conan slid into the studio, squatted in front of the red wall, and began to study the spray paint bottles scattered on the ground.

As for Wakagi Ryo, after he glanced at the environment inside the studio, he began to indulge in petting cats. Until the good-tempered Jingguang cat couldn't help but start to show his teeth and claws, he withdrew his hand with reluctance, pretending that he had been analyzing the case seriously just now.

Uehara Yui: ...

Conan, who was brought here as a bonus, has begun to circle around the two chairs, one black and one white, that were nailed to the floor back to back in the center of the studio.

"This chair should be some kind of message left by the deceased. When we found the body, in addition to this wall and the two chairs on the floor, we also found a bug hidden in the corner.

However, no useful fingerprints were extracted from the bug."

Conan reacted immediately.

"The bug is used to monitor the situation of the deceased. If the murderer has ever returned here, it is reasonable to take the bug away.

Since the bug is still at the scene, it means that the murderer has not come back."

So, the whole red wall, and the two chairs that were deliberately painted black and white and nailed firmly to the floor, are all death messages left by the victim.

Wakagi Ryo unzipped the cat bag, let out the cat Jingguang who had been stuffy inside to get some fresh air, and then looked at Zhufu Gaoming.

"The name Kobashi Aoi sounds familiar. Is it the Kobashi Aoi I know?"

Zhufu Gaoming nodded.

"I just wanted to send a bouquet of flowers, but I happened to see a lot of painting tools scattered on the ground outside the villa, so I went upstairs to check and found the body of Akashi Shusaku."

Conan on the side had a face full of question marks.

What are you talking about?

Before he could ask, Yamato Gansuke's phone rang over there.

"What did you say?!"

Uehara Yui: "Gan-chan?"

Yamato Gansuke hung up the phone and pointed his cane at the door handle inside the studio and the spray paint bottle on the ground.

"The results of the forensic department are out. The fingerprints on the inner door handle and the bottle of red spray paint are not the fingerprints of the victim, Akashi Shusaku, but...

They are the fingerprints of the subordinates who found the body with you that day. What's going on, Gao Ming? After staying in the jurisdiction for a while, you can't even discipline the newcomers.?”

Zhufu Gaoming sighed softly.

On the other side, Wakagi Ryo also sighed synchronously.

“The Feng Shui of this place in Nagano is really not very good.”

Conan: ???

“Last time the suspects were Gansuke and Yui, this time the suspect has become you, Gaoming.”

Conan: ???

Riddler, get out of here!

Conan grabbed the hem of Wakagi Ryo’s shirt and looked at Wakagi Ryo with a persistent and inquiring look.

Wakagi Ryo took advantage of the height difference and grabbed Conan’s forehead, smiling and said, “Sorry, I forgot to tell you. The novelist Aoi Kobashi who died here three years ago was Gaoming’s classmate. I remember that she seemed to have written a detective novel before, and the male protagonist in it was based on Gaoming. "

When Wakagi Ryo gave Conan some time to digest, he paused for a while and continued: "You have a good relationship with Kobashi Aoi. Three years ago, Kobashi Aoi died in the warehouse because of Akashi Shusaku's negligence.

Theoretically, your friend has a motive to kill."

Jingguang Maomao silently jumped onto Wakagi Ryo's shoulder, patted him lightly with his front paws, and showed a threatening look of a chef is watching you.

"Moreover, the murderer can kill the victim in this way, which means that he knows very well that the door here can only be pushed from the inside to the outside. In addition, you, Brother Gaoming, are the first to discover the body, so..."

So, Zhu Fu Gaoming is really a big suspect.

Conan touched his chin and looked at Zhu Fu Gaoming, who had remained silent, with an inquiring look.

Wakagi Ryo: "So, among those who originally lived here, did anyone have a crush on Xiaobashi Aoi? "


This unexpected turn of events almost made him slip his back.

Ruo Mu Liang looked at Conan, whose expression was too obvious, and said confidently: "Of course Brother Gao Ming can't be the murderer. With his IQ, it's too easy for him to kill someone silently and leave no evidence. For example..."


The Nagano trio cleared their throats and interrupted Ruo Mu Liang's long speech.

Ruo Mu Liang squatted down with a smile and patted Conan's shoulder, "Anyway, this is not the point. You don't really want to hear me talk about murder plans or something like that, right?"


No need to thank me!

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