Maori Kogoro's occasional unreliability may be a magical setting written in his DNA. After experiencing the hotel booking blunder, Wakaki Ryo and others followed Iwanaga Shiroji, who was good at falling on the ground, from the five-star luxury sea view hotel to an inconspicuous B&B.

The owner of the B&B, Mima Kazuo, did not seem to welcome guests. He said coldly, "One night's accommodation plus two meals is 5,000 yuan. If you can't accept it, find another place." Then he left Wakaki Ryo and his group there.

Iwanaga Shiroji, who was responsible for receiving them, laughed awkwardly and tried to ease the atmosphere.

"Well, who want to participate in the treasure hunt game?"

No one responded.

Maori Kogoro only wanted to find a pub with a beautiful proprietress to drink to his heart's content; Suzuki Sonoko, who didn't care about money at all, just wanted to drag Xiaolan to enjoy the fun of diving.


The doctor wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but Conan and Huihara, the two fake kids, had no intention of cooperating with him.

Huihara Ai glanced at the doctor.

"Treasures and the like are probably fabricated to attract tourists."

"I'm not interested in this kind of trick to deceive children."

The doctor: (;′⌒`)

"Okay, okay."

The wish to trick Ai-chan into playing the treasure hunt game and secretly get some snacks for himself... was shattered.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the gray-white Dr. Agasa and felt sorry for the doctor for a second.

Iwanaga Shiroko touched the back of his head awkwardly. Seeing that a large group of people had no intention of participating in the treasure hunt game, he muttered something in a low voice, and then drove the car honestly and sent Sonoko and Xiaolan to a nearby diving equipment store.

If the girlfriend wants to go diving, the little corgi will naturally go with her.

Ai Huihara pulled the doctor and walked straight to the beach.

If they said they were here to bask in the sun, they really only wanted to bask in the sun, and they didn't do anything else.

Ryo Wakagi first ruled out the option of drinking with the uncle, looked at his friends who were divided into two groups, and decisively chose to join Xiaolan's diving team.

Although he saw a familiar face in the direction of the beach just now, it was known that the other party had no connection with the winery. So compared to Ai Huihara, who was not so prone to accidents, it was obviously more likely that a little corgi with a halo of death would get into trouble.

Moreover, the benefits of teaming up with a little corgi and European emperor Lan were also obvious, just look at a certain -80 who became timid even when backstabbed.

After selecting the equipment in the store, they ran into two bounty hunters with particularly bad attitudes.

Ignoring this little episode, Ryo Wakagi and others got into the car of the lady in the diving equipment store and drove to the nearby beach that was most suitable for diving.

On the way, Miss Yamaguchi Kimiko, who was temporarily acting as a driver, naturally talked to the passengers in the car about the legend of the two female pirates related to the treasure.

"Ann Bonnie and Mary Reed are pirates under Captain Jack. It is said that when the pirate group was surrounded by the British army, the two of them fought back to back.

If you can entrust your back to another person, it is obviously impossible without enough trust."

After listening to the story, Sonoko couldn't help but exclaimed.

"If I have to choose someone to entrust my trust to, Xiaolan, I am only willing to entrust my back to you. You are my only choice.


The expression on Sonoko's face quickly turned into a teasing.

"The person you want to entrust is Shinichi, right?"

Xiaolan's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she fought back unwillingly.

"Don't you also have Kyogoku senior!"

Suzuki Sonoko's mouth twitched.

"With the monster-level combat power of Zhen, it doesn't matter whether I have him or not."

It seems that he can kill anything by himself.

Ryo Wakagi nodded in agreement, then looked down at the little corgi beside him.

Since Sonoko's back is entrusted to Xiaolan, then Kudo-kun, your back, obviously can only be entrusted to Qin-chan.

After all, it's a friendship of one stick every year~ (aria)

Conan felt a chill for no reason and shivered subconsciously.

The car arrived at the target location quickly.

Ryo Wakagi followed Conan and others on the speedboat. Seeing that everyone on the speedboat, including Conan, had changed into special diving suits, the only person who stayed behind who was not going to go into the water suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

Knowing that there was a nest of sharks in the sea, Ryo Wakagi didn't want to test the tacit understanding between him and -80.

Although the probability of sharks actively attacking humans is very small, it is definitely not zero.

So, Ryo Wakagi, who is severely seasick, doesn't want to go withShark close to stick ... The bounty hunters who had just met in a diving equipment store not long ago were being besieged by four sharks.

One of them had a terrible cut on his waist and abdomen, and the blood directly dyed the small area of ​​the sea around them into crimson, and the smell of blood attracted more sharks.

The two companions of the seriously injured bounty hunter were panicked when they saw the sharks surrounding them.

Although humans are not a delicious snack for sharks. But the sharks attracted by the smell of blood can't help but want to taste the new things they have seen.

And the fragile humans can't stand this kind of behavior of taking turns to taste.

The two bounty hunters made the same decision almost at the same time. They threw their seriously injured companions in the direction of the sharks, used the small props on their bodies to temporarily drive away the sharks that surrounded them, and then swam desperately towards the surface of the sea.

Xiaolan and the others watched the sharks taste the fish one by one, and left the unknown bounty hunter aside with disdain. Naturally, they had no interest in diving anymore, so they quickly surfaced and returned to the yacht.

Suzuki Sonoko patted her chest in shock, urging Yamaguchi Kimiko to return as soon as possible.

However, I don’t know if it was because the -80 was too long today. On the way back, the sharks followed the speedboat closely, facing the direction of Wakaki Ryo, chasing after it.

It was like a kind of persistence that no matter what flavor of biscuit you are today, I must taste the saltiness.

Wakaki Ryo:...

Just when he was considering whether to secretly throw an electric shock spell into the sea water, which could quickly make him and the sharks familiar with each other, a low sound that sounded a bit like a horn suddenly sounded.

The sharks that were chasing Wakaki Ryo heard this sound, and they immediately slowed down and sank into the sea and disappeared.

Wakagi Ryo: Oh.

These sharks can be driven by the sound of the horn. Does that mean they are artificially raised?

Wakagi Ryo was thinking, and habitually reached out to grab Conan's head.

Thinking of the acquaintance he met on the beach not long ago, Wakagi Ryo immediately confirmed his guess.

That person is Kawachi Fukasato.

She is the female reporter who planned the death of Kudo Shinichi, but failed because of her soft heart. In the end, she could only choose to participate in the life-and-death game and gamble with her life.

The new dealer in the casino.

He looked down at the calm sea again.

It is said that the underwater palace where the treasure is hidden is filled with high concentrations of methane. Once the temperature rises or the pressure drops, the power of its explosion is probably no less than that of the eight eggs of the resident honorary actors in the movie version.

There is also a group of domesticated sharks guarding the periphery of the palace, blocking the escape route.

Is there a more hidden and gorgeous stage than this one?

On such a stage, a group of desperate criminals controlled by the casino are about to fight each other for various reasons. Only the final winner can leave the dangerous seabed alive.

Our Detective Conan finally has his own battle royale!

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