"Sir, if we count the black-haired girl, it seems that there is one more person than originally planned."

The burly man with a passerby face started the speedboat and asked a man wearing a black and white clown mask and standing at the stern to pose in the wind and waves.

"What does it matter?"

The voice that was obviously processed by the voice changer came from behind the mask, and the masked man seemed to smile, "Why not let Group A kill one of them? Then the total number will still be 52."

"Isn't it fun to see two little girls who depend on each other turn against each other in the end?"

"So this is the idea, I said that only the brown-haired girl received your invitation letter, but you kidnapped both of them."

A clear boy's voice suddenly sounded from behind the masked man.

The masked man was startled and immediately took out his gun and turned around, pointing to the position behind him.

A curly-haired baby-faced boy appeared on the speedboat at some point, and a very friendly smile appeared on his baby-fat face - ignoring the words of the passerby-faced bodyguard who looked like a dead dog in his hand.

The muscular man, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, looked like an inflatable toy in the hands of the young man. He was easily pinched by him, but he had no ability to resist.

In the almost horrified eyes of the masked man, Ruo Muliang slowly tightened the strength in his hands.

The sound of the larynx breaking seemed to be amplified countless times. Even if the sea was rough, it was impossible to prevent the sound from entering the masked man's ears.

With a click, the cervical vertebra of the muscular man was completely broken. Ruo Muliang shook his hand and threw the muscular man's body into the sea.

1/3 of the witnesses were killed, and it was completed.

The man wearing a clown mask pulled the trigger in the direction of Ruo Muliang without thinking, and emptied the entire magazine directly.

However, the bullets of the entire magazine fell into the air. The masked man held the gun and looked around vigilantly. There was no half a figure on the dark sea. The baby-faced man who suddenly appeared and killed his companions seemed to be just his illusion.

The masked man quickly reached for his waist and changed the bullets as quickly as possible.


"Good night~"

Ruo Muliang sighed insincerely as he looked at the masked man who slowly fell down and happened to hit his head on the steering wheel.

"It looks like it hurts a lot."

He squatted down and took off the black and white clown mask. Under the mask was a face without any memory.

Ruo Muliang took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the unconscious masked man, and asked Moran to investigate the identity of this man.

As expected, only a death certificate was dug out. In short, it was a non-existent person.

"Okay, I guessed it too."

Ruo Muliang shrugged, took out a syringe filled with light yellow liquid from his pocket, flicked it gently, and then pointed the needle at the masked man's neck and stabbed it down.

Ah~ The high-concentration truth serum produced by the organization is really a good thing, it is a must-have for killing people at home and traveling.

Black Death Wine is well received!


"Where is this?"

"Sonoko, Sonoko, wake up!"

Ran Maori was the first to wake up from her coma. She immediately rushed to Sonoko and carefully checked her condition. She was relieved to find that she was just unconscious.

She naturally noticed the abrupt collar on Sonoko's neck, and she also felt the same cold ring on her neck.

However, after trying to dismantle it violently without success, Xiaolan could only temporarily give up exploring the things on her neck and look at the surrounding environment instead.

The stone wall was faintly steamy and wet to the touch. The smell of salty seawater could be faintly smelled.

On the stone wall above their heads, there was a lit torch, the flames flickered, and it seemed that there was a risk of extinguishing at any time.

At this moment, Suzuki Sonoko groaned in pain, covered her head and slowly climbed up from the ground.

"Sonoko, are you okay?"

Xiaolan held Sonoko's arm and helped her up.

All the odds and ends on them, including their cell phones, disappeared, which directly cut off Xiaolan's idea of ​​asking for help.

"It's all my fault."

Sonoko obviously realized what happened at this time, and hit her head in annoyance.

"If I hadn't thought about playing for a while and didn't go to the lottery booth, this might not have happened."

Xiaolan reached out and took down the torch on the wall, patted Sonoko's shoulder to comfort her.

"Don't think too much about Sonoko. If we were targeted early in the morning, whether we went to the lottery booth or not, they would find a chance to attack us."

"What is this?"

Sonoko caught a glimpse of the protruding ring on Xiaolan's neck, and subconsciously reached out to touch her neck, then her face turned pale.

"No, it can't be a bomb."

It's very likely.

Mouri Ran was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question.


A sharp and piercing sound suddenly sounded inside the empty palace, and then a voice that could not be distinguished as male or female began to announce the rules.

[Rule 1: The game time is 3 hours, and the number of participants is 52.]

[Rule 2: People of the same suit cannot attack each other]

[Rule 3: There is only one survivor in this game]

[Fight to the last person left, chips]

"Lan, what does he mean by...? What do you mean, there is only one survivor, what does it mean to fight to the fullest? "

Sonoko grabbed the ring around her neck in fear, and her eyes were soon filled with tears, but she forced herself to hold back the tears as they burst out.

She also knew that at this time, she couldn't put more pressure on Xiaolan.

Ran Maori shook her head solemnly. She woke up only a few minutes earlier than Sonoko, and until now, she didn't know what had happened.

However, having lost all means of contact with the outside world, she had to protect Sonoko in a completely unfamiliar and dangerous environment.

At this moment, Ran Maori felt that her mind was clearer than ever.

She lowered her head and looked at the back of her hand, which was a spade pattern, while the back of Sonoko's hand was a clear heart icon.

Such an obvious poker pattern, plus the previous broadcast said that there were 52 people participating in this game.

After removing the two jokers from the poker cards, there were exactly 52 cards left.

"Listen to me, Sonoko. "

"Although it is not clear what happened, from now on, you must follow me closely and not leave at all! And..."

And according to the rules described by the androgynous voice, the same suits cannot attack each other.

That is to say, if they are unlucky enough to meet a spade, and this spade attacks Sonoko, she can't even fight with that spade, otherwise...

Xiaolan reached out and touched the cold ring on her neck.

She didn't think that the thing on her neck was just a simple decoration.

"And, and what?"

Xiaolan took a deep breath, and the expression on her face gradually became firm.

"Nothing, believe me, Sonoko, I will definitely take you out!"

Sonoko nodded, wiped her eyes randomly, took the torch from Xiaolan's hand, and looked at the dark passage in the distance.

It seems that I haven't posted pictures for a long time

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