"Oh, I almost forgot."

Suddenly, Morikawa slapped his forehead, threw the beer can in his hand, and hurriedly opened the door and rushed to the garage.

Wakagi Ryo propped up his chin and watched Morikawa hurriedly run to his half-new car, opened the trunk, and dragged out a man with a bloody face.

Wakagi Ryo:?

Isn't this the improvisational Achen?

You kidnapped the final BOSS of the movie, how do you let Conan perform the second half?

Well, in fact, the one who caused so many things in this movie was this Mr. Achen, who looked very small from name to appearance.

Because of some coincidence, he happened to discover Kondo's secret, and when he sneaked into the secret room of Kondo's house, he happened to receive a commission call. The employer on the other end of the phone hoped that Kondo, the legendary killer, could help him kill the child of the Prime Minister of Niborica who would soon come to Neon.

So, Chen took the commission by pretending to be Kondo.

He then threatened Shinichiro Yamazaki, the real Kondo, to participate in this incident.

Then, he asked his lover, the short-haired woman, to pretend to shoot him in the abandoned warehouse so that he could completely hide behind the scenes. In fact, the only person who died in the abandoned warehouse was the old man who stuffed Conan with a powerful sleeping pill.

"Fortunately, I remembered. My car has been specially modified. If I had remembered that there was another person later, he might have been suffocated to death."

Morikawa dragged the unconscious Chen back to the restaurant, opened the sliding door of the cabinet, and then pressed the switch inside the cabinet and dragged him into the secret room under the cabinet.

Wakagi Ryo:...

You are really honest, and you don't avoid people at all.

So Wakagi Ryo followed him in without hesitation, and was almost caught by the door of the secret room that suddenly closed.

The decoration of the underground secret room is quite simple. It is basically two separate rooms. There is only a chair welded to the ground in each room. There is nothing else.

Morikawa took Achen to one of the rooms and handcuffed his hands and feet with the shackles on the chair.

Wakamu Liang curiously stepped forward to observe closely. Morikawa was very professional. Achen's shoulders, elbows, and wrists were all tied tightly. Just imagine that this way of binding is extremely uncomfortable and difficult to escape.

"How did you catch him?"

Morikawa: "I was on my way to find Kondo, and I happened to see this guy trying to take Kondo's fiancee hostage. After all, Ms. Sanae is half of ours, so I knocked this guy out and brought him here.

It's just right to use him as a game prop."

"However, after knocking this guy out, I found something interesting. Someone stuck a very finely crafted sticker-type tracker on this guy's clothes. It seems that this guy has also been targeted."

At this point, Morikawa's expression became obviously depressed, and he began to complain to Wakaki Ryo.

"You know, we have our own internal rankings in the assassin industry."

"Kondo, the killer who doesn't kill people, ranks at the top of our internal rankings. But his secret of not killing people is known by an outsider, who uses this secret to threaten him.

And this threatening guy is being tracked, which means that Kondo's little secret is no longer a secret at all. I can't imagine how our industry will be ridiculed if these things are exposed."

"No, why does he do that?"

Ah, Ryo Wakagi looked at Morikawa's slightly angry expression, and realized that what he found should be the tracker that Conan stuck on Achen, and sympathized with him for a second without sincerity.

After all, even if there was no Achen, Conan had already known Kondo's special "killing" skills from Kudo Yusaku's analysis several years ago.

"So, how do you plan to play games with that Mr. Kondo?"

Ryo Wakagi's eyes became sparkling, and he was obviously very interested.

After Morikawa tied up the man, he took out a button that looked crudely made from somewhere and showed it to Wakagi Ryo.

"It's not a cruel method, it's just a little game that can make this legendary killer become worthy of his name."

Wakagi Ryo took the crudely made button from Morikawa's hand, raised his head, and waited for the chatterbox opposite to explain the game method.

"If, press this button, someone will die in the next room, will you choose to press... stop, stop, stop, okay, there's no need to test your human evil, you should take it easy, don't break it for me."

Morikawa took the button back from Wakuragi Ryo's hand with a little heartache.

Wakuragi Ryo: "It's not enough to just press it with your hands. It's better to use the whole fascia gun."

Facing Morikawa's condemning eyes of "What kind of devil are you?", Wakuragi Ryo gave a bright smile.

Anyway, even if someone really died, it was a Japanese, so it's not a big problem.

Morikawa carefully put the button back in his pocket, reconfirmed Achen's condition, and returned to the door of the secret room with a satisfied smile on his face. Then, his smile froze on his face.

Morikawa: ...

"Why did you close the door?"

Wakuragi Ryo blinked innocently, "Do you believe me when I say it wasn't me who closed the door? "

This is the truth. After all, it was -80 that closed the door, and when closing the door, it tried to use this iron door to split me in two.

Morikawa: "Then if I say that this door can only be opened from the outside, and it cannot be opened from the inside, do you believe it? ”

Wakagi Ryo: (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


Compared to the relatively cheerful atmosphere at Wakagi Ryo, the atmosphere at Conan’s mountain villa was much heavier.

Before the short-haired woman woke up, Conan and the other two had already searched all the places near the accident site, but they only found a shrunken inflatable football wreckage, a mobile phone dropped in the river, a bloody corpse, and a tracker made by Dr. Agasa that was deliberately abandoned by Morikawa at the scene of the corpse dumping.

These elements combined together are extremely ominous.

It even gives people a feeling that Haibara Ai has met with an accident.

Because Wakagi Ryo would never leave such a low-level flaw as call records, even if Xiao Ai’s mobile phone can still work normally after drying, it can’t provide Conan and others with any useful clues.

So Therefore, no matter how hard Conan thought, he couldn't figure out that it was Ryo Wakaki who remotely controlled Ai Huihara's phone, making her call Sangria for help, and then Sangria took her away directly.

Conan and Xiaolan could only return to the mountain villa with full of worries, waiting for the short-haired woman who was fed with powerful sleeping pills to wake up, hoping to get some clues from her.

Not long ago, Kondo drugged the short-haired woman in order to allow Conan to escape smoothly, but now it has become a self-inflicted blow.

The emotions of Conan and others here became more and more anxious as time passed.

On the other side, Ryo Wakaki, who forced his way out of the underground secret room with Morikawa, looked at Ai Huihara who was sleeping soundly, and then looked at the panel that had been swiping the screen crazily all night without stopping at all.

Today is another day full of harvest~

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