Red Brick Square

Conan held Xiaolan's hand, staring at the man with a guitar bag, who was suspected to be a member of the Black Organization and was very likely the direction where the sniper just disappeared, and tried his best to restrain his impulse.

If it were normal, even if he was alone, he would definitely find a way to catch up and see.

But Xiaolan is now by his side, and just yesterday, the doctor and Huiyuan chased him all the way because of his disappearance, but an accident happened in the end.

The doctor was in a car accident and was unconscious, and Huiyuan Ai disappeared directly, and now her life or death is unknown.

"Sister Xiaolan, let's go back to the villa first."

Conan frowned. Out of some intuition, he felt that Huiyuan's disappearance did not seem to be directly related to the sniper just now.

The other party was more like a backup for the possibility that Kondo's assassination failed.

There is indeed a pusher behind this incident, and he must have overlooked one of the very important details!


Kondo stepped on the accelerator and left the chaotic Red Brick Square.

Since receiving the photo, he has been calling Mizushima Kanae, but all he hears is the cold voice service "The other party is out of service area".

Please, Kanae, don't get into trouble!

Kondo stepped on the accelerator to the bottom with an expressionless face, and rushed to the address sent with the photo amid the violent roar of the engine.

Twenty minutes later, Kondo looked at the temporary house in front of him, and a hint of confusion was faintly revealed in his tense expression.


A thin man with ramen hair leaned against the door frame, yawned lazily, and waved to Kondo.

Kondo got out of the car, raised all his guard, and slowly approached the man.

"I'm here, where is Achen?"

The man with ramen hair nodded and said insincerely, "Ah, nice to meet you, my name is Morikawa."

"You'd better remember this name."

Although it's a pseudonym.

Kondo frowned, and before he could continue speaking, he suddenly felt his eyes blurred. Morikawa, who was at least five meters away from him just now, suddenly rushed in front of him and punched him in the lower abdomen.

Kondo felt his mind go blank, his body fell softly, and he vomited two mouthfuls of acid water uncontrollably.

In just a moment, Kondo completely lost his ability to move.

Morikawa took out a handkerchief from his pocket and stuffed it into Kondo's mouth roughly.

"Don't scream too miserably, it would be bad if you scare the children."

After saying that, he picked up Kondo's collar and dragged him into the house, heading towards the basement where the door had been half destroyed.

On the way, he did not forget to wave to Huiyuan Ai in the restaurant: "If you are hungry, eat some snacks first, I will cook for you later~"

Fortunately, although the door of the basement looks a bit miserable, the two room doors separated from the basement still have very good sound insulation.

Morikawa threw Kondo to the ground and sat on the only chair in the room.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Morikawa, your colleague."

Kondo lay on the ground in a mess and took out the handkerchief from his mouth with some effort.

"Yes... Chen, let you..."

"Tsk, of course not."

Morikawa waved his hand in disdain. "I don't even bother to look at that level of thugs."

"I specially invited you to come here to play a game."

Kondo: "Game? Wait a minute, Kanae..."

Morikawa: "Your fiancée is safe, at least for now. If you want to go back to see her intact, I suggest you play this game seriously."

After saying this, Morikawa threw a button with a rough workmanship at Kondo's feet.

"Do you see the circuit under the button?"

"This button is connected to the mechanism in the opposite room. As long as this button is pressed, the two people in the opposite room will die."

Kondo was shocked.

"Wait, you mean..."

Morikawa nodded, looking very serious.

"Yes, I invited you to play a killing game."

"But you can't use the 'killing method' you usually use."

Kondo subconsciously clenched his fists, feeling as if everyone knew his secret overnight.

"Since you and Achen are not in the same group, why do you do this? I don't understand."

Morikawa's face suddenly showed a distressed expression.

"Look at you, you are at least a member of the killer list, and you rank quite high. It's okay if you don't kill people, but why is this little secret known to this low-class gangster?I know, have you ever thought about this, if this little gangster gets drunk one day and goes out to complain to people, where will we put our faces?"

After vomiting his bitterness, Morikawa covered his face with a look of pain.

"I can't even imagine how others will laugh at us!"

Kondo's expression froze instantly, and he spent a lot of effort not to show a speechless expression of "that's it?" in front of this person who seemed to be not quite normal.

Just for this kind of thing, he deliberately threatened me with my fiancée, and beat me half to death as soon as we met?

Are you sick?

However, the obvious difference in strength made him swallow this sentence wisely, and just silently pushed the button thrown by Morikawa away to show his attitude.

Morikawa sighed, slowly put away the smile on his face, lowered his head expressionlessly, and looked down at Kondo.

"Isn't it better to be obedient? ”

“I thought you were a smart person with brains.”


“Are you afraid of being laughed at? Do you really think I came to you for this reason?”

Morikawa raised his foot and stepped on Kondo’s shoulder, using a little force.

The crisp sound of bone dislocation rang out in the closed room. Kondo couldn’t help but screamed, struggling desperately but couldn’t shake Morikawa at all.

“As a killer on the list, it’s okay if you don’t kill people. As long as you can cover up your little secret, I can turn a blind eye. But you almost let everyone know about this.”

“Once the news leaks out, what will those clients think?”

“If the killers on the list are like this, then the others will be even worse.”

“Cutting off someone’s financial resources is like killing their parents. You’ve destroyed all of our jobs. ”

“The most interesting thing is that you plan to get married and abandon your identity as a killer, but you don’t even design a way to escape death? In the eyes of ordinary people, the killer Kondo may be just an urban legend, but what about those employers who have actually commissioned you? ”

“The clients who were fooled by you, the low-level killers who lost their income because of you, will they fight to the death with you, your wife, and your future children?”

Morikawa kicked Kondo and rolled him twice.

“For more than half a month, I ran all over Neon just to plug the more than 30 loopholes you left behind.”

“Only dead people will not leak secrets.”

“I am saving you.”

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