After finishing a delicious meal, Morikawa waved his hand to drive Wakaki Ryo and Huihara Ai out of the room, and moved a small amount of explosives from a corner of the temporary garage.

At least, it was enough to physically transcend this temporary base.

"Oh, by the way," while Morikawa was moving the explosives, Wakaki Ryo lowered his head and leaned into Huihara Ai's ear, "The antidote seems to have been researched to version 3.0, but it has not been tested on humans yet, right?"

Huihara Ai: !!!

The 3.0 version of the antidote was rushed out by staying up all night before going to the island with Dr. Agasa. She didn't even tell the doctor, but Sangria knew it clearly.

He really has the means and has been monitoring himself.

"Yes... yes, you want..."

"It's just what you think, don't worry, the little white mouse will come to you obediently."

Huihara Ai trembled, feeling helpless like a puppet.

"Then I'll ask you to send the little girl back to Mihua."

Accompanied by the roar of the temporary base explosion, Wakagi Ryo waved to Morikawa in a very familiar manner.

Morikawa: ? ? ?

"How can you say this with a clear conscience?"

Wakagi Ryo: "I paid."

Morikawa: ...

Looking at Morikawa who was speechless, Wakagi Ryo smiled and left a chic back again, and irresponsibly threw Huihara Ai to a killer who was not too cold again.


Morikawa squatted down silently and touched Huihara Ai's hair.

"How pitiful, little sister, here, take it." Morikawa took out a thin business card and stuffed it into Huihara Ai's hand. There was no name on the business card, only a line of phone number.

"You can come to me if you need me in the future. I'll give you a friendly price. Oh, if the target is that baby-faced guy, forget it."

Morikawa thought about the door of the secret room behind the cupboard that was violently destroyed, and pinched his nose with a headache.

That's a double-layer steel door, solid!

"I can't seem to beat him."

It's terrible!

"Get in the car!"

At the request of Huiyuan Ai, Morikawa sent the little girl to the suburbs near Beihua and put her down. After watching the little girl enter the block safely, Morikawa stepped on the accelerator and prepared to happily return to his old nest for half a year.



The front wheel of a vehicle driving on a bridge suddenly exploded, and the body of the vehicle instantly lost control, flipped sideways, and slid forward for a distance due to the inertia of high speed.

The people in the car were naturally thrown to the ground.

Morikawa quickly went through all the actions during this period in his mind, and after confirming that there was no fatal loophole on his side, he couldn't help but curse.

"Fuck, why did he give 10 million to take care of a little girl? I thought he was stupid and rich, but it turned out to be money for life!"

Swearing, Morikawa used the overturned car as a cover, and rolled into the river under the bridge.

In the distance, Akai Shuichi observed the calm water through the sniper scope and slowly retracted the gun.

"Looks like he ran away."

On the other side, after getting off the car, Huiyuan Ai did not return to the doctor's house immediately, but found a small hill with a relatively gentle slope, closed her eyes, protected her head, and then rolled down the hill.

She couldn't go back intact.

Otherwise, how could she explain to the doctor and a famous detective why she disappeared for nearly a day and a night and didn't send back any news.

Huiyuan Ai fell to the bottom of the hill, endured the pain, and after confirming that she looked embarrassed enough, she slowly climbed up the hill again.

Then he staggered into the city, borrowed a cell phone from a kind lady, and called the doctor for help.


Wakagi Ryo put on the skin of the professor who had not appeared for a long time, jumped around several live broadcast rooms, and walked to the Ekoda District.

Akai Shuichi is worthy of being an official cheater. He was not misled by the flag of Mizunashi Reina arranged by Wakagi Ryo. On the contrary, after considering Kondo's own profession as a killer, he quickly eliminated all interference items and quickly locked the possible tracking direction through some informants in the underground world.

Coupled with the lucky attribute of the protagonist's halo, he really found a killer who had never appeared in the open.

After all, Morikawa's bombing of the house was quite a big noise.

On the other side, Huiyuan Ai is worthy of being a woman who once had a code name. She can be cruel to herself.

Going home in such an embarrassed manner, and then making up a passable reason, even if Conan has doubts in his heart. But consideringAfter all, it was because of his reckless behavior that Haibara Ai had a car accident and fell off a cliff. I'm afraid he is too embarrassed to get to the bottom of it.

"You are..."

A hesitant voice sounded behind Wakaki Ryo.

Nakamori Aoko looked at the man in a pure black tuxedo standing at the door of Kuroba Kaito's house in confusion.

"Is he a friend of Grandpa Terai?"

The other person's temperament was too calm, so Nakamori Aoko couldn't connect the strange man in front of him with the jumpy Kuroba Kaito at the first time.

Wakaki Ryo raised a gentle smile, "Well, hello, I am..."

"Ah, be careful!"

The tile above Wakaki Ryo's head suddenly loosened and fell on someone's head.

Nakamori Aoko exclaimed, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and take Wakaki Ryo away from the dangerous position.

Wakagi Ryo snapped his fingers calmly, and the tiles above his head shattered into powder and floated down. When they were about to fall on Wakagi Ryo and Nakamori Aoko, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and curved in the air and fell at their feet.

While Nakamori Aoko was stunned, Wakagi Ryo stretched out his hand, and a cluster of flames slowly turned into the shape of a lily under his control, and then condensed into a crystal clear entity at a speed that was absolutely unreasonable.

With the surrounding light red powder fluttering, it was quite beautiful.

"For you, cute girl."

Nakamori Aoko took the crystal lily from Wakagi Ryo with a look of surprise, and Kuroba Kaito, who appeared at some unknown time, looked at a hateful man who had disappeared for a long time with a dark face, and in front of him, he blatantly showed magic in front of Aoko.

" come you are here?"

Aoko: "Kaito, is this your friend?"

Kuroba Kaito's face froze. How could he explain to Aoko that the man in front of him was the special effects artist behind Kaito Kid and was very likely a super dangerous criminal?

"He father's friend, and also a magician."

Wakagi Ryo: Praise Ekoda.

Even if magic is thrown casually, it can be covered up with the excuse of magic.

"Yes, I have a good relationship with Mr. Toichi."

Refers to the relationship that after knocking the other party unconscious and turning him into a big crow, he casually rubbed two feathers.

"I passed by Ekoda this time and came to see Kaito specially."

Wakagi Ryo had an elder-like expression on his face and touched Kuroba Kaito's head.

Kuroba Kaito, who was a generation shorter than him, silently gritted his teeth and squeezed out a slightly stiff smile.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Ah, sorry Aoko, I have something to talk to my 'uncle' about, so I'm going back."

Toko gritted his teeth and said the word uncle, then pushed Wakaki Ryo back to his home, firmly isolating a certain dangerous person from close contact with Aoko.

"Professor, what are you trying to do again?"

Wakaki Ryo smiled: "Last time, didn't you firmly oppose my behavior of going through the window, and suggested that I could try going through the door next time? I just accepted this reasonable suggestion."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

So this is the reason why you stood at my door in broad daylight and used magic to abduct Aoko?

Wakaki Ryo glanced at the emotional value recorded, and patted Kuroba Kaito's shoulder with satisfaction.

"I gave you lilies, not roses, why are you so anxious?"

"If you're worried about your girlfriend being kidnapped, why don't you try hard to confirm the relationship as soon as possible?"

Kuroba Kaito chuckled, "So you came here just for this?"

Wakagi Ryo: "I'm here to give you tickets."

Kuroba Kaito: !!!

Last time you gave me tickets, the tickets came with a crazy serial killer who liked to dig out eyes and chop off hands!

He had nightmares for several nights after he came back!

Sure enough, as long as the professor appears, nothing good will happen!

Kuroba Kaito subconsciously refused, but when he looked at Wakagi Ryo who was smiling, he swallowed his words from the bottom of his heart, and then reluctantly responded.

"What tickets?"

"Tickets for the tennis match, the venue is in London."

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