Frightened by the number of 23,000, Kuroba Kaito didn't care about the ticket the professor had given him before. He said hello to Terai Huangzhisuke in a hurry and rushed to London overnight with his own money.

Then he was taken away by Wakagi Ryo, who was always paying attention to the live broadcast room, and dragged all the way to the door of the British Museum.

When Kuroba Kaito saw Wakagi Ryo, who was dressed as a professor, calmly buying tickets and preparing to enter, his heart finally died.

He knew it!

More than 20,000 pieces and the location of London, where else can it be? It must be the British Museum!

Wakagi Ryo bought the admission ticket, and when he turned around, he saw a pigeon in a state of soul leaving his body.

So Wakagi Ryo, who has always been very considerate, gave Kuroba Kaito enough time to heal himself, and took him to visit the museum leisurely.

Wakagi Ryo: "What do you think?"

Kuroba Kaito:?

"Hmm? You mean the mural?"

Kuroba Kaito raised his head, looked at the mural in front of him, and blinked.

In line with the professional ethics of a thief, Kuroba Kaito told the truth: "In my opinion, the restoration is quite rough. To put it bluntly, it's just like those amateurs who simply and roughly glued torn pieces of paper together with glue. There is no technology to speak of."

Wakagi Ryo nodded, and seeing that the little pigeon gradually adjusted its mentality, he slowly gave a fatal blow.

"So, have you thought about how to write the challenge letter?"

Kuroba Kaito: ...

"I want to go home."

Wakagi Ryo ignored Touzi's resentment, and instead, like a cold-blooded client, he began to put forward various requirements and details.

Wakagi Ryo: "Since you have arrived in London in advance, you can send out the first letter of challenge later."

"The style of this letter of challenge should be as clumsy as possible, so that everyone's first impression is that the person who issued this challenge is just a clown who wants to be famous."

"Just pick a collection in the museum as your target. In addition, you only need to send out the notice and the letter of challenge at a fixed time and place every day, but you don't need to take any action."

Kuroba Kaito:?

"Like the wolf is coming?"

Wakagi Ryo nodded.

"Of course."

It's just a simple psychological tactic.

"Then what is my role? Be a walking telegraph machine?"

Kuroba Kaito's mouth twitched. It's just a shameless and exaggerated letter of challenge. Just find a third-rate tabloid reporter in the UK and give him a few hundred pounds. The other party can produce dozens of copies of this thing for you passionately.

"Of course not, your mission is very important."

Wakagi Ryo stopped in front of a display case, turned his head, and whispered: "In addition to the artifacts on display, there are more than 3.5 million artifacts in the museum's warehouse that are not registered due to source problems."

"I need a complete list."

Kuroba Kaito:!

The little pigeon widened his eyes and almost exploded on the spot. But at least before he screamed, he realized that he was in a public place, so he forced his voice down.

"Didn't you say more than 23,000 pieces?"

Why is there a hidden mission of 3.5 million?

Wakagi Ryo smiled and touched Kuroba Kaito's fluffy hair.

"But you delivered it to me in advance."

Kuroba Kaito: !!!

So this hidden mission was triggered by me?

"So professor, why did you do this?"

Wakagi Ryo turned his head and looked at Kuroba Kaito, whose expression was gradually collapsing.

"Every time you steal gems, why do you return them? Those gems are all priceless, and any one of them can make an ordinary person live a rich life for a lifetime."

Kuroba Kaito said as a matter of course: "That was not my thing in the first place, so it should be returned to the original owner."

Wakagi Ryo nodded, "Yes, so, return the property to the original owner, what's the problem?"

Kuroba Kaito: ...

Wakagi Ryo: "Don't worry too much, I will give you a universal assistant."

"The museum should have rough archives, so you don't need to really dive in. Enter the warehouse area, and then count them one by one manually. Leave the rest of the preparations to me. You just need to drop from the sky on the last day as Kaito Kidd. That's enough."

Kuroba Kaito: "But, but..."

"And you have a week to prepare."

Kuroba Kaito: "But I..."

"Empty an entire museum. No matter if there will be new thieves in the future, no matter if you will act as Kaito Kidd in the future, this achievement is an insurmountable peak."

"Whether it is Mr. Touichi, Chikage XiaoSister, or the currently active Lupin III, no one has ever done it. "

"Becoming an eternal legend, really, not at all exciting?"

Kuroba Kaito: ...

He looked at the professor standing in front of the display case, clearly standing in the brightest light, but for a moment, Kuroba Kaito felt that the person opposite was completely wrapped in a dark shadow.

In the deep darkness, he could only see the pair of golden brown eyes with almost vertical pupils.

It was very much like the devil in the legend that bewitched people's hearts.

But he had to admit that he was shamefully tempted to surpass his father and become the peak that all the phantom thieves could never surpass.

"Then, what are you going to do?"

As someone who had seen the professor stop time with his own eyes, he had no doubt that the other party had the ability to do this.

Wakagi Ryo smiled, "I plan to make London chaotic first. "

Kuroba Kaito pursed his lips. This short sentence was not enough to satisfy his curiosity!

Can't you elaborate on more details?

Perhaps from Touzi's constipated expression, he could see someone's strong curiosity, so Wakagi Ryo could only reveal a little more information.

"Didn't you meet my child last time?"

"He also came to London this time."

"Is there anyone who can make trouble more than him?"

Kuroba Kaito:...

What you said makes sense, and I can't refute it at all.

Thinking of the haunted house tour in the Twilight Annex and the unforgettable experience of his eyeballs almost leaving his body, Kuroba Kaito nodded with lingering fear, and recognized Sangria's ability to make trouble.

Knowing that he had been tied to the pirate ship and had no way to jump off the ship halfway, Kaito Kidd could only take a deep breath, look at the huge museum, and resigned himself to starting a week-long slave life.

"Then I'll start. "

"Don't worry, before that, we can play a little game first."

Kuroba Kaito looked at Wakaki Ryo with a wary look. After being tricked countless times, the little pigeon is now extremely vigilant about every word the professor says.

However, whether it is a thief or a detective, they are essentially creatures with strong curiosity, so...

"What little game?"

Seeing that Touzi jumped into the pit he dug obediently, Wakaki Ryo patted Kuroba Kaito on the shoulder with a smile.

Before letting the coolies work, they always have to give some sweetness.

"The name of this little game is, in the Kudo Shinichi role-playing game, beat Kudo Shinichi."

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