As soon as the name Kudo Shinka came out, the entire entrance of the Holmes Memorial Museum fell into a dead silence.

Ryo Wakagi had expected this, after all, it was he who took advantage of the chaos to stretch out his little black hand and rip off the mask-shaped voice changer on Kudo Shinichi's face.

The little pigeon next to him gritted his teeth and even pinched himself secretly to prevent himself from laughing out loud and revealing his vest.

Kudo Shinichi, who made bird calls in front of Xiaolan, had his face quickly turned red in a second. If an egg was hit on his face at this time, it might be burned directly.

With a complex feeling of both heartache and laughter, Mao Lilan took back the mask from the hands of Kudo Shinichi, who was pretending to be Ryo Wakagi, and gave it back to the real Kudo who was autistic on the spot.

Then, he reached out and pinched.

Kudo Shinichi hissed in pain, and Mao Lilan looked at the other person's face, which was slightly red but had no changes, and blinked.

This should be true.

Just as she thought so, the other two Kudos also pulled their faces - naturally, one was confused by the illusion, and the other was a stranger, Xiaolan also couldn't see any flaws.

Mao Lilan: ...

"Um ... I can make a call."

Mao Lilan took out her mobile phone and dialed Kudo Shinichi's number skillfully.

The next second, the same ringtone rang in the pockets of the three Kudos.

Mao Lilan watched the three people take out the same mobile phone from their pockets at the same time, and the caller ID on the mobile phone screen was the same number.

Mao Lilan: ...

Why can a call be made to three people's mobile phones at the same time? Is this reasonable?

Speechless Xiaolan silently hung up the phone, and plan A and plan B to distinguish the real and fake Kudo were all aborted.

Kudo Shinichi, who put on the mask again, forced himself to calm down and began to think about the situation in front of him.

Dr. Agasa was not feeling well, so he stayed in the hotel room to rest after leaving the airport, so he lacked strong witnesses now.

Even if Xiaolan called the doctor and learned from him that the one who could quack was the real one, this way of proof...

Kill him.

After what happened just now, he wanted to pack his luggage overnight and live on another planet.

"Hey, big brother, you just said you are a detective, right!"

The blond boy who had been standing aside for a long time switched to Japanese skillfully, stretched out his hand and pulled the trouser leg of the Touko version of Kudo.

Kuroba Kaito coughed lightly, and finally suppressed the surging laughter, and then nodded.

"Indeed, kid, if you have any questions that require the help of Mr. Holmes, I should be able to help. Oh, by the way, you speak Japanese very fluently."

"Well, I used to live in Neon for a while."

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. The situation is very urgent and someone is going to die! How are you going to prove that you can really help?"

When it comes to reasoning, Kudo Shinichi immediately stood up.

"You are Glass, right?"

The little boy suddenly widened his eyes in surprise, and finally looked at the other big brother who could quack.

"How did you know?"

Kudo Shinichi glanced at the two people pretending to be him, especially at Wakaki Ryo who was still standing next to Xiaolan and even held Xiaolan's hand just now.

"It's a simple deduction. There is white liquid and powder on the corner of your mouth. It should be the fresh cream and icing added to the strawberry. In the cup in your hand, there are green lemon, cucumber and mint. It is a Pimm's cocktail. However, because you are a child, there should be no sweet wine in it, but lemonade instead.

The game that you can watch with icing strawberries and Pimms must be the Wimbledon Tennis Championship, and..."

Kudo Shinichi was about to continue, but Kuroba Kaito next to him interrupted Kudo Shinichi's personal reasoning show at the signal of Wakaki Ryo's eyes.

Kuroba Kaito squatted down and took out a medal-like thing from the pocket of the boy's shirt.

"And you have a VIP room pass for Wimbledon Stadium. Since I saw you just now, you have been looking at the time on your watch. You don't want to miss today's game, right?"

Kuroba Kaito avoided Xiaolan's eyes, gave Kudo Shinichi a provocative smile, and then continued: "Today is the semi-final of the women's singles. The first game starts at one o'clock, but it's already past two o'clock. So the game you are going to watch should be the second one.

Most people who can have a VIP room pass are either rich or noble, but judging from your clothes, it is more likely that you are a family member of a star player."

Wakagi Ryo was talking to Kuroba Kaito, and also completed the last part of the reasoning.

"According to the schedule, one of the players in the second game is Wang Haili, whose parents are both Chinese.

And her opponent is Minieba Glass, the world's No. 1 female tennis player who has dominated the Wimbledon tennis tournament for four consecutive years and is known as the Queen of Grass.

From your appearance, you are obviously not Asian."

"So, the answer is already obvious, you are Minieba Glass's younger brother."X3

A person who is really reasoning and two people who are cheating with scripts tied in the first round.

The blond boy, Apollo Glass, looked at the three identical Kudo Shinichi with a confused face and showed an amazed expression.

"Big are really great detectives."

Kudo Shinichi gritted his teeth and looked at the other two fakes, wishing he could tear their faces right away. But considering that the boy's words just now would cost lives, he decided to prioritize solving the problem Apollo encountered.

"So, can you tell me about the incident you encountered?"

Apollo nodded and said, "After lunch today, I watched the players practice at Court 15."

"A dark-skinned man wearing a white cap and a lot of braids on his head suddenly talked to me and asked me if I liked tennis very much."

"You are lucky boy. In addition to tennis, you will experience more exciting excitement. Someone will be murdered in a corner of London, right in front of you."

Apollo imitated the man's tone and took out a piece of white paper from his pocket.

"His hat was pulled down very low, and I couldn't see his appearance clearly. However, after saying those words, he gave me a strange note and asked me to tell Scotland Yard that it was his apocalypse.

Finally, the man said that if I couldn't find a solution, I would go to Sherlock Holmes for help."

Kudo Shinichi took the white paper from Apollo's hand, and just as he unfolded the white paper, a hand took the white paper away from his hand.

Fake No. 1 and Fake No. 2 beside Xiaolan have already taken photos of the white paper.

How should I put it? This behavior is very Kudo Shinichi.

After Wakagi Ryo returned the white paper to Kudo Shinichi, he said seriously: "The paper is a provocative puzzle left by that person. Since Xiaolan can't tell the truth from the false at the moment, then use reasoning to prove yourself."

Kuroba Kaito: "Yes, when it comes to reasoning, I, Kudo Shinichi, have absolute confidence."

Kudo Shinichi's forehead was so angry that veins popped out.

These two guys!

"Just wait for me, I will definitely solve this puzzle as soon as possible!"

Then he threw the answer hard on the faces of these two fakes!

Ran Maoli on the side looked at the one on the left, the one in front of her, and the one opposite her. For a moment, she couldn't tell who was the real Kudo Shinichi among the three people who were confronting each other.


"But if it's the real Shinichi, he won't lose to anyone in terms of reasoning, right?"

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