"We are exposing ourselves, right?"

Kuroba Kaito hid in the alley, watching Mao Lilan get on a taxi and leave.

"Based on my limited understanding of Kudo Shinichi, what we did just now was a bit too obvious."

Wakagi Ryo put his arm around Kuroba Kaito's shoulder with a smile, "It's true that we are exposing ourselves."

"I know it's fun to tease the little detective, but did you forget that you still have to move bricks in the museum's warehouse tonight?"

Kuroba Kaito was shocked, "Didn't we agree that we don't have to go to work today?!"

Wakagi Ryo tilted his head, raised his eyebrows, and showed a dark face with Kudo Shinichi's face.

Kuroba Kaito: ...

The little pigeon, unwilling to work overtime alone late at night, asked subconsciously, "What are you going to do? Didn't the professor assign you any tasks?"

Wakagi Ryo blinked, "Of course, I have a lot to do."

He counted on his fingers and told Kuroba Kaito one by one, "I'm going to poison, kidnap, install explosives, and then..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

That's enough, it's too cruel, don't say it anymore!

Wakagi Ryo: "So you want to go with me?"

"No, it's more suitable for me to do physical work like moving bricks, haha."

The little pigeon touched the cold sweat on his forehead and smiled weakly, feeling that if he stayed with the crazy kid at the professor's house, he might shorten his life.

Wakagi Ryo watched Kuroba Kaito flee in panic and rolled up his sleeves to get ready for work.

The series of very cruel plans just now were really not to fool Little Pigeon. Let's not talk about other things first. At least he had to control the criminal of this London chapter, that is, Mr. Hades who scattered small notes all over the map.

By the way, find a warm temporary residence for dear -80.

You can't always catch Akai Shuichi alone, Brother Cat has been visibly haggard recently.

Let's take care of him first.

After finishing, he had to rush to Little Pigeon and switch to the professor's vest to help move the cultural relics.

Very busy!

An hour later, Kuroba Kaito hid in the corner of the museum warehouse and caught an innocent patrolling spider in his hand out of boredom.

The poor little spider's eight mechanical legs were scratching the air in vain.

A hand wearing a black glove stretched out from behind Kuroba Kaito and saved the patrolling spider from Kuroba Kaito's hands.

"Professor, you're finally here!"

Ruo Muliang nodded. The professor's skin was as elegant and calm as ever, and there was no trace of the embarrassment of rushing back and forth.

"Don't disturb their scanning work, Kaito-kun."

Ruo Muliang put the little spider back on the ground and watched it swoosh away. It was because of these little spiders who worked 24 hours a day that they kept scanning and cooperating with Moran to build files, otherwise the paperwork alone would give him a headache for a long time.

"What should I do next?"

Kaito Kuroba admired the professor's second move with full special effects, and looked at the huge warehouse with some worry.

They first started with the corners where broken large stone sculptures, murals, Buddha statues and other cultural relics were piled up. These cultural relics were huge in size, and because of the rough transportation and careless preservation at the beginning, the difficulty of restoration can be said to be the highest among all cultural relics.

Whether it was the security personnel responsible for patrolling, or the experts or other staff who occasionally took some things in the name of restoration, they would never approach this corner without oil and water on weekdays.

The cultural relics stored in the middle section of the warehouse are mainly broken bronzes, medium and large porcelains, pottery, etc.

The front half of the warehouse is filled with jewelry, jade, gold, etc., mostly burial objects.

The security personnel in these two areas patrol relatively diligently, and it is difficult to deceive them with projection.

After all, you can't alert the enemy.

"It doesn't matter, just close the museum for two days."

Wakagi Ryo patted Kuroba Kaito on the shoulder with a smile, "By the way, don't forget to send the last challenge letter tomorrow."

"Try to be as angry as possible."


Kuroba Kaito blinked and responded obediently.


In the early hours of the morning, Kuroba Kaito took advantage of the night and stopped at the door of the British Museum with the last challenge letter in a daze.

Compared to a day ago, the main entrance of the entire museum can be said to have changed a lot.

Ruo Mu Liang shook the completely empty paint can in his hand, and the paint can exploded as expected, and the little red paint left at the bottom of the can was sprayed all over his body without any waste.


Ruo Mu Liang didn't care much, threw the exploded paint can away, and took out the last knight statue riding a green horse from his pocket, very casuallyand threw it to the ground.

Of course, all the above illegal acts were performed with gloves.

Hearing the footsteps, Wakaki Ryo turned around and looked at the confused Kuroba Kaito. His doll face, which was stained with a little red paint, looked like he had just come out of a dismemberment scene.

Kuroba Kaito swallowed his saliva subconsciously and touched the goose bumps that suddenly appeared on his arm.

"Good morning~ Mr. Kaito."

Kuroba Kaito looked at the graffiti on the large open space at the main entrance of the museum, and suddenly felt that the challenge letter that had been warmed in his pocket was very redundant.

"You are..."

"My husband wants this place to be closed for two days, but he doesn't want me to kill anyone, so this is the only way."

Wakaki Ryo spread his hands and showed a rather helpless expression.

"For me, it's fastest to hang a corpse directly at the main entrance, or put a few dolls of the same height."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

Even more scared.

"I remember there seem to be night patrols here too?"

Ryo Wakagi pointed to a few people stacked up in the corner, "Over there, being young is good, just fall asleep."

Kaito Kuroba silently went forward to check the breath of the security guards one by one, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they were all still alive.

Fortunately, it seems that the professor's child is crazy, but at least he is obedient.

He quickly checked the main entrance of the museum and some nearby cameras, and then rushed to the north entrance to take a rough look.

The cameras were all destroyed in a very rough way, and the security guards who were attracted here are currently sleeping soundly in the corner.

There are traces of forced destruction at both entrances.

If he didn't know the truth, based on these traces at the scene alone, he would probably come to the conclusion that "a crappy thief tried to break in by force, but failed, so he was furious and made a vulgar street graffiti at the entrance of Great Russell Street."

Kuroba Kaito returned to the gate and looked at the bright red, huge "F**K" on the ground and touched his nose.

Then he squatted down and checked it carefully.

I don't know what brand of paint the professor's child used. Kuroba Kaito tried to rub it with his fingers and scraped it with his nails, but he couldn't get any paint off.

It was very solid.

Kuroba Kaito wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "I never expected it, a simple and rough method."

"Simple and rough methods are the best."

Wakagi Ryo put his hands on his hips proudly, "The camera didn't leave any record of me, but later they will get testimony from these security guards that 'the other party is only one person'.

The British Museum has always had problems with theft of cultural relics, and they haven't updated their old and backward security system for so many years.

Now because of a poor thief who failed to break the door, a large number of cultural relics in the museum are moved?


Wakagi Ryo shook his head firmly, "The paint is specially made, and it will not be cleaned up in a short time. So closing the museum and suspending visits, and then finding a way to get rid of this graffiti is the best way."

"In addition, the Wimbledon tennis finals are held these two days, and there are very few people visiting the museum, so closing the museum will not cause much loss."

"Unless they are so thick-skinned that they can operate normally with more than ten meters of f**k graffiti."

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