Kuroba Kaito glanced at the surrounding grass and casually found seven or eight small white dolls. He was sure that there must be more in places he didn't see.

And these dolls were exquisitely made. If a child saw them, he would definitely pick them up.

"Are you sure there will be no trouble with such a large-scale poisoning?"

Wakagi Ryo patted Kuroba Kaito on the shoulder and comforted the pigeon that was about to explode.

"Don't worry, although the powder inside is somewhat contagious, it is indeed not fatal. The symptoms of the attack are similar to cholinergic urticaria. Even if you don't go to the hospital, it will heal itself in three to five days."

"The small statues of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are mostly hints of ingredients, not really to create an end of the world."

Wakagi Ryo just thinks that Hades Sabara's plan for the Apocalypse is very creative. When it comes to the Apocalypse or the Revelation, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are a topic that cannot be avoided.

Your idea is good, now, it's mine!

Hearing this promise, Kuroba Kaito's heart was relieved a lot. Out of some kind of humanitarian concern, he threw the knight dolls he could find within his sight into the trash can.

After dealing with the dolls, Kuroba Kaito carried the coffee bag and headed for the gathering place.

"Here, coffee."

The thoughtful little pigeon bought some for Xiaolan and Kudo.

Wakagi Ryo took the plucked head of the knight doll from Xiaolan's hand and pretended to think for a while. His innocent face showed no trace of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Maori Ran: "So, the places implied by the code may all have such letters hidden. As long as these letters are connected, they can form the criminal's target or something?"

Xiaolan held the coffee handed over by Kuroba Kaito and felt the joy of reasoning for the first time.

So in fact, I am not completely unable to help, right?

Kudo Shinichi nodded, and before he could speak, the two temporary teammates who were facing him began to brag.

"Your analysis is correct, Ms. Maori. It seems that you are very talented in reasoning."

"Indeed, thanks to Mr. Lan, our progress is quite good."

Encouraged, Xiaolan continued to analyze, "The code says to swallow the pickled cucumber in one bite, so the next building should be as thin and long as a pickled cucumber and a little round...ah, look at that!"

As Xiaolan said, she exclaimed and pointed to a building in the distance that perfectly matched the description.

"As expected of Ms. Maori, so let's hurry up and take a look. Maybe we can find the next clue soon."

"Let's go~ Today is the famous detective Xiaolan~"

Mauri Ran had never experienced such a round of praise. She was immediately dizzy and was dragged to the next target by Kuroba Kaito and Wakaki Ryoichi on the left and right, leaving Kudo Shinichi on the spot.

Kudo Shinichi: ? ? ?

Are you here to solve the case together, or are you here to steal my girl? !

"You two bastards, let go of my hands!"


Along the way, Kudo Shinichi glared at Wakaki Ryo and held Xiaolan's hand tightly, interlocking their fingers. He was afraid that his girlfriend would be abducted by the two men next to him if he was not careful.

Mao Lilan: "By the way, I just saw Hades's crimes in the newspaper. Why hasn't he been arrested yet?"

Hades Sabara, the prisoner in the London chapter, was originally a serious and down-to-earth office worker. Because his mother was seriously ill, in order to raise medical expenses, he borrowed money from acquaintances everywhere, and invested the money in stocks and gambling, and finally lost everything.

Because there was not enough money for surgery, his mother eventually died in July this year.

After that, Hades began to commit crimes continuously. He killed all those who had been forcing them to pay back the money and those who suggested him to buy stocks. After that, he blew up the hospitals that refused to operate on his mother one after another.

Causing a large number of casualties.

Kuroba Kaito: "It is said that Hades and his accomplices have been undergoing plastic surgery during their escape."

Kudo Shinichi finally found an opportunity to interrupt.

"In short, it is not surprising that this guy has committed any crime. Perhaps he hates Britain itself, which allows gambling and can bet on anything."

"We are here."

The group stopped at the side of the Gherkin, one of London's landmark buildings.

Even without a few people deliberately looking for it, Mao Lilan found a marker full of scratches on the edge of the flower bed.

The pen body was written with Dancing Men.

Dancing Little Man.

"Another title from the Sherlock Holmes collection. This criminal is quite familiar with the Sherlock Holmes series."

Kuroba Kaito picked up the marker and complained subconsciously.

Wakagi Ryo teased sarcastically, "Tsk, those who like Sherlock Holmes are not bad people, right, Kudo-kun~"

Kudo Shinichi: ...


He gritted his teeth and took the marker from Kuroba Kaito's hand, pulled out the caps at both ends and put them together. After rotating a certain angle, the messy marks on the caps on both sides formed a capital letter N.


"This is..."

"Omit all the reasoning process in the middle, and only need to explain the starting point and conclusion to the other party. Although this method looks simple and crude, it is enough to achieve amazing results."

After being ridiculed by Wakagi Ryo, Kudo Shinichi looked a little unhappy, but he still subconsciously explained it to Xiaolan in detail.

"This is what Holmes said in The Dancing Man."

Ran Maori suddenly realized.

"Then the puzzle mentions the bell twice. There should be similar clues near Big Ben, right?"

"Just go and see."

Kudo Shinichi stared at Wakagi Ryo and Kuroba Kaito with a harmless look. These two guys said they were here to help solve the case, but in fact, they were just here to make things difficult for him!

In the midst of Kudo Shinichi's resentment that was almost materialized, the group really found a white arrow in front of the Big Ben. Following the arrow, they came to the bridge connected to Big Ben.

For some reason, the bridge was full of people, pointing at the Thames under the bridge.

Kudo Shinichi glanced at the lake and felt that something was wrong, but seeing that there was no obvious protrusion in the calm water, he temporarily suppressed this strange feeling in his heart.

Just as they were trying to find clues related to Sherlock Holmes on the bridge, Wakagi Ryo suddenly felt empty under his feet and stumbled forward.

Kuroba Kaito beside him subconsciously reached out to help him, then realized who he was helping and froze there.

Wakagi Ryo: ...

I swear with my 5.0 vision in both eyes, there was definitely no such pit on the bridge when I stepped on it just now! As a script team, he certainly knew that there was an uncovered drain on the bridge, how could he be so careless that he could be tripped so easily!

Has -80 evolved to the point where it can even teleport over the pits on the ground?

"That's it!"

Xiaolan's voice sounded from behind Wakagi Ryo. She looked down at Wakagi Ryo's feet. On the drain that almost tripped Wakagi Ryo, it was written the valley of fear.

A long story in the Sherlock Holmes collection.

Kudo Shinichi came over after hearing the sound and scratched his hair with a headache. As the story of the Valley of Terror is a long one, he could not think of whether the story mentioned the existence of the bridge.

"If there is something heavy that disappears by the water, there must be something that sinks in the water, no doubt."

Wakagi Ryo pointed to the street lamp just above the drain. Looking carefully, there was an inconspicuous rope wrapped around the bottom of the street lamp, and the other end of the rope disappeared into the river under the bridge.

Kuroba Kaito immediately pulled the rope up, and the other end of the rope sank into the river. It turned out to be the cover of the drain that disappeared.

In the corner of the cover, there was a capital letter A engraved.

Wakagi Ryo blinked. It was a pity that Akai Mari fell into the river two days ago. Now she had already climbed ashore with difficulty and successfully reunited with Sera Masumi who was placed by Akai Shuichi.

Otherwise, it would be too much fun if Touzi fished out a wet blonde little loli from the river.

"Hi, we meet again."

Just as Wakagi Ryo was persecuting Akai Mari in his mind, a blonde woman wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap appeared nearby, holding Apollo, whom they had just met yesterday, and waved in the direction of Xiaolan.

The Queen of the Grassland, Minerva Glass, walked closer, looked at the combination of one woman and three men in front of her, paused, and blurted out subconsciously.

"Wait, you looked so distressed yesterday, is it because you have three boyfriends?"

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