The truth is that the zoo is a secret organization.

Gin actually knows about the zoo, does the boss know?

Does he know that the ultimate goal of this organization is Pandora, who is said to make people immortal? If he knows, why is he indifferent?

Isn't this the main purpose of studying drug A?

Wakagi Ryo was holding the newspaper in a daze, and he read the same page for half an hour.

"Hey, is Wakagi also interested in the news of the supernatural event in the art museum?"

Wakagi Ryo looked up in surprise, and Mao Lilan stood in his yard without knowing when, and there was a small but clingy Conan classmate beside her.

"Why are you here?"

Ran Mao Li pretended to be angry and put her hands on her waist and said: "Wakamu brother is really, he was clearly reading a newspaper in the yard, but I called out to him many times at the door and he didn't hear me. In the end, it was Xiao Hei who opened the door for us."

"Sorry, sorry, because the second part of "Isekai" is about to end, so I have been thinking about what subject to draw for the next part recently, and I am quite absorbed in it."

Ran: "Eh? You are not going to continue drawing, I am looking forward to the follow-up content."

"Well, because my two assistants, Tansho who is responsible for copywriting and Harutsuki who is responsible for line drawings, have plans to get married this year, and they may not continue to serve as assistants after marriage.

New assistants are still being recruited, and they should not be allowed to take over the third part of "Isekai" directly after they take up their posts. The plot has progressed to the Demon King's Castle, and there will be more big scenes, and newcomers may not be able to grasp it well.

So I thought of changing the subject to let them practice first."

Kaori Tansho's illness has been basically cured in the past two years under the careful care of doctors and her brother and sister-in-law. It was not an incurable terminal illness. The tragedy in the original book was nothing more than encountering a black-hearted capitalist and an unscrupulous doctor.

Ryo Wakagi's salary was quite generous. In addition to the basic salary, he also gave commission bonuses based on the sales of comics. Therefore, Shunya Tadokoro's earnings in the past two years were no less than those of some company executives.

After paying for his sister's surgery, he still had a considerable amount of savings, so he proposed to Kazumi Omi at the beginning of the year. In addition, his own novels also passed the review of the publisher, and the market response was quite good. After marriage, he should become a full-time fantasy novelist.

And Kotaro Haruzuki originally dreamed of becoming a mainstream painter, and his marriage to Sara Shiratori could be regarded as "marrying into a wealthy family", so he probably would not continue to be his comic assistant.

"How about we go to the art museum together on the weekend? In the past, when Uncle Yusaku was stuck in a bottleneck in his creation, he would often take Aunt Yukiko out to find inspiration."

Ryo Wakagi: No, I reasonably suspect that he was just delaying the manuscript.

As for Kudo Yusaku, he always stops updating.

The second part of Dark Night Baron has not been published yet, and it has been delayed three times.

Ryo Wakaki exudes the resentment of a senior reader.

"And I have to thank Brother Wakaki for introducing Miss Yoko's case last time. Dad also wants to find a chance to thank you. After visiting the art museum, let's have dinner together tonight."

The unlucky owner of the art museum, Manaka, seems to be on the list sent by Gin.


"Okay, then thank Xiaolan."

Conan stared at Ryo Wakaki with a vigilant look. As a neighbor, he knew how much of a homebody the other party was. Feeding stray cats and dogs in the yard every day was considered going out. In the past, he would occasionally go out to buy some daily necessities, but since hiring the housekeeper Midorikawa (Morofushikura), even going out to buy was cancelled by Ryo Wakaki.

As a result, Xiaolan agreed to it as soon as she asked. Brother Wakaki, could it be that he has taken a fancy to his Xiaolan!

"Meow? Meow!"

When the jealous king was thinking about all sorts of things, a familiar tabby cat came up to his legs and sniffed.

It meowed in confusion at first, then seemed to confirm something and showed its claws angrily.

Yes, this was the tabby whose tail was stepped on by Kudo.

Cats hold grudges, especially cats that have been stray cats. After that, the tabby cat would pant fiercely and show its claws for a long time when it saw Kudo Shinichi.

But Kudo Shinichi had a bit of suicidal spirit in his bones. Whenever he saw the angry tabby, he would deliberately go up and tease it. He probably liked to see the cat dislike him but couldn't scratch him to death.

So this grudge lasted for more than two years.

Conan: Pupil Earthquake.JPG

The tabby cat showed its claws and jumped up to hang on Conan's suit shorts, making a cute and fierce roar.

Ruo Mu Liang held back his laughter and took the tabby cat into his arms. He touched the tabby cat's forehead and comforted it: "Be good, don't always care about children who haven't grown up."

Conan: ! !

What does the word "always" mean?

Conan raised his head and met Ruo Mu Liang's half-smiled expression. He contributed 1 skill point with a guilty conscience.

Brother Ruo Mu didn't really know something.

Xiaolan: "Hey, what's wrong with Xiao Mi? Isn't it always in a good temper?"

Ruo Mu Liang smiled and said: "Maybe Conan didn't pay attention and stepped on its tail."

Xiaolan sighed, squatted down to help Conan tidy up the messy clothes scratched by the cat, and complained unconsciously.

"Why are you as irritable as Shinichi."

Conan: ! ! !

No, I can't stay here for even a minute!

The vest is about to break, help!

"Well, that, Xiaolan, I want to go to the doctor's house to play~"

Conan was forced to speak in a baby voice, and pulled Xiaolan's hand to act like a spoiled child.

Wakagi Ryo lowered his head to hold back his laughter, and was choked by the flying hair of the tiger stripes.

"Go, come back early for dinner in the evening."

Xiaolan touched Conan's head, turned to Wakagi Ryo and said, "Wakagi brother, see you outside the Beihua Art Museum on the weekend."

The next day.

Yes, that's right, although yesterday was Monday, today is the weekend.

Wakagi Ryo waited for the enthusiastic Xiaolan and the reluctant father-in-law and son-in-law at the entrance of the art museum.

"Uncle Maori, Xiaolan, Conan, good morning."

Wakagi Ryo greeted the Maori family with a smile.

Maori Kogoro felt that he should maintain the demeanor of an adult in front of a junior he was not familiar with, so he coughed to clear his throat and took out a business card from the pocket of his suit jacket.

"Thank you for recommending Miss Yoko. Ahem, if you need any help in the future, I, Maori Kogoro, will never refuse."

Wakagi Ryo took the business card with both hands, nodded and said, "Thank you, Uncle Maori."

Maori Kogoro nodded with satisfaction. You see, such a young man is so polite, unlike the stinky brat of the Kudo family, who only thinks about how to kidnap his precious daughter all day long.

The next trip was a torture for the three men who were traveling with him, including Wakagi Ryo, who was half an art student.

However, compared with the father-in-law and son-in-law who had unwilling expressions on their faces, Wakagi Ryo performed much better.

He just secretly connected his magic mark and opened Gin's personal live broadcast room (not).

Hey, Gin-chan was not on the way to the mission today, but was still in the safe house yesterday... reading comics?

After taking a look at the familiar painting style and storyboard, Ruo Mu Liang silently closed the live broadcast room here.

Although he should be flattered to find a real big boss among his fans, if I remember correctly, the painting that Gin was looking at was all knives!

All! Yes! Knives!

Ruo Mu Liang touched his neck, which suddenly felt cold, and tightened his coat.

That's right, with more and more skill points, Ruo Mu Liang, whose survivability is directly maxed out, has long been a human being when updating. He hides knives in all kinds of sweet things, tricking waves of readers in to kill... um, no, he tricked them in to harvest emotional values.

How sweet the smile is in the front, how miserable the cry is in the back.

[Double training this month - GIN]

Ruo Mu Liang: ...

Senior, you are taking revenge for personal gain!

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