The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.

Kuroba Kaito absentmindedly flipped through the textbook in his hand, still recalling everything that happened last night.

He was sure that the mysterious man who claimed to be a professor was called "Kaito" instead of "Phantom Thief" in the end.

Just as Kuroba Kaito was still thinking about when he fell, the desk in front of him was suddenly slapped innocently.

Desk HP-10.


Kuroba Kaito raised his head and saw Koizumi Hongzi with heavy dark circles under her eyes, looking at him solemnly.

"Hongzi, what's wrong with you?"

Before Kaito could finish his words, Koizumi Hongzi grabbed his arm and dragged him to the empty rooftop.

"When did you meet that magician?"

"Ha, what are you talking about, Hongzi?"

Koizumi Hongzi slapped the wall and gave Kuroba Kaito a standard wall-dong.

"Hurry up and contact that bastard, or I'll beat your figurine again!"

Kuroba Kaito looked at the nail and Kid figurine that Koizumi Hongzi took out from her arms with a twitch in the corner of his mouth. You bring this kind of thing to school? Not really, really not.

"Including last night, I only saw him twice, and both times he flew away directly after talking. How can I get the contact information?"

Although he said last night that he would never expose his vest easily, sometimes it's not a bad thing to be flexible.

From the heart.JPG

"Damn long-haired man!"

Koizumi Hongzi also knew that Kuroba Kaito was mostly telling the truth, so she could only take back the nail and cursed indignantly.

"So, what happened?"

In my impression, Koizumi Akiko is a person who pays great attention to her image. She would never come to school with huge dark circles under her eyes like today. Although these two dark circles do not affect her beauty.

"I had a nightmare all night last night. After being awakened, I continued to sleep and the nightmare continued until the alarm rang in the morning."


Kuroba Kaito couldn't help laughing.

Although the professor looked like a villain, his counterattack was quite mild compared to Koizumi Akiko's direct attack without saying a word and shouting that she wanted to kill the opponent.

Sure enough, the end magician who brought bad luck was not accurate at all.

Obviously, he was a pretty good person.


Ryo Wakaki, who had no nightmares at all and slept soundly until dawn, received a call from the Metropolitan Police Department.

As expected, President Ogi, who received two death cards last night, is dead. As Kogoro Mori and his group, who had contact with him before his death, all received inquiries from the Metropolitan Police Department.

If I remember correctly, the murderer should be that handsome guy, Tokito Komei.

Ryo Wakagi turned on the computer, asked "Molan" to search for specific information, and called Gin with his chin rubbed.

"That's what happened. I remember that the organization seemed to be looking for talents in computers. Do you want this person? If you do, I will keep him. If not, I will treat him as a spare disposable consumable."

Gin held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the information sent by Ryo Wakagi.

Tokito Komei's ability as a programmer is qualified, and he is also a rare species with hair (not)

Gin can also understand the disposable consumable in the other party's mouth, although according to the news sent back by the insider of the Metropolitan Police Department, the cause of death of President Ogi was sudden death caused by heart disease.

However, there is no guarantee that someone will find out something. Once the death of President Ogi is classified as murder by accident, the little devil Sangria will throw out the person who was prepared in advance as the murderer.

Gin admires this cautious professionalism of being prepared for everything. If his subordinates are all members of Sangria's level, he doesn't need to be responsible for the aftermath of other people in the organization who are clumsy in the intervals between various tasks every day.

"Rum is mainly responsible for this matter. I will talk to him, but you can save the person first."

After getting Gin's affirmative reply, Wakaki Ryo got on the car of Maori Kogoro who came to pick him up, and rushed to the home of the deceased President Ogi together.

Here is already the prototype of the future smart home.

Door locks, air conditioners, refrigerators, showers and other equipment are all managed by the central computer, and its core program is the one that was created a year ago.

It was jointly written by Ren Gongming and his friend.

However, when his friend was forced to commit suicide by President Jumu, Ren Gongming returned to Jumu Company for revenge, and the program naturally fell into the hands of President Jumu, who used it to transform his own house.

After entering Jumu's house, Wakamura Ryo used the toilet escape method that has been tried and tested in the world of science, and used "decomposition" to destroy all the evidence provided by Conan, such as the withered flowers in the living room, the chocolate that melted and solidified again in the plate, and the receipts in the trash can.

Then he washed his hands and returned to the group.

There is no need to worry about meeting the forensic personnel who are wandering around GAI on the way, because the case was initially characterized as an accident, and the police only conducted a routine investigation because the deceased had a certain social status and economic influence.

So the only policeman on the scene was the perennial hardworking Inspector Megure.


A long-haired Persian cat with bright fur and well-cared for came over and rubbed against Shi Ren Gongming affectionately.

Xiaolan, who always liked fluffy animals, was instantly attracted by this cat named "Aslan" and held the cat to chat with Shi Ren Gongming privately.

Although if you listen carefully, you can tell that the two people didn't talk about anything other than small animals.

But, Conan, wake up! Shi Ren Gongming is a handsome guy!

Look, you almost got jealous when I bought a drink for Xiaolan. A man and a woman are in the same room with a cat, a cute little thing that can enhance their relationship. Why don't you take a second look?

Are you the limited edition of the jealous king who only attacks acquaintances?

Under the influence of the halo of the god of death, Shi Ren Gongming suddenly said: "Long-haired cats like Aslan are most afraid of heat. If you want to keep one, you must provide an air-conditioned environment."

Oh my god, it's confirmed.

In addition to reducing the intelligence of the criminals, the Death Halo also has a passive function that turns the criminals into self-destruct trucks.

The Son of the World is so terrifying.

On the other hand, Conan probably felt the call of the detective soul in the dark, and determined that there must be something fishy about this case, and was still wandering around the house looking for clues.

However, the evidence that can prove that the temperature of this room has soared has been cleared up in advance by Wakagi Ryo, and in addition, for the sake of safety, before coming here, "Molan" was also asked to hack into the main control system here and change the temperature control record last night.

Even if Dr. Agasa has developed some black technology and can retrieve the data of the central control main computer, he will only see the tampered records.

Wakagi Ryo can't guarantee other aspects, but in the field of network information technology, except for the Noah's Ark BUG itself, "Molan" is invincible.

[Please protect the person first, and someone will be sent to contact later-Curacao]

Oh, it's Miss Curacao with silver hair and heterochromatic eyes.


Conan returned empty-handed. He did not get any useful clues after a whole investigation. The body was not autopsied, but the doctor, based on his years of experience, also gave the inference that it was a sudden death caused by a heart attack.

For such accidental deaths, the police only conducted routine investigations. If the family members disagreed, they could not be autopsied at will, so it was impossible to find more clues from the body.

After spending a morning at President Oki's house, Inspector Megure finally closed the case as an accident.

Conan: Damn, I always feel that something is wrong, but what is it?

"Hey, Xiaolan seems to be chatting happily with Mr. Tokito."

Conan looked up when he heard this. In the glass greenhouse, two people were squatting to feed Aslan. From Conan's current height, they were almost touching each other.

Conan: !!!

I said something was wrong, but it turned out that the house was about to be robbed?

The Jealous King rushed over with his short legs without saying a word. After getting rid of the misleading perspective, he found that the actual distance between the two people was enough to insert at least two and a half of his own body. Then he silently retracted the forty-meter long sword.

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