The bomb exploded in five minutes, and the explosion was in progress.

"Matsuda, the bomb will explode in five minutes!"

"Don't worry, this kind of bomb can be dealt with in three minutes."

"Hmm? This police officer is really brave, I really have to praise your courage."

"Matsuda, what are you talking about?" Sato Miwako held her mobile phone and looked at the sky anxiously.

"It looks like a message left by the bomber for the police."

"I will hint you where another bigger firework is. Three seconds before the explosion, you will see my hint. I wish you success in advance."

Tsk, just like to play this kind of trick.

Matsuda curled his lips and adjusted his sitting position with a cigarette in his mouth. The small space of the Ferris wheel cabin is really a bit cramped for a man of his height.

"These are the words the criminal left on the LCD screen. If I dismantle this bomb and unplug the screen power, I'm afraid I won't be able to see his next prompt. No wonder he planned to trap the police in this high-altitude Ferris wheel from the beginning, just to let the police see his words."

"So, the message just now was sent to you by the criminal after he saw you on the Ferris wheel. In other words, the criminal must be nearby now! I'll go find him!"

The microphone came with the hurried footsteps and panting of Miwako, and it can be heard that she is running as hard as she can.

"Do you remember the content of the fax?"


We are a group of Knights of the Round Table. All stupid and cunning policemen, please pay attention. We will use the heads of our comrades as the spark to ignite the celebration. If you have the ability, come and stop us. We will leave seat No. 72 vacant and wait for your arrival.

Matsuda closed his eyes and recalled the content of the fax.

"Most medieval Knights of the Round Table would wear helmets with a cross pattern."

"Cross pattern? Hospital? His next target is a hospital?"

"Well, I'll let you know after I see the message. That's it. My phone is running out of battery."

"You only have three seconds. What are you going to do, Matsuda! Matsuda!"

Matsuda sat on the floor against the seat inside the Ferris wheel and hung up the phone. Miwako's anxious voice on the phone was a little distorted in the radio transmission. It can be heard that Miwako is really angry.

If she was in front of him now, she might have punched him with her fist.

Jinpei Matsuda lit the cigarette he had been holding in his mouth, took a deep breath, and the smoke he exhaled gradually filled the small space.

Suddenly, Matsuda seemed to see a familiar face in the smoke.

"I'm sorry, Hagiwara, I couldn't do what I promised you."

The next location is Beika Central Hospital. PS: I still like you.


Wakagi Ryo hid in the grove near the Ferris wheel, watching the Ferris wheel cabin explode at the highest altitude, and sighed silently.

Matsuda is really hard to save.

The Ferris wheel cabin suspended in the air is a completely enclosed air chamber, surrounded by police. A little further away, there are densely packed tourists watching the situation - it seems that no matter which country or world, people's nature of joining in the fun is similar.

Wakagi Ryo picked the blind spot of the surveillance all the way to the grove, looking up at the sky.

In this situation, in the public eye, to rescue Matsuda Jinpei without being discovered, after thinking about it, only the high-end skill of "time stop" can do it. And it must be precisely stuck in the zero tenths of a second before Matsuda sends the email and the bomb explodes.

Regardless of the difficulty, he couldn't afford a high-end skill like time stop.

LV1 requires 100 skill points, and can only pause for 1 second. This extremely low cost-effective skill is definitely not within his current consumption range.

The police on the ground should have received the message sent by Matsuda before his death. The large force hurriedly left under the leadership of Inspector Megure and Sato Miwako, leaving only a small team to deal with the aftermath and check whether there are any residual explosives nearby.

Wakagi Ryo exhaled helplessly. He still likes the character of Matsuda Jinpei, but...

Bang! Zila!

The sudden sound was extremely harsh, as if someone was holding a loudspeaker against your eardrum and scraping it back and forth with a steel knife. This sound was exciting.

Ruo Mu Liang felt physical discomfort in his bones, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

He looked up and saw that after the Ferris wheel cabin exploded, a large crack appeared on the support frame of the entire Ferris wheel, and it was expanding with a piercing sound.

Most of the Ferris wheel disk was separated from the main frame, hanging precariously in the air, and it was still falling under the gravity.

Beep beep beep beep!!!

The danger perception skill was triggered without warning, and it was madly sending out piercing alarms in Ruo Mu Liang's brain.

It was dark...

Ruo Mu Liang watched the Ferris wheel with a diameter of nearly 200 meters fall towards the direction of the grove with the sound of the steel cable breaking. The originally excellent observation position instantly became a high-risk area.

Pupil earthquake.JPG

Damn, don't come over here!!!

Without saying a word, Wakagi Ryo instantly added "light body" and "speed" buffs to himself, bursting out at full speed, and ran away.

In the original work, only two carriages were blown up!

Are you going to destroy the entire Ferris wheel just to chase me? ! Consider the financial level of the entire Tokyo, who will pay for the reconstruction of this thing? !

Wakagi Ryo tried his best, even using the life-saving trump card "teleportation" that can only be used once a day, and barely escaped the fate of being crushed into a pancake by the collapsed Ferris wheel.

The heavy body of the Ferris wheel fell on the ground, and Wakagi Ryo, who had applied the light body technique, was shaken and took off for a short section on the spot.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a steel plate - probably a part of the Ferris wheel whistled towards Wakagi Ryo. Wakagi Ryo, who was in mid-air, could not step on his right foot and jump in mid-air, even if he reacted quickly, contrary to common sense of physics.

He could only dodge as much as possible and protect his head, face and other vital parts.

The steel plate hit Ruomu Liang's back squarely. Ruomu Liang, who was hit, flew out like a bullet and directly broke the only two trees left in the grove. Then he fell to the ground and rolled five and a half times, spewing out a mixture of blood and dust.

First, it must be because the bad luck aura today was strengthened by the god of death. Except for the three, four, five or six car accidents, murders, and armed robberies that he encountered occasionally, he was obviously safe.

The physical enhancement was right. If it weren't for the fact that his physical fitness was far beyond the level of normal people after the enhancement, Ruomu Liang would definitely have turned from a person into a pile of people.

He touched his body with all his strength.

Three or four ribs were broken, and breathing was accompanied by obvious tingling. The spine was dislocated to a certain extent, and the internal organs were all damaged to a certain extent. There were at least dozens of bruises and contusions on other parts of the body, large and small. In the true sense, there was no good skin on the whole body.

Primary self-healing was slowly taking effect. Ruo Muliang lay flat on the ground for a while, finally getting rid of the feeling of dying at any time.

His hands and feet could barely move. He supported the ground with his elbows, slowly moved his body, adjusted the position of the force, and slowly pushed away the giant steel plate that pressed half of his body.


The skill that had been beeping hard since the Ferris wheel broke finally stopped for a while, and with Ruo Muliang's movements, it beeped twice again.

Danger perception: I'm tired, I can't beep anymore╭(╯^╰)╮

The steel plate fell to the ground with a clang, and a black mass rolled along the steel plate to Ruo Muliang's leg - it happened to be the broken leg, and Ruo Muliang gasped in pain.

Because of the rapid breathing, the wound on his chest was affected. The double pain soaked all his clothes with cold sweat. Ruo Muliang's eyes went dark. Before he fainted, he forced himself to take a look at the black culprit on his leg.

A black German Shepherd puppy?

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