The bank robbery was going smoothly, but Akemi Miyano ignored the greed of human nature. The temporary partner Kenzo Hirota suddenly changed his mind and wanted to take the 1 billion yen alone, forcing Akemi Miyano and another accomplice to find a detective to track down Kenzo Hirota's whereabouts. Of course, it may also be because of the will of the big world, requiring her to send the main line information to Conan at the right time. According to the original plot, accomplice No. 2 would ask for the whereabouts of Kenzo Hirota after finding him, and then strangle him to death. Akemi Miyano used sleeping pills (which were replaced by poison by Gin) to subdue accomplice No. 2 Hirota Akira, hid the money at the hotel counter, and ran to negotiate with Gin alone. Finally, he was shot by Gin and killed.

As mentioned before, since Rye defected, the Miyano sisters were closely monitored by the organization, until Shirley made a breakthrough in the research of drug A some time ago, and then they relaxed a little.

Therefore, the entire 1 billion yen robbery actually happened under the eyes of the organization. Gin knew exactly where the money was and where the other two accomplices were.

He drove the car to the back door of the Pachinko store where the second accomplice Hirota Akira was stationed all year round, called, and used a laptop to play the synthesized voice of Miyano Akira to trick people into the back door.

Then he installed a silencer on the pistol, lowered the car window, and shot him in the head.

He closed the car window, disposed of the disposable phone card, and then stepped on the accelerator to leave the crime scene.

The whole process was neat and tidy, without a single unnecessary nonsense, and it took no more than three minutes.

Perhaps this is the correct way to solve a murder case in the world of science. Gin has never been caught by Conan, obviously because the wise hard-working man never stays at the scene to wait for people to choose one of the three.

The next one, Kenzo Hirota, was handled in the same way.

After cleaning up the two smart people who wanted to swallow the organization's funds, Gin sent an email to Akemi Miyano's mailbox and agreed on the time and place to meet.


"Gin, I'm here."

"Good evening, Akemi-san."

A slightly familiar voice came from above her head. Akemi Miyano looked up and saw the top of the dark blue container. The baby-faced man who had met him once was smiling and greeting him.

"Kurosawa Ryo, why is it you? Where's Gin?"

Kim Chang-jik appeared behind Akemi Miyano wearing his unchanging top hat and black long windbreaker. Before coming out, he deliberately circled around twice nearby and did not find the little tail following Akemi Miyano, so he was quite satisfied.

At least it is a little more useful than those parameciums on the periphery.

"You didn't bring any money."

When Miyano Akemi saw Gin, she instinctively shrank, then thought of her sister, and immediately raised her head and looked straight into those cold eyes.

"Where is my sister? 1 billion yen has been obtained. According to the agreement, you have to let me and my sister leave."

Gin sneered and looked down at the woman in front of him coldly.

"Shirley is different from you. She is a very important person to the organization. It is impossible for her to leave the organization anyway."

Miyano Akemi gritted her teeth and subconsciously touched the pocket of her coat with her right hand, where a pistol was hidden.

"Then don't even think about getting the money!"

Wakamu Ryo sat on the top of the container and glanced at the skill panel that suddenly began to glow.

The passive skill at the bottom of the skill tree, which had not changed for thousands of years, quietly changed the moment Miyano Akemi appeared.

Fantastic Beasts Are Here: When a specific plot character dies, you will find a cute little animal nearby.

It was still a meaningless explanation, but at least it gave Ryo Wakagi some reassurance.

Since the skill description is "after death", then... let's go wild?

Below, Gin probably used up his remaining patience and interrupted Akemi Miyano with a cold snort.

"Do you think the organization will take a mere 1 billion yen seriously? Moreover, don't think you are so covert. From the moment you entered the bank, your every move has been watched.

It is indeed a smart idea to hide the money at the counter of the hotel where you are staying temporarily, but unfortunately, when you left the hotel, the three boxes stored at the counter were taken away by our people."

Akemi Miyano's heart sank, realizing that she no longer had any money in her hands.


She gritted her teeth, took out her pistol at a very fast speed and shot in the direction of Gin - probably out of kindness in her heart, she aimed at the shoulder rather than the vitals.

However, in terms of shooting, Miyano Akemi is definitely not as good as Gin.

Two gunshots rang out one after another, and Miyano Akemi's hand sparked, and the pistol was shot out by Gin's bullet, losing her only weapon.

The other shot was fired by Wakamura Ryo on the top of the container. The bullet penetrated Miyano Akemi's calf, causing her to fall to the ground and temporarily lose her ability to move.

"Gin, wait a minute."

Gin pointed a gun at Miyano Akemi, and looked up at Wakamura Ryo impatiently, and found that the latter took out a small handheld DV from somewhere and pointed it at Miyano Akemi who fell to the ground.

"What do you want to do again?"

Wakamura Ryo widened his eyes, and then looked at Gin with a face full of resentment.

"Senior, have you forgotten? Didn't you promise me to make a souvenir and send it to Shuichi Akai?"

Ryo Wakagi jumped down from the top of the container neatly, and the DV was aimed at Miyano Akemi's face for a close-up. On the one hand, it was because of blood loss, and on the other hand, it was because of fear. Her face was pale.

What does it mean to make a souvenir?

"Mingmei-san probably doesn't know my identity very well. Let me introduce myself. My code name is Sangria. When your boyfriend left two years ago, he gave me a parting gift, and he almost shot through here."

Ryo Wakagi stretched out his hand to the position of the center of his eyebrows, and smiled with curved eyebrows.

"So in return, I have always wanted to give him a gift in return."

Miyano Akemi was obviously frightened and subconsciously moved back a few centimeters.

"What do you want to do?"

"For a sniper, how about giving a pair of high-precision binoculars, Senior Gin?" Ryo Wakagi looked back at Gin, and got a look of disdain from the latter.

"Of course, I will embed your eyes in the position of the convex eyepiece, so that every time Senior Moroboshi uses it, he can see his lover at first sight.

Then make your hand into a telescope bracket, isn't this idea perfect?"

Gin frowned, as if he wanted to say something. At this moment, the peripheral members who were keeping watch in the distance called and said that a large number of police cars were coming in this direction, and it was estimated that they would surround their location within ten minutes.

Gin: "Okay, the police are coming soon, and there is no time for you to play."

"Okay, the video is barely okay, and I will send it to Ms. Vermouth later, and let her find a way to send it to Shuichi Akai. Thank me, I let you see each other for the last time, although it was one-sided."

The doll face that Wakagi Ryo had disguised showed a look of regret visible to the naked eye, raised his hand and fired two shots, one shot hitting the center of the eyebrows and the other shot hitting the heart.

At such a close distance, it is impossible to fake it, and it is impossible to miss.

The description "Fantastic Beasts Are Here" on the panel flashed for a moment, and Wakamura Ryo opened the small map and found the name of Miyano Akemi flickering slightly at the bottom of the container where he had just been.

Gin turned around and dragged out a box from the shadow of the container, which contained several remote-controlled explosives.

He skillfully installed explosives at several points near the body, and Wakamura Ryo took this opportunity to temporarily confuse Gin's sight with illusions, and came to the location marked with Miyano Akemi on the small map, and found a sleeping... lop-eared rabbit.

It turns out that there are small animals other than cats and dogs.

But now is obviously not a good opportunity for research, he grabbed Akemi's rabbit and stuffed it into his coat pocket, and then quickly returned to his original position to prevent Gin from finding anything wrong.

Gin also installed the explosives at this moment, called Wakamura Ryo, and the two hurriedly left the crime scene under the cover of night.

After walking far enough away, Gin pressed the remote control in his hand, and blew up Miyano Akemi's body and several containers around it.

Ryo Wakagi looked at the large amount of emotional value recorded on the panel, very good, although I feel very sorry for Miss Akemi. But even Gin, a cold-blooded killer, thinks I am perverted. It seems that today's character setting is still very successful.

PS: Miyano Akemi will have very few scenes in the future. She will not stay in the male protagonist's house like Jingguang Matsuda. The main purpose of saving her is to pit the billion hands of emotional value when Akai Shuichi comes back later (crying)

It's probably the male protagonist (green tea.JPG) to Akai Shuichi: "Look, Rye Senior, I have a Miyano Akemi here."

Akai Shuichi:? ? ! !

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