After all, the two sides have been busy.

Conan took a while to calm himself down.

A few days ago, when he went out with Yusaku Yukiko to solve the Beidouxing incident, Kudo Yusaku took the time to help Conan analyze the current situation, so after digesting so much information, he can still keep a rational mind.

"Professor Hirota is indeed urgent, but on the way, please tell me as much information as possible about the organization."

Ai Huihara nodded and said, "How much do you know about the organization now?"

= =

Conan exhaled: "Except that it is a large illegal organization and the members use the names of alcohol as code names, I know nothing.

It should be Gin and Vodka who gave me the poison. In addition, when I was on the Shinkansen, I heard another code name from Vodka, Sangria."

Ai Huihara's body shook involuntarily.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Listen!" Ai Huihara's expression suddenly became serious, "Although Gin and Vodka usually act in pairs, if one day you see a curly-haired baby-faced boy next to them, immediately, immediately, run as far as you can!"

Conan was stunned for a moment, and involuntarily began to recall Gin's murderous cold eyes.

From what she meant, is that baby-faced boy more dangerous than Gin?

"If you fall into the hands of Gin and Vodka, they can only kill you at most."

Hey, what do you mean they can only kill me at most?

"But if Sangria catches you..."

Habara Ai hugged the lop-eared rabbit in her arms tightly, trembling with fear.

"You will definitely regret coming to this world."

Wakaki Ryo who was peeping:?

I don't seem to have done anything strange to Shirley under the name of the winery, why did she have this expression when she mentioned me?

"The baby-faced girl you mentioned is Sangria?"


Habara Ai kept stroking the soft fur of Akemi Rabbit, and slowly calmed down her panic.

"He is a dead pervert!"

Conan: ...

Conan's expression became a little strange. What kind of dead pervert do you mean?

"He likes to collect parts from the target's body to make collections, and his style of doing things is unscrupulous. You don't want to receive small parts from familiar people one day, or become a specimen and appear at the bedside of your childhood sweetheart."

Conan: ! ! !

Huihara Ai seemed to have thought of something, and trembled a little more violently.

"When I was locked up in the gas chamber, I also heard that Sangria seemed to want to apply to the higher-ups for my right to deal with me. Rather than being made into a living specimen, I would rather eat the poison I made myself."

Wakagi Ryo:?

Who, who is spreading rumors about me?

These days are like spring and summer. I was playing with Kudo's son with him a few days ago, and yesterday I heard that Shirley defected, and then I picked up a wet Ai-chan in the suburbs.

I don't even know when she was locked up.

Don't let me find out who is secretly spreading rumors behind my back, or I'll let Miss Kayako dance with you cheek to cheek.

On the other side of the screen, the doctor's Beetle has already driven to the doorstep of Professor Hirota's house, and successfully found Professor Hirota's body, which had been cold for at least an hour.

Huihara Ai was startled. Unlike the famous detective who forgets everything when seeing a corpse, she realized something at the first time and rushed to the computer to investigate.

Unfortunately, all the data on the disk and computer have disappeared.

Huihara bit her lip. If the organization finds that the time when the data disappeared coincides with the time when she sent the letter to her sister, it will not be difficult to find Professor Hirota by following the clues.

A step too late?

On the other hand, Conan has deduced that this is not a simple accident, but a murder disguised as an accident, and found an interesting easter egg in the answering machine.

Insurance salesman Vodka.

Wakagi Ryo laughed and fell on the sofa, recalling that Vodka said in a serious tone in the recording that our company has launched a new insurance policy. Is it a funeral-related insurance business?

However, in order for the subsequent plot to be filmed smoothly for more than a thousand episodes, the will of the big world will not so easily send the main clues to Conan. Professor Hirota's incident this time is still just an ordinary daily homicide.

Fortunately, the disk was not taken away by the organization's people first, but was hidden in the car by the murderer Shirakura Yang, and the mixed

Mixed in a pile of disks.

Unfortunately, because the disks were evidence related to the case, they needed to be taken back to the police station for filing and could not be handed over to Conan and his team.

Conan realized that the organizers might be nearby, and his sense of crisis immediately came online.

While the surrounding police officers were busy cleaning up the scene, he secretly pulled Yokomizo Sango's trouser legs.

That's right, the officer in charge of this case this time was the Coral Head Officer who met at the Tiankaichi Festival not long ago.

Officer Yokomizo was quite patient with children, so he squatted down and asked, "What's wrong, kid?"

Conan raised his head, trying to get away with it cutely.

"(✪ω✪) Policeman, can't you give us the disk directly? The disk contains our social research assignment, but the doctor accidentally sent it to Professor Hirota. If we don't take it back, we won't be able to hand in our assignment, and we will be scolded."

Yokogomizo Sango looked embarrassed and said, "Although this is the case, the rules are the rules."

"Then...then I will exchange it with you for Uncle Mori's signature, okay?"

Yokogomizo Sango: ...

Fuck, my heart is really moved.

After all, although this disk is evidence related to the case, but...but the only two disks related to Shirakura Yang are related to the motive of the case. The other photos and information stored by the professor himself will be returned to his family after a simple file.

It's just a matter of going through the procedures, and it's not impossible to do it.

The two thoughts of professional ethics and idol worship began to pull back and forth in Yokogomizo Sango's mind.

Seeing that there seemed to be a chance, Ai Huihara beside her also used her feminine talent and skills, revealing a crying expression, and looking at Yokogawa Sango with her big watery eyes.

The Coral Head Officer was immediately overwhelmed.

"But... this is not in accordance with the procedure, otherwise I will write a letter to your school to explain what happened this time..."

Professional ethics won over other distracting thoughts with difficulty and temporarily gained the upper hand.

Conan looked at the Coral Head Officer with a half-mooned look, and if that's the case, don't blame me for using a big move.

"Uncle police, do you remember the class reunion case that Uncle Maori solved during the last festival?"

"Ahaha, of course I remember it. Detective Maori is indeed a famous detective in Tokyo. Whether it's his reasoning ability or the last shoulder throw, he was so handsome. Unfortunately, there were too many unexpected situations that day, and I didn't have time to take a photo with Mr. Maori. Now I feel so regretful when I think about it."


Conan smiled wickedly, and his glasses reflected the light just right.

"Uncle police, do you still remember the pistol you forgot to take away, the one that accidentally went off in front of you."

Yokoguro Sango: ...

Yokoguro Sango suddenly stopped laughing.

As we all know, in the world of science, it is not illegal for the male protagonist to break the law.

So after threatening the on-duty police officer and successfully taking the disk he wanted from a pile of evidence, Conan raised his innocent smile and said thank you sweetly to Officer Yokomizo.

Yokomizo Sango held Conan's shoulder with a serious face and said, "So, does the autograph we agreed on before still count?"

"Of course, I'll send you the autographed photo of my uncle when I get back."

Yokomizo Sango turned around, rubbing his aching conscience, but couldn't suppress the arc of joy at the corner of his mouth that he was about to get his idol's autograph.

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