The two of them were in a mess, and the two were in a mess.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga angrily lifted Takasugi Toshihiko's collar and lifted his feet about 3cm off the ground.

"Sir!" Inspector Megure stepped forward and held down Matsumoto Kiyonaga's arm. He could understand the anger in his former boss's heart. If it were him, if someone dared to poison his family, he would also want to pinch the other person to death.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga suppressed his anger and put Takasugi Toshihiko back on the ground.

"Why poison? Because I want you to taste the pain of losing your loved ones!"

Takasugi Toshihiko suddenly slapped the round table in the VIP room, and the vase on the table instantly overturned. The clear water in the vase flowed on the red velvet tablecloth, and the tablecloth soaked by water stains turned dark red like dried blood.

"Twenty years ago..."

The groom's eyes were filled with hatred, and he told the old story.

"The real murderer who killed your mother was Hasegawa, and it was Matsumoto Shizheng who was negligent in not sending the injured to the hospital in time, but your target of revenge was Matsumoto Sayuri who had nothing to do with this matter.

Mr. Takasugi, do you really want to make your enemy feel the pain of losing their loved ones as you said, or are you simply bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?

You dare not face the brutal murderer directly, nor do you dare to offend Matsumoto Shizheng, so you can only pick a woman who loves you and has no ability to resist."

Takasugi Toshihiko roared at Wakaki Ryo: "What do you know! It's just a woman who came here because the Takasugi family is rich, I..."


A loud slap.

Takasugi Toshihiko's ex-girlfriend, Matsumoto Sayuri's best friend, slapped Takasugi Toshihiko in the face, causing Takasugi Toshihiko to tilt his whole body, and his lower abdomen hit the raised corner of the table, and his whole face began to twist in pain.

Miss, what a palm power!

"Sayuri knows everything! She knows your true identity and what happened 20 years ago. She has been worrying about how to resolve the hatred between you and her father."

"Brother Ruomu, could it be..."

"Yes, the bride deliberately drank the poisoned drink, probably with the intention of using her own death to resolve the hatred between her father and her lover.

After all, the poison in the drink is sodium hydroxide. Although lemon tea can cover up the bitter taste of sodium hydroxide solution, the burning feeling after entering the mouth cannot be covered up anyway. Under normal circumstances, if you drink a drink mixed with sodium hydroxide, the first reaction is definitely to spit it out."


Takasugi Toshihiko knelt on the ground with tears, his face showing an expression of pain and regret.

With the standard three consecutive actions of the groom, the anger on the faces of the people around him gradually faded, as if they had completed some process.

Ryomu Ryo raised his eyebrows. He had just asked Moran to retrieve Sayuri Matsumoto's medical records, and the situation on it was as he expected.

"Sonoko, you knew this Takasugi Toshihiko before, didn't you?"

Wakagi Ryo asked casually.

"Yes, I met him many times at banquets before, but because this person is indecisive, many people in the circle say that the Takasugi family will sooner or later be defeated by this adopted son."

"Indecisive? Not necessarily, I think he is quite vicious."

"He chose sodium hydroxide instead of cyanide when poisoning, didn't he?"

Conan and the other two were stunned for a moment, not understanding what Wakagi Ryo meant.

Cyanide is toxic enough to be fatal, why did he choose sodium hydroxide to be more vicious?

Wakagi Ryo: "Conan, what are the consequences of taking sodium hydroxide?"

Without waiting for Conan to answer, he continued to talk.

"Digestive tract burns, colic, mucosal erosion, vomiting of bloody gastric contents, bloody diarrhea, may cause hoarseness, dysphagia, digestive tract perforation, etc., and there may be gastrointestinal stenosis in the later stage.

I heard that the bride is a music teacher, and she will never be able to sing again. And if the symptoms of digestive tract burns are serious enough, she may not be able to eat normally in the future, and can only rely on liquid food or gastric tube to survive. In this case, do you still think that Takasugi Toshihiko is not cruel?"

While speaking, Wakagi Ryo activated his skills to provoke the emotions of everyone present.

He slowly and silently amplified the disgust and anger in the hearts of all the onlookers.

Malicious instigation.JPG

Of course, out of caution, he skipped Conan and Mao Lilan.

"With the power and financial resources of the Takasugi family, if you want to...

It is not difficult to make a poison that is deadly, but he chose sodium hydroxide, which is not easy to kill.

If it is really as he said, it is to avenge Matsumoto police officer Masaharu, then his plan is very successful. Because of him, his beloved daughter may lie in bed for the rest of her life and live a life worse than death. The pain in Matsumoto police officer Masaharu's heart can be imagined. "

Conan looked at Matsumoto Kiyonaga with a heavy face. Takasugi Toshihiko had been taken away by the police on the scene and did not hear Wakaki Ryo's analysis.

He was quite convinced by Wakaki Ryo's reasoning ability, and he knew that the other party was not bad at psychological analysis. What if Takasugi Toshihiko's pain and repentance were not true repentance, but just pretended?

Matsumoto Kiyonaga obviously thought of this, and even thought more.

Sayuri could find out Takasugi's identity and what happened 20 years ago, so how could the adopted son of the Takasugi Group know nothing about it? What if he knew it long ago and was sure that Sayuri would forgive him because of his first love?

The reason for choosing sodium hydroxide is not difficult to understand. The sentencing standards for death and non-death are different. In the case of non-lethal, if the victim is willing to give up the pursuit or issue a letter of understanding, even if Takasugi Toshihiko is sentenced, It is estimated that he will only stay in prison for one or two years. Even the Takayama family is rich and powerful, and it is not impossible to get him released early by smoothing the relationship.

It is true that he feels guilty about what happened 20 years ago. If Takasugi Toshihiko takes any revenge on him, he will accept it willingly.

After all, if you do something wrong, you must be punished.

But if his daughter really has to rely on liquid food to survive because of this man for the rest of her life, he will never let this man go.

Wakagi Ryo lowered his eyes. On the panel, Matsumoto Kiyonaga alone provided him with a lot of emotional value. Although it cannot be compared with the contribution of several skill points of the protagonist group, it is also quite considerable.

"Sonoko, let's go to the hospital to see the teacher. I'm very worried..."

Mao Lilan held Sonoko's hand. Sonoko nodded and took out her mobile phone to contact her driver to pick her up.

"Inspector! There is news from the hospital. Miss Matsumoto has been rescued and is no longer in danger of life!"

"Great! The teacher is fine! "

Ran Maoli and Sonoko hugged each other happily, and Conan was relieved. He still liked the music teacher who taught him in junior high school.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga was relieved. His straight back relaxed in an instant. He leaned against the wall of the VIP room and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"That... Commander Matsumoto."

The police officer who came to report the news suddenly called Matsumoto Kiyonaga hesitantly, and swallowed unconsciously in the latter's eyes.

"After Miss Matsumoto wakes up, I hope you can agree to her to issue a letter of apology and give up the responsibility of Takasugi Toshihiko."

The noise in the VIP room was paused instantly, and everyone silently cast their eyes on Matsumoto Kiyonaga, whose expression became gloomy again.

Sonko suddenly patted Xiaolan's shoulder and said, "Xiaolan, Conan, the car has arrived at the door. You go to the car and wait for me first. I want to say goodbye to the two elders of the Takasugi family. "

Ran and Conan had no doubts. After all, the Suzuki family and the Takasugi family had business dealings. Sonoko was leaving, and it was only right for her to say goodbye to her elders.

After watching the two people leave the VIP room, Sonoko suddenly turned her head and looked at Wakagi Ryo.

"Wakagi, your analysis just now..."

Wakagi Ryo shook his head, "It's just analysis. I don't have complete evidence. I just think that Takasugi Toshihiko and Matsumoto Sayuri have known each other for seven years. If a music teacher can find out, there is no reason for a chaebol son to know nothing about it."

Suzuki Sonoko wiped the tears from her face, and her expression revealed a little determination.

"I will ask my father to help me check it again. If... I will make Takasugi Toshihiko pay the price! "

Ruo Mu Liang looked at Sonoko's rising anger through his skills, and curled his lips imperceptibly. He was not surprised by Sonoko's performance at the moment, although the Suzuki family raised their two daughters very well, and they were not at all willful and capricious.

However, as the future heir of the Suzuki family, with a strong mother like Suzuki Tomoko, how could Suzuki Sonoko really be taught to be a naive person?

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