The two of them were in a mess.

Hattori Heiji wiped off the non-existent cold sweat, sighed and asked: "Ms. Oki, so who is the murderer you are talking about?"

"Oh, you mean that, it seems that I made a mistake, so sorry."

Oki Ayako exhaled a puff of smoke, smiled irresponsibly, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Ms. Oki, you should not have forgotten that the light in the garage is broken, and the only car parked has its fuel tank dug up, and gasoline is leaking all over the floor."

Hattori Heiji suddenly said to Oki Ayako's back.

Oki Ayako paused, and suddenly the cigarette in her hand creaked. As a loyal fan of Sherlock Holmes, her reasoning ability is actually quite good.

In the morning, she wanted to secretly check the answers to the 1,000 questions with her boyfriend, but she didn't find him in his room. She only saw a questionnaire with no changes.

Oki Ayako immediately felt something was wrong.

Except for the dark-skinned guy who didn't seem to be interested in Sherlock Holmes, why didn't everyone else answer any questions since they came for the first edition of "A Study in Scarlet"?

Even if they didn't know the questions, they could fill them in. What if they got them right by guessing?

However, after seeing the innkeeper's body in the early morning, Oki Ayako immediately reacted.

If no one came to check the questionnaire and there was no reasoning game, then there was really no need to answer the 1,000 questions.

She used the conversation in the office to get Kento Toba to spend time with her alone, and with the bargaining chip of "helping him keep a secret", she learned the whereabouts of the first edition from Kento Toba.

If you want to find an original book that is not conspicuous in the dim garage, you must need a light source, but the garage light is broken.

Kento Toba is her boyfriend, so he knows that she habitually uses a lighter as a light source. Normally, there is no problem, but if she lights the lighter in a confined space full of gasoline...

Ayako Oki turned her head and stared at Kento Toba with bloodshot eyes.

At this time, everyone also noticed that something was wrong and consciously stayed away from Kento Toba.

Kento Toba had already felt something was wrong when Hattori Heiji said that. He knew that his girlfriend was definitely not a fool.

But he had no way to escape now. Hattori Heiji and Wakaki Ryo were surrounding him one after another. If he wanted to run, he had to pass them and squeeze out of this narrow corridor.

And in the corner that he couldn't see, there was a Conan aiming at his neck with a tranquilizer gun.

At this moment, Hattori Heiji suddenly felt a whoosh in his ear, and something quickly jumped over.

The next second, Kento Toba screamed.

At some point, Oki Ayako had taken off her high heels and was hitting Kento Toba in the face.

"Fuck Kento Toba, I was trying to help you keep the matter secret, but you actually wanted to kill me?!

Fuck your out-of-print book! Go to hell with your out-of-print book, you bastard!"

The intellectual and beautiful young lady was so angry that she sweared like a colonel.

The crowd watching was silent, and for a moment no one thought of stepping forward to stop the prisoner from being beaten.

Hattori Heiji subconsciously glanced at Wakaki Ryo, who stared and shook his head, saying that he was just an innocent passerby and didn't want to go up and fight with the young lady holding a weapon.

As we all know, high heels are also a very brutal weapon.

Hattori Heiji: ...

Why does this adult look unreliable at all?

The dark-skinned high school detective approached Oki Ayako cautiously, and quickly and accurately snatched the high heels from the girl's hand.

Oki Ayako was stunned for a moment, but she still slapped Toba Kento out of inertia, and then silently covered her hand with red eyes.

Damn, the skin is so thick.

"Ahem, um, Miss Oki, do you want to take a break first."

Oki Ayako sniffed and climbed up from Toba Kento's body. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the other foot in high heels accidentally stepped on the position between Toba Kento's legs.


All the men present, including Conan, who was reduced in size, felt a sharp phantom pain.

Shimizu Nanako hesitated for a moment, stepped forward to support Oki Ayako who was still sobbing, and the other two men took the left and right

Kento Toba, who was lying on the ground like a shrimp, was lifted up.

Everyone returned to the hotel restaurant again.

Perhaps because they did not solve the case by traditional reasoning, the two detectives seemed a little depressed.

The hotel owner's assistant, Hitomi Iwai, ran to the utility room to find two ropes and asked a few male compatriots who had little presence to tie Kento Toba up.

"But I still don't understand. Wasn't the hotel owner in the restaurant with you when he died?"

The wealthy middle-aged woman held a cup of hot coffee and handed it to Ayako Oki, who whispered a thank you.

The two detectives who did not find a reasoning opportunity suddenly brightened their eyes.

I'm not sleepy anymore when you talk about this.

Hattori Heiji spoke first: "In fact, it was the use of rigor mortis. The innkeeper had died during the day. The murderer put the body in the driver's seat, fixed him with his feet on the steering wheel, and then turned on the engine.

At this time, because the body had already developed rigor mortis and the brakes were pressed, the car would not move even if the engine was running.

Then just open the garage before dinner, wait for the body to soften again, release the brakes, and the car will start."

"But I remember that it takes more than 40 hours for the body to soften again. It is impossible for 40 hours to have passed since the boss died."

The square-faced uncle tactfully acted as a supporting role. The world of science fiction is really well-intentioned to allow detectives to reason happily.

"It's the air conditioner."

Conan leaned on the back of the chair, his two short legs dangling in the air.

"If the temperature around the body reaches 35°, the stiffening and softening speeds will accelerate. In just 24-30 hours, the body will begin to soften...Ahahaha, these are what Brother Wakagi told me. Am I right, Brother Liang~"

Wakagi Liang covered his forehead and couldn't bear to look at Conan's starry eyes and baby voice.

I deliberately skipped the plot to prevent you from being exposed, but you insisted on showing off in front of your good friends.

At this time, Hattori Heiji's expression when looking at Conan had changed from suspicion to certainty.

Hattori: "That's right, because this method will definitely be exposed as long as the autopsy is performed, so the murderer deliberately let the body and the car fall off the cliff together."

Conan's sense of danger was barely online. After discovering that Hattori Heiji's eyes looking at him were getting more and more wrong, he silently closed his mouth and looked at Hattori Heiji with envy as he completed the next reasoning process alone.

Damn it, I also want to play a reasoning show.

Conan curled his lips, jumped off the seat, and prepared to go to the bathroom to calm down.

Hattori glanced at the unresponsive Wakaki Ryo, and followed Conan to the bathroom quietly.

Are you the Taixing Daishi?

"Hey, you are Kudo, right?"

Conan:? !

Hattori Heiji squatted down, took advantage of his height advantage and slapped Conan's forehead, then pinched the watch-shaped anesthesia gun on Conan's wrist and began to study it.

"Sure enough, I said there must be something wrong with this watch. You just kept aiming this thing at Toba Kento, eh? It seems to be an anesthesia gun."

Conan pressed Hattori's forehead hard and struggled desperately in his hand.

"Ahaha, what are you talking about, Hattori brother, this is just an ordinary toy watch~"

Seeing Conan's stubbornness, Hattori Heiji didn't say much, but just showed his eight big white teeth and smiled friendlyly.

The next second, he pulled out the watch-shaped tranquilizer gun and pointed it at Conan.

Conan: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"Wakagi-san... Hattori-san bullied me."

Conan spotted the figure at the end of the corridor and hurriedly asked for help.

Wakagi Ryo sneered, it's his turn!

He looked down at his watch and said to Hattori Heiji, "It will take about three hours for the police to arrive. Before that, you can chat privately. I'll pick him up when the time comes."

Conan: !!!

He extended his hand to Wakagi Ryo's departing figure.

Hattori glanced at Wakagi Ryo, then at the trumpet Kudo Shinichi in his hand, and laughed.

"Kudo, call Hattori-san again."

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