The bomb was found in the back of the head, and the bomb was removed safely.

Because the blueprints were found in advance from Teiji Moriya, the bombs on the Toudou Loop Line and the Beika Municipal Building were all safely removed with the efforts of the bomb disposal experts of the explosive ordnance disposal team.

Teiji Moriya committed suicide in prison because of excessive guilt.

Well, what a guilty suicide. It seems that the organization has a high status in the public security.

But even so, the identity of Bourbon's undercover was not discovered. It can only be said that the protagonist's halo is really awesome.

In addition, because the existence of Kagemitsu and Matsuda had to be erased in this case, and because Toru Amuro knew Conan's true identity, he also had to help Kudo Shinichi cover up in the organization, so the credit for solving the case this time fell on Maori Kogoro again.

Although he himself is not aware of it.

Look, what is the face of the card.

Not only did the elementary school students of the God of Death help him to improve his reputation, but even the public security and the organization indirectly helped him to improve his reputation.

The fake son of the world: Edogawa Conan

The real son of the world: Maori Kogoro

It is worth mentioning that in the date between Xiaolan and Shinichi, Conan finally managed to fool around temporarily with the help of Huibara and the doctor, using the light illusion and the bow voice changer.

He was not really blasted into slag by Qingmei's rising dragon punch.

Now Conan is in the doctor's house next door, wearing the birthday gift that Xiaolan gave to Kudo Shinichi, with Huibara Ai looking at him like a fool.

Even if it doesn't fit, he refuses to take it off.

From this point of view, the skyscraper plot point that was triggered seems to end with a happy ending.


Ryomu Ryo looked down at the yard with a headache. Because Jingguang Cat promised a big meal when he asked stray cats and dogs to help find the whereabouts of Moriya Teiji that day, various small animals suddenly ran to his yard for dinner in the early morning.

They brought their families with them.

Although there was no shortage of food for these furry creatures, all kinds of howling sounds could be heard in the yard in the early morning, which was a bit creepy.

"So, do you two have anything to say?"

Jingguang Cat and Matsuda Dog squatted on the floor with airplane ears. Compared with the sounds of eating and scolding outside the window, these two were very quiet.

"Stretch out your hands."

Matsuda changed from squatting to lying down, hiding his two front paws under his body, and did not dare to stretch them out.


Ryomu Ryo squatted down and stretched out his hand to Matsuda: "Shake hands."

Matsuda looked confused but reflexively stretched out a paw and handed it to Wakaki Ryo's palm.

I can only say that this is the advantage of German Shepherds with high obedience.

Jingguang: Haha

I usually don't laugh at such a serious moment unless I can't help it.

Wakaki Ryo pinched Matsuda's left front paw. There was a deep wound on it, but there was no blood on the wound. It's just that the whole paw looked a little translucent.

He pressed his hand on the wound on Matsuda's front paw. After a while, the wound on Matsuda's front paw disappeared, but the same wound appeared on Wakaki Ryo's left arm at the same position.

Although the wound quickly disappeared under the "healing" skill, it still shocked Jingguang the cat and Matsuda the dog.

"Okay, it's also my fault that I didn't tell you clearly at the beginning."

In fact, because the skill of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is too pitfall, the commentary is completely meaningless nonsense. If he hadn't sensed something at the scene of Miyano Akemi's death some time ago, and if Matsuda's injury today hadn't confirmed his guess, he would still be clueless.

"You should have felt that your current state is not a complete resurrection. It's more like your soul is stuffed into the body of this small animal created with magic power as the source. And because the body created by magic power has a certain limit, it can only maintain the human form for a maximum of six hours a day.

Your current body can be said to be completely made up of magic power, so the super-high concentration of anesthetics last time had no effect on you. But similarly, if anesthetics don't work, other medicines such as wound medicine will not work either.

If you were seriously injured when I wasn't around..."

He poked Matsuda Dog, who looked a little weak (weak), twice.

Jingguang Cat: ...

[So after you got involved with the organization, you have been opposing us to change your identity to help you, right? 】

"Yeah. In this case, it's important to be careful.

If it is injured or dead, it will completely disappear. "

Although it is possible to heal Matsuda's wound by casting a healing spell directly on it, there is no need to transfer the wound to oneself and then heal it.

However, the pain can earn a lot of emotional points, which is not a loss in any way.

Matsuda dog drooped his ears, and the whole person... the whole dog... in short, he looked very decadent and guilty.

[Sorry, I shouldn't have sparred with Zero on a whim.]

"Well, so, in order to facilitate healing, you should stay in the form of a small animal for the next few days."


[Wait, Jingguang also...]

Jingguang cat pressed a paw on Matsuda dog's forehead and meowed sinisterly.

[Dog food warning.]


"Sir, there is another new message on the backend of the website. "

Molan appeared on Wakagi Ryo's computer screen, and the Q version of Hiroki dragged a thick email out of the mailbox with some effort.

"The person who left the message is called Shadow Master, he looks familiar."

Of course, Moran had already found out his true identity, or rather, her true identity.

The Shadow Master, whose real name is Tanaka Kikue, is the granddaughter of the great magician Harui Fuden, who is famous for his escape show.

"Oh? You actually want to take revenge yourself? It's really interesting. "

Tanaka Kikue hopes that the rumored Dr. M can help her find out the true identities of the two people, so that she can kill the enemy with her own hands. In addition, if her revenge fails, she hopes that Dr. M can help her finish it.

At the same time, Moran has thoughtfully fixed the news that Harui Fukuro suddenly returned after retiring for many years, but unfortunately failed to perform a large-scale escape magic and died in the performance venue in the center of the screen.

"First check the identities and specific addresses of the two people, and then send them to Miss Tanaka Kikue."

At this time in Japan, the Internet was still a new thing, and there were only a handful of chat room users. If the other party is more cautious and does not reveal his real name on the Internet, it is still difficult to find this person in real life through a code name in a chat room.

"Escape King Nishiyama Mu and the disappeared Tiffany Hamano Toshiya, one is a otaku who stays at home all year round, and the other is a staff member of the Grand Theater. "

The murder case of a magic lover. To be honest, the method of committing the crime really amazed him.

In addition to Conan, there will be a Douzi disguised as a fat man participating in this case. How can we miss such a great opportunity when two such easy-to-pick people get together?

It's time for the professor to show his face on Conan's side.

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