"Sports car in front, stop now!"

"I now demand that you come back to the police station for investigation on the grounds of running a red light and speeding!"

"Stop the car!!!

Although she was afraid of the crazy driving of Sato Miwako, Miyamoto Yumi still took out the loud speaker and yelled at Xiaochen. It was not okay to directly say that she was trafficking children, which might make the other party alert.

Now they could only stop the car on the grounds of running a red light and speeding.

In this way, they could also check whether she was trafficking children while investigating.

If she was, they would catch her. If not, they would deduct points for running a red light and speeding.

Yes, a heavy deduction.

"Why is there a guy from the Metropolitan Police Department?……"

Looking at the little ghost getting closer and closer in the rearview mirror, Xiaochen could only speed up and drive towards his Chinese restaurant.

He was not afraid of the police investigation. When Xiaoai woke up and saw Miyano Akemi, she would call her sister and the problem would be solved.

"Wow! Miwako, there's something wrong with the car in front. We asked him to stop but he actually accelerated!"

Looking at Xiaochen running away, Miwako Sato looked extremely surprised, but Miwako Sato had a cold face. What she hated most was criminals, otherwise she wouldn't have become a police officer, and she hated criminals who kidnapped children even more.

"Want to run! No one can escape from me, Sato."

The police car of Sato Miwako changed lanes and drove directly in a direction different from Xiaochen's route.

Seeing this, Miyamoto Yumi hurriedly grabbed the chair and kept praying to Amitabha, God and Jesus in her heart.

She knew some things about Sato Miwako, such as that any price can be paid when chasing criminals.

Sato Miwako actually jumped directly from a ramp and flew in front of Xiaochen's sports car.

She wanted to use the police car to stop this annoying sports car.

But Xiaochen's driving skills are not to be underestimated. Sato Miwako Kazuko's car hadn't completely blocked the road.

Holding Xiaoai tightly in his arms, Xiaochen leaned towards the edge and turned the steering wheel sharply. The entire sports car tilted, with only two wheels on the ground instead of four.

Like a blade, it drove through the small gap left by Sato Miwako.

Then it went straight away.

Now, even Sato Miwako was confused. She thought her driving skills were very good, but she was not good enough to drive like this.

What principle allowed his car to drive sideways?

""Miwako, what should we do?"

Seeing that Sato Miwako's face had turned as black as coal, Miyamoto Yumi asked tremblingly.

Miwako now is so scary.……

"What to do? Of course, call your colleagues to check the surveillance to see where they went, and ask your traffic enforcement department to check where they are from!"

Sato Miwako kicked the police car unhappily. She thought that it must be the problem of the car that could not catch up with the criminals, and it was time to change to a better one.

Five minutes later...

Xiaochen returned to the Chinese restaurant with Xiaoai, whose face was red. This was certainly not a blushing shame.

It was just a pure fever.

"Mingmei, your sister Xiaoai has been found. She has a high fever now. Come and take care of her. I will go to prepare medicinal food!"

Xiaochen hurriedly carried Xiaoai to Miyano Akemi's room, called Miyano Akemi, and rushed into the kitchen.

Hearing her sister's words, Miyano Akemi immediately became excited. Did Shiho finally escape?

As for Xiaoai, it was probably the nickname Xiaochen gave to her sister so that others would not recognize her. Xiaolan

, who heard that Miyano Akemi's sister was here, was a little worried after learning that she had a high fever.

She wanted to go and see.

A head of short brown hair, a delicate face like a doll, and snow-white skin.

Xiaolan was very surprised.

It's just that this hair color is different from Miyano Akemi's.

"My sister, Xiaoai, was born to my parents later, and she has half foreign blood."

Seeing Xiaolan's confusion, Miyano Akemi hurriedly explained.

She could recognize that although her sister has become a little girl now, she still looks like she did when she was a child.

Exactly the same.

At this moment, Sato Miwako finally caught up with the Chinese restaurant, and after looking at the sports car parked directly in the rain, she pushed the door open without saying a word.

It has been investigated that the criminal seems to be the owner of this store, but unexpectedly, he is also a **.

Sato Miwako sneered, and she will teach him a lesson today.

At this time, Xiaochen prepared the medicinal food for the last time. It is not really a big deal, just some ordinary ingredients.

But under the influence of the system, the effect is magnified more than ten times, which is more effective than some special medicines.

Ginger sugar water egg custard with pumpkin rice wine porridge.

It can not only replenish the water lost due to sweating, but also reduce the two high fevers, and it can nourish the body and replenish the body's needs.

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